Sony xperia music. Best smartphones for audio

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Sony Xperia 1 not downloading songs

I have just upgraded my phone to Sony Xperia 1, installed Spotify, but am unable to download any songs. Click on download for album or playlist and just sits there saying waiting for download. Have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app, cleared data and cache, factory reset, checked storage permissions but still get the same issue. Any ideas would be appreciated.

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You should try using a different network (Wi-Fi) to see if it’s not a connectivity issue.

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Just like @osornios said. it’s a great idea to try downloading over another connection.

If this doesn’t do the trick, follow the steps in this post in the exact same order as given there and let us know what happens.

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I laso have the Xperia 1 and have had alot of issues with Spotify, first the app would regularly crash shortly after playing anything, that seems to be OK now.

I have tried this with multiple Wi-Fi networks and the music downloads, shortly afterwards it appears as ready for download again, meaning that the green marks are grey again. I haven’t switched back the download toggle either.

This is very annoying considering I have had nothing but problems with the Spotify recently and now I cannot listen without using my data.

sony, xperia, music, best

I chatted with support and followed their instructions, but that hasn’t brought about any changes

Best smartphones for audio

The definition of a luxury item, this phone is extremely expensive, but it comes with top-of-the-line everything. There’s a foldable internal screen, a non-foldable external screen, stereo speakers, high end internals, an excellent camera and more. Shame there’s no headphone jack though.

Front-facing stereo speakers

One of the best options on the market for audio today, the Asus ROG Phone 7 is an overpowered handheld device with everything AND the kitchen sink

It’s a budget phone, but it ticks all the boxes necessary for an audio-lover’s needs. Plus, you get a crazy good camera on it.

Best implementation of AAC

iPhones aren’t generally known for their great sound, but they’re really the only option if you won’t use an Android phone. If you’re locked in to Apple, this one will run you the least money.

Now that the analog headphone jack has basically been left behind, it can be tough to find what you want in a smartphone. If you already have headphones you like, how do you navigate the morass of Bluetooth codecs, headset support, and dongles? You could get USB-C headphones, but that’s a lot of money for little return. Plus, that market is pretty sparse in terms of offerings.

Most phones on the market are nearly perfect when it comes to wired listening, but our best suggestion is to grab one of the phones below. They’ll provide you the best future-proofing on the market, with some killer features to match.

If all phones are nearly perfect, why make this list?

The truth of the matter is, this list exists for people who want to to actually know what they’re getting into when they buy their next handset. There are phones that aren’t all that great when it comes to audio, and there are others that have some strange foibles in this department that could be a dealbreaker for you. But you can’t know that until you either buy the device for a lot of money, or read this article for free.

Is Sony finally better than Samsung?

Editor’s note: this list was updated May 16, 2023 to include all new picks, bring formatting in line with current standards, and make sure the explanatory content was all still correct.

What you should know

In a poll of Android Authority readers, a majority of respondents still use wired headphones with their devices. Our position is if a device doesn’t satisfy the needs of a majority of people: that device is the wrong choice. Therefore, phones without headphones jacks will never make it on here.

While objectively collected data is all well and good, it doesn’t exactly tell you everything you need to know about a phone’s performance. If you bought a phone in the last 5 years, chances are near 100% it’s more than enough for you, unless it lacks a specific feature you want. Now that digital media’s performance has started to sail beyond the limits of our hearing perception, test results matter less and less—while features matter more and more. It’s extremely rare that one phone will sound much worse than another when used with popular streaming services.

When it comes to wired listening: the lower distortion and noise are, the better the result. Similarly, the lower the deviation found in testing frequency response is, the less your audio will be altered. While some people like to artfully tune their music, any component that isn’t the headphones or the software playing back the music shouldn’t affect the signal at all. Only deviations / – 3dB will be noticeable at all.

Few phones have issues here, but it’s not unheard of for a modern phone to have some weird issues here (cough the original Pixel cough). The frequency response test is more pass/fail than anything.

It’s going to sound trite, but every single one of the phones listed here is all what we’d categorize as “perceptually perfect,” given their performance meets or exceeds what your average human can hear. However, they’re not actually perfect, and users with more power-hungry headphones may run into issues.

The Apple iPhone X and Google Pixel 2 (white, green) use a filter to limit high frequencies at the outer reaches of human hearing. The LG V30 (pink, cyan) does not.

In our testing, we noticed that the phones with dongles (Apple iPhones, Google Pixel devices) refused to output sound at the specified sample rate. Why this happened we have no idea, but we were able to reproduce our results almost exactly between several different copies of each device with three testers. The upshot is that these phones should have an easier time dispelling IM distortion, but the tradeoff is that it technically isn’t performing as well.

While you shouldn’t really be able to tell when you stream music, ultra-hardcore wired-listening-only audiophiles might be unimpressed with this. It’s just as well—that crowd should avoid dongles if they’re using power-hungry headphones anyway.

Those who want to use Bluetooth audio will have to make sure that their phones and headphones speak the same language, or codec. If they don’t, it’s highly likely you won’t be able to enjoy your music as much as you could. All phones are not created equal with Bluetooth support, and it’s worth knowing what codecs you can use on your mobile.

However, software updates can change the checkmarks on this list, so prepare for it to change over time. Many of these phones will end up supporting aptX and LDAC through updates to Android over time, while Apple’s support remains beholden to a tough-to-predict update schedule.

The best smartphone for music is the Sony Xperia 1 IV

On paper, the Sony Xperia 1 V is probably the best wired listening option for people in the market for an Android phone. This Android phone came out last year, and it’s expensive successor is just around the corner, but it features a headphone jack—a rarity in top-of-the-line products nowadays—as well as a host of audio software features.

In addition to a gorgeous screen, a Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 chip, and huge 5,000mAh battery, the Xperia 1 V is tailored to content creators of all varieties. There’s tons of video and photo features, and the phone comes loaded with an app called Music Pro, which is a paid service allowing you to record vocal and instrument audio and upload them to the Cloud for processing. Basically, it’s a great phone for listening to podcasts and making podcasts.

The Sony Xperia 1 IV matches a large 4K 120Hz display with a camera that can shoot the same. A high-end phone with high-end specs, and it even has a headphone jack!

The Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4

Like high-end Samsung phones, the Galaxy Z Fold 4 lacks a headphone jack. However, it has one thing that may make up for it—especially if you don’t like wearing earbuds or headphones. This foldable phone features a stereo speaker array, so you can still get a more cinematic experience when you’re watching movies and YouTube videos.

This is an extremely expensive phone, starting at 1,799 USD, but for the money you get a fancy folding screen that opens into a extra wide mini tablet form factor. This phone features two screens—a 6.2-inch one on the outside when it’s folded up, and a 7.6-inch one on the inside when you open it up—and they’re both gorgeous. The rear firing cameras get an upgrade too—there’s a 50MP main camera, a 10MP 3x telephoto lens, and a 12MP ultrawide lens—and our colleagues over at Android Authority seem to think they’re pretty swell.

Samsung’s foldable Galaxy Z Fold 4 is great for productivity thanks to its large internal display. It also packs all the power you need and is promised to get four years of OS updates.

Asus ROG Phone 7

If you’re in the market for a gaming phone, there aren’t a ton of options. Even fewer feature a headphone jack. Luckily the Asus ROG Phone 7 is one of the best gaming phones on the market, and it still supports 3.5mm wired audio.

This mammoth phone packs in a gorgeous screen, great gaming performance, and numerous hardware niceties like capacitive shoulder buttons and multiple USB-C ports (one on the side and one on the bottom). It’s pretty expensive, but most flagship phones are these days—and almost none of them support dongle-free wired audio.

With next-level performance and full-on software customization, serious mobile gamers should look no further than the Asus ROG Phone 7 to gain a competitive advantage.

Apple fan? Get the iPhone SE

I’m just going to come out and say it: Apple is bad for the audio market. Even worse now that its phones do not ship with a dongle any longer. Not only is its Bluetooth compatibility limited to AAC, but its war against the 3.5mm jack also led to the most foolish smartphone design memes of the day. It’s frankly irritating that people look to it as some sort of market leader, when it really only fits the description if you’re looking at how much tax it dodges in the US.

However, the iPhone SE is a special phone that is a credible contender for the value phone crown. So as much as it pains me to praise it: this is the phone to get if you don’t need a headphone jack, but do need to save some coin. There are some notable advantages, too—like Apple’s H2 chip allowing for much more stable connections with other Apple peripherals and Beats headphones. Additionally, if you want to get into the world of Airpods or Airpods Pro: this is the phone to get.

Because of refreshed in 2022, this 429 USD phone is in close contention with Google Pixel A-series phones (which we no longer include here, after they dropped the headphone jack). The “not having a headphone jack” thing is a tough hurdle to overcome, but if you’re in the Apple ecosystem, no phone has one, so you may as well save the money.

We still aren’t fans of how Apple treats the audio industry, however.

The latest iPhone SE has the same body as its predecessor but sports a faster chipset, more RAM, and a bigger battery.

On a budget? Try the Samsung Galaxy A14 5G

If the last budget phone you saw that made you jump for joy was the Google Pixel 4a, you’ve got a new budget wired audio contender (finally). The Samsung Galaxy A14 5G is about as cheap as it comes these days, and yes, it has a headphone jack.

Top 5 phones for music lovers and audiophiles to buy in 2021

This phone starts at under 200 USD, and it brings a nice screen, a reliable camera, good performance. Our colleagues over at Android Authority thought the external speakers were pretty lackluster, but this phone has a headphone jack, so that won’t matter most of the time!

How we test phones

Using a dedicated interface, we used a 3.5mm to split 1/4 inch TRS connector Y-cable to measure the output of each phone. By using a piece of software called Room EQ Wizard, we’re able to measure things like dynamic range, distortion, noise, frequency response, and more. By logging these results, we can compare each phone against each other under the same test conditions with the same test files and the same equipment.

While you may think that this test is very involved: it really isn’t. There’s a lot of information you can glean from a simple 96kHz/24-bit test file, and in fact that’s all we used. We load the file onto the phones, play it back, and record the results. We did not use a higher-bitrate/higher-sample rate file because the data would mislead you into thinking it’s necessary. It’s not. CD quality sound is “only” 44.1kHz/16-bit, and that’s more than sufficient to satisfy the perceptual limits of the vast majority of humans on Earth. Our tests are overkill.

sony, xperia, music, best

Because we didn’t test the stupidly high-bitrate/high-sample rate files, there’s a certain limit on how well each unit could have performed. While there’s some debate as to what reviewers should be testing at, I personally go with roughly double the highest common settings that most people will use. In this case, something that would meet or exceed CD quality, because no streaming service can do that currently.

With almost no deviation from the test signal, the Samsung Galaxy S10 Plus offers excellent performance free of errors.

Speaker testing is fairly rudimentary, because any measurements we would normally give you would not apply to your normal usage, simply because their sizes and configurations lend themselves to interference from:

  • air temperature differences
  • outside noises (auditory masking)
  • holding the phone in your hand
  • nearby objects reflecting sound
  • phone speaker features requiring a cavity to perform as intended
  • phone speakers not adhering to any sensible standards and firing in different directions

By playing a pink noise sample at full volume, we can measure this with an electret microphone pointed directly at the phone. The front-facing units, on the whole, perform better than those on the bottom of the phone, given the sound is actually directed at the user. But trust me when I tell you, virtually all speakers tested suck out loud. You do not want them to be your primary, secondary, or even tertiary means of music consumption.

Obviously, the existence of extra features and other concerns like Bluetooth have to factor into our decisions, and we did that as well. However, these are generally present on the flagship phones and few others. While our testing pool was artificially limited, companies have to shell out big bucks for licensing Bluetooth profiles and codecs. It ends up being generally true that the less expensive smartphones will also only cover a few codecs, where the flagships will cover nearly all of them.

If you can wait on getting a new phone, always wait

Even though the release schedules are going to start slowing down now that the market is absolutely oversaturated with smartphones, a good rule to follow is only buy a phone if you absolutely need it. I say that, because these things are getting refreshed every 6-12 months, and sales happen often when new releases come out. Obviously, not all new releases are good for audio, but unless there’s some major feature you’re pining for, most smartphones will be pretty good anyway.

Also, never ever buy a phone at release if it’s close to Black Friday or the holiday season, because even new releases go on sale for these events. There’s no sense in overpaying for something if you can have it for cheaper.

If you need a headphone jack, there just aren’t that many options—usually you have to spring for super expensive niche devices, so it’s always a good idea to wait for a price drop.

Download Sony Xperia Music App APK for All Android

You can now get the latest Xperia Music app on any Android device. If you are looking for an alternate music app, Sony Xperia Music is the best at the moment. Read ahead to download Xperia Music APK for any Android device. You do not need root to install this on your device!

Sony phones may not get as much attention as they used to, a couple of years ago. But the interest revolving around the Sony Apps has never died down. For reasons unknown, people have always loved the Stock Sony Apps that ship with the Sony smartphones. One such app is the Sony Xperia Music App. Even though hundreds of great Music apps are available in the Google Play Store, Sony Music App has always been the preferred alternative for many. We had already shared the Sony Music App in the past, and there is a new version of the app is out now. Read ahead to know more and download the Xperia Music App APK for all Android devices.

Sony Xperia Music App

The latest version of the Sony Xperia Music app comes with a lot of bug fixes and improvements. Compared to the previous versions of the app, there are only a few things that have changed. Below are a few screenshots of the Xperia Music app in action:

  • Download Snapdragon Gallery App APK for All Devices
  • Download Google Dialer (Phone) App APK for all devices
  • Download Motorola Gallery App APK for All Devices
  • Download HTC U11 Stock Apps (Sense 9) For All Devices
  • Download Android Oreo Apps for All Android Devices

Download Xperia Music APK for All Android

You can download the Xperia Music App APK for all Andorid devices by clicking below:

Note: Mirror links are from the developer himself!

Install Xperia Music APK for All Android

This is the easiest way to get the latest Sony Xperia Music App on any Android device. Enjoy the all new Xperia Music App! Be sure to check out the original XDA Forum Thread for future updates!

14 thoughts on “Download Sony Xperia Music App APK for All Android”

Installed successfully on my Galaxy tab A 7.0. launched successfully for a second and crashed/force closed. Doesnt work on my Galaxy tab. Reply

Thanks man you made my day I was using Sony z3 but now switched to Asus I knew that Sony music player is awesome so was not happy buying phone from other brand but knew APK will available somewhere so atlast bought the Asus tried lot of apks Xdadorum, APK mirror none was working but your APK worked thanks man for this APK Reply

thank you so much.i really missed my Xperia music experience till this day and now i have found my ecstasy back on this new device Reply

Bonjour et vraiment merci beaucoup. C’est un grand plaisir de retrouver cette application. Une fois qu’on s’est déjà habitué, on devient inséparable. Je l’ai sur Xperia Z3 et maintenant sur HTC 10. Ça me fait un bien fou ! Bye bye Google player musique. Reply

J’aurais bien besoin d’un petit coup de main :/ je suis passé de Sony à Huawei et j’aimerais retrouver l’interface de chez Sony. Malheureusement je m’avoue totalement perdu lorsqu’il s’agit de programmes. sauriez-vous m’aider à installer le programme ? j’ai téléchargé la “stable version” mais ne parviens pas à faire fonctionner le tout Reply

Can’t get it to work on my RCA VIKING PRO Android tablet… Tried several times, with all permissions given, still won’t even install. Reply

If you are installing this from a custom rom or other than Sony devices ( CyanogenMod, AOSP etc ). you will have to sign the APK using ZipSigner from Play Store in order to install the APK. If it doesn’t work, sign it move it to system/app with a new folder namely”Music” with correct permissions RW-R-R. Reply

Hi, I’ve recently changed phones and i have to say i’m quite disappointed by the music app i would like to get the good old Sony music app butt sadly it “isn’t available on my device” as the google store tells me… I’ve downloaded the “stable version” but am no way near qualified to find out witch folder to install it in to make it work :s Could someone help me ? thanks Reply

sony, xperia, music, best

Sony Xperia 1 Audio test

Introduced in May 2019 as Sony’s flagship smartphone, the Sony Xperia 1 comes loaded with a triple-camera system for its main camera, and is powered by a speedy Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 SoC paired with 6GB of RAM and 128GB of expandable storage. As befits a flagship phone, the Xperia 1 comes with an impressive list of audio specs, including aptX HD audio, Dolby Atmos, and active noise cancellation with a dedicated microphone.

We put the Sony Xperia 1 through our rigorous DXOMARK Audio test suite to measure its performance at both recording sound using its built-in microphones and playing audio back through its built-in speakers. In this review, we’ll break down how it fared in a variety of tests and several common use cases.

  • Stereo speakers and stereo recording
  • Dynamic vibration system
  • Active noise cancellation with dedicated microphone
  • Dolby Atmos sound
  • Qualcomm aptX HD audio
  • High-resolution audio

About DXOMARK Audio tests: For scoring and analysis in our smartphone audio reviews, DXOMARK engineers perform a variety of objective tests and undertake more than 20 hours of perceptual evaluation under controlled lab conditions. This article highlights the most important results of our testing. Note that we evaluate both Playback and Recording using only the device’s built-in hardware and default apps. (For more details about our Playback protocol, click here; for more details about our Recording protocol, click here.)

Test summary

Test results for the Sony Xperia 1 are disappointing in light of its position as a flagship smartphone and its impressive-sounding list of audio features. Its Overall audio score of 45 places puts it in last place—well below the other Android phones we have tested, and much further behind the iPhone models and the current front-runner, the Huawei Mate 20 X (75 points).

The Xperia 1’s low score was primarily driven by its mediocre performance when playing back audio through its speakers, resulting in a very low 39 Playback score. The Xperia 1 holds its own when it comes to recording audio, though, with a very respectable 64 in our recording tests, and reasonably good scores across all our tested recording use cases.

The Xperia 1’s playback performance was generally weak in all our tested categories. Tonal reproduction, as measured by our timbre sub-score, was the poorest of any of the devices we have tested so far. Most of the other categories we tested were also weak, the exception being that the Xperia 1 produced clean sound, giving it a very good Artifacts score of 84.

The playback results mean that the Xperia 1 isn’t among the best devices for listening to either music or movies through its speakers, although its good clarity translates well at reproducing gaming audio. One important note about playback performance is that the Xperia 1 does not have Dolby Atmos enabled by default, so that feature is not reflected in our test results. Listening with Atmos turned on, we found that it does result in an audible improvement in spatial performance.

When it comes to recording, the Xperia 1 is a more solid performer. Tonal reproduction was among the best of any devices we have tested. It also does an excellent job of accurately representing the locations of sound sources, as demonstrated by its high Spatial sub-score of 60. Recording volume and background sound reproduction were reasonable, with sub-scores in the middle of the range of the devices we’ve tested. In short, the Xperia 1 did a solid job across all of our Recording use cases, especially for recording voice memos and gaming audio.

Sub-scores explained

The DXOMARK Audio overall score of 45 for the Sony Xperia 1 is derived from the Playback and Recording scores and their respective sub-scores. In this section, we’ll take a closer look at these audio quality sub-scores and explain what they mean for the user.



Most notable in our tonal range tests of the Xperia 1 was its very poor bass reproduction when held in portrait mode. It improved noticeably in landscape mode, but was still weak. Midrange performance was better and the response curve was fairly flat, but it weakened again in higher frequencies. In our use cases, however, the high-frequency falloff didn’t prevent the device from doing a good job of reproducing treble for our listeners, although in some cases the weakness in high frequencies was noticeable. You can see this illustrated in this graph of the phone’s frequency response across our tested range:

As you’d expect, tone reproduction was best in landscape mode for all frequencies, not just bass. Even then, the Xperia 1 was a weak performer across all our tested categories of music.