Get a Phone Number by State Machine Number

Everyone can face a situation when it is necessary to find out who owns a car only by its license plate number. For example, when the car owner blocked your access to the house or fled the scene of an accident.

Is it possible to break the owner of the car by number, in which cases you have every right to receive such information from the traffic police database, and is there also a chance to find out the car owner by the VIN code, you will learn from this article.

How to find out the name of the owner of the car by its state. number

The only official way to find the owner by car number is to check the traffic police database, however, traffic police have direct access to this database.

Get a Phone Number by State Machine Number

Since the traffic police do not have the right to disclose the name or other personal data of the car owner to third parties in accordance with Federal Law N 152-FZ “About personal data”, then the answer to the question is whether it is possible to find out the owner of the car by state. car number, depends on whether you have good reasons for this.

Operators and other persons who have gained access to personal data are required not to disclose to third parties and not to distribute personal data without the consent of the subject of personal data, unless otherwise provided by federal law.

Article 7, Federal Law N 152

By law, you have the right to access the personal information of the car owner if you both appear in an administrative case (for example, if an accident occurs). In the event that you appear in the case as the accused, you can familiarize yourself with all the materials of the case, including the personal information sought, according to part 1 of Art. 25.1 Administrative Code:

The person in respect of whom the administrative case is being conducted has the right to familiarize himself with all the materials of the case, give explanations, present evidence, file petitions and challenges, use the legal assistance of a defense lawyer, as well as other procedural rights in accordance with this Code.

Part 1, Art. 25.1 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation

The victim has the same rights under Part 1 of Art. 25.2 Administrative Code:

The victim has the right to familiarize himself with all the materials of the case on an administrative offense, give explanations, present evidence, submit petitions and challenges, use the legal assistance of a representative, appeal the decision in this case, use other procedural rights in accordance with this Code.

Part 1, Art. 25.2 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation

Thus, in order to find out personal information about the car owner by car number in case of an accident, you can contact the traffic police officer, referring to article 25.1 or 25.2 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

How to know the owner of a car via the car number via the Internet

As for how to find the owner of a car by state. car number on the Internet, you can’t get reliable and up-to-date information online. Official sites do not provide such services, as they contradict the aforementioned personal data law.

However, there are several unofficial ways on the network how to break a car number and find out the owner of a car:

Buy a disk with a database of traffic police;

One of the unofficial options for finding out the owner of a car by state number is to purchase a database of traffic police. This is one of the most unreliable methods, since the buyer has no guarantees that the database contains current data.

Use one of the sites that provide the service of searching for the owner by car number.

On the Internet, there are several unofficial sites that provide the opportunity to break through the owner of the car number. However, there are also no guarantees that you will find the necessary information and they will not simply throw you.

Find out the owner of the car by VIN number

There are no official ways to find out the owner of a car online by the VIN code of the car. Such a service is not available on state portals for the same reasons as searching for a car owner by state number.

You can check the car owner by VIN code using one of the unofficial resources. There are several sites on the Internet that provide such services for free or for money. However, as well as according to the license plate number, checking the car owner by VIN using unofficial sources does not guarantee that you will receive relevant and reliable information, or that you will receive it at all.

On government sites you have the opportunity to check the number of car owners by VIN. Such a service is provided, for example, by the official website of the STSI.

To use the online auto check by VIN code, on the main page of the State traffic inspectorate website select “Services” and go to subsection “Vehicle check”.

Enter the VIN code of the car and click on “request verification”.

After entering the code from the picture, you will see a window with basic information about the machine, and below. the history of all its owners with periods of registration of the vehicle:

When checking the number of vehicle registrations, the personal information of the owners is still closed to the public.

How to find a car owner for free on state car number

You can get personal information about the car owner by vehicle registration number from the traffic police, for good reason. For example, in cases when the driver disappeared from the scene of an accident, and you remember the number of his car. Unfortunately, other reliable options are how to find the owner of the car for free on state. car number, no.

Check for free car owner by VIN code of the car

Unfortunately, there is no answer to the question of how to find out the owner of a car for free using the VIN code. State portals do not provide such a service, instead, through VIN, you can punch a car at:

The number of owners (without personal data);

The presence of restrictions, etc.

Such a check can be performed free of charge on the official website of the traffic police, as well as on the state portal Autocode (to check the car for VIN on Autocode, you also need data from the STS).

Unofficial resources provide the service of checking cars by VIN code, and usually a certain amount must be paid to get complete information. You can’t find the owner of a car for free using the VIN code, but even for money there are no guarantees that you will receive reliable information about the person you are looking for.

Question answer

Traffic police make a request in their database and get the name of the current owner of the car. It will not be possible to obtain such information independently (privately).

According to Art. 25.1 and 25.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation this is possible only if both of you appear in the same case of an administrative offense (for example, an accident).