Xiaomi Redmi 5 Does Not See Computer

Xiaomi Redmi 5 Does Not See Computer

Xiaomi redmi note 5 does not see a computer, when connected by means USB. I don’t understand, it used to connect right away, now there’s no connection sound on the computer. Tell me what to do?

My Xiaomi Redmi notes 4 It only charges from a laptop, but does not show files on the device itself. I tried ten times, disconnect and attach the cord.

I install the driver on the computer, everything goes fine, but in the end there is an error with the code 10. Whatever it does, it does not connect to the Smartphone.

The PC recognizes Hiaomi Redmi notes 5 as an unknown device. The device manager started, and he sees it. Installed the driver, but the result is zero. Who faced such a problem, write.

As when connecting to a computer, change the charging mode to store media files. Now when connected, Xaomi thinks they’ve connected to charge the device.

What to do if xiaomi redmi note 5 does not see the computer.

Why when connecting PC does not see the phone Xiaomi? The reasons are various. You can try to fix everything yourself, and if it doesn’t work, take the smartphone for repair.

But how to fix connection problems yourself? When synchronizing, use only the original cord. Fakes can cause problems. The cable may be broken, clogged with dirt.

Installing drivers on a PC

A possible reason for the lack of recognition is that there are no drivers. In this case, they are eliminated. Software is searched on the Internet:

program for MediaTek;
program for Qualcomm.

You need to download software on the official website or reliable resources.

USB debugging

If debugging by usb, she turns on. For this:

  • Open the section “Settings“;
  • Subsection “For developers“;
  • Item “Debugging“, Put a check next to it;

To have the rights to make changes, in the “For Developers” menu, open the “About device“, Then” Current Version MIUI. Click until “You are already a developer” appears.

Camera mode

There are situations in which synchronization with PC happens in camera mode. The device is recognized, but as a digital medium. a camera. What if the connection happens this way?

During synchronization, a notification about this appears on the screen. When you click on it, a dialog box appears in which there are three items:

Choose the second option (Mtp) and select the appropriate mode.

USB phone charging

In settings, access can be initially closed. Because of this, Xiaomi redmi note 5 does not see the computer.
You need to open it in the following way:

We connect the cord to the PC and Xaomi, by moving the screen from the very top down to open the notification panel. Select “Charging through usb“. Then put the file transfer (Mtp)

Now the computer is allowed to work with the device, you can try to establish a connection. It is impossible to exclude factory defects in cable USB. As for it, it is better to use the original version.