How to create a game on iPad

Processing player actions in real time

While going through the standard bunch of tutorials, you probably used std :: cin or scanf. The program was waiting for some data from the user and pressing the Enter button. All meaningful work took place after the initial data had been received and verified. But in real games, the special button only needs to be pressed in turn-based strategies. The rest of the games react immediately when you press the right buttons. Therefore, the main trick for writing a game in real time. instant processing of keystrokes. The program doesn’t have to wait for the Enter button to be pressed. The game should run and process keyboard presses in parallel. In the professional community, they say that when you need to press the Enter button, then this is a blocking input. Accordingly, when the program is running and at the same time it is ready to process commands. non-blocking input.

Resizing the console

By default, my console fits 80 characters in height and 50 in width. This is about a third of my screen, so I wanted to increase the number of characters in the console line to at least 200.

Resizing the console window turned out to be a trick too. The first request was the trivial “c change size of console window”. The first answer to it explained in detail how to do this using the console window settings at the operating system level. That is, not from the game itself, but from the user’s side. I considered it wrong to attach this instruction to the game. We need a way to do this from within the program itself. The second and subsequent answers described resizing the console window using the MoveWindow function. The actual amount of text did not change. If the window became too small, then scroll bars appeared.

The next attempt was “c set console size”. The first two answers led to the well-known advice with the MoveWindow function. But further links to the documentation went. Namely. to the SetConsoleScreenBufferSize function. Judging by the description, it does not change the size of the visible window, but the internal size of the buffer. It takes an output stream and a structure with the desired buffer sizes as arguments.

At that time, I did not know exactly what sizes were standard and what I could put there. Therefore, I indicated 20 by 20. To check the size of the window, I also deduced a rectangle of numbers from 0 to 9 with a width of 20 by 20. I got the following code:

create, game, ipad

Filling the screen with characters and resizing the console

Since this is working at the WinAPI level, the result is an error code. I mostly work with java stack and usually see stack traces and exception texts. Despite this, the principle of solving the problem has not changed. To decipher the error code, you need to use the official documentation. It is easily searched for with the “getlasterror error codes” query. There are about nine thousand error codes described on several pages. For my case, the first page is suitable

The error reads ERROR-INVALID-PARAMETER 87 (0x57) The parameter is incorrect.

Few explanations. Then I checked how others write this code. The request “SetConsoleScreenBufferSize incorrect argument” led me to this question on SO

In key respects, the response code was similar to mine. But it did contain an important addition “If you call SetConsoleScreenBufferSize with illegal value in COORDS (e.g. too little height / width) then you get an error, usually 87 ‘invalid argument’.”

Then I looked in the documentation for the SetConsoleScreenBufferSize function and saw that there were restrictions on the buffer sizes. It turns out that I passed too small values. I didn’t have to iterate over the values ​​to get the exact minimum sizes. Ultimately the goal. increase the size of the buffer, not decrease it. Therefore, it seemed logical to build on the current window size. Since we have a SetWhattotam function, there must also be a GetWhatotam function. GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo was actually found Using it and the MSVS debugger, I found out that the default buffer size on my machine is 80 by 50. I increased the width by about three times. and a height of one and a half. When the size structure was initialized with X = 200 and Y = 80, scrollbars appeared in height. This is where the MoveWindow function came in handy.

Triggering periodic events by timer

As you can see, if you just let the program fly free, then it will very often refer to the list of events. On my computer, it turns out several dozen times in every millisecond. This is good in itself, because allows you to quickly respond to all player actions. However, if the world changes at the same rate, then the player will not be able to keep up with it. There are several ways to control the renewal period of the world. I chose the option without connecting additional libraries. The main idea is to constantly look at the time, and start updating the world every few seconds. Since I got to the bottom of the manual implementation of the event-loop, then it will not be difficult to invent a bicycle with the implementation of latency within the chosen architecture.

The concrete implementation was googled from the first request “Windows.h time milliseconds”. To clear my conscience, I also tried to search for “cpp thread sleep” and “cpp sleep” The first option turned out to be too complicated, and the second not accurate enough.

Therefore, I offer my own version. Purpose. fit the wait into the existing event loop. To do this, at the beginning of the program, I get the current time. If I worked with a regular clock, it would be 17:32:44. Then I calculate the time of the next event. Let’s say it should happen in 40 minutes. To do this, I add the waiting time to the current time. In my example, the event will happen at 18:12:44. The time of the second event is obtained by the time of the first event, I add the waiting duration. 18:52:44 Time of the third event 19:32:44 and so on.

There are several ways to get the current time:

I say right away that the second option is easier. But at first I went the first way, and then it was a pity to remove it from the draft. Bad example is also an example, so see.

performance measurement

Then I realized that I was not able to compare the performance of different options “by eye”. Therefore, I screwed in the time measurement before and after the screen refresh. I’ll write the order of the numbers here, because values ​​with microsecond precision are not essential for comparison. The code almost completely copied from the answer to this question

Time function with microsecond precision

The measurement itself. trivially. I get the current time before and after drawing the screen. Then I subtract and display it. There are better ways, but this turned out to be enough for my task. The code is below. development of the variant with setting the buffer using stdio.h The code of the variant with the bicycle buffer was not fundamentally different, so I do not publish it.

Measured the number of microseconds without explicitly specifying a buffer. Three starts, three numbers: 8930000 8880000 9220000.

with a buffer size of 1/16 from 740,000 to 750,000 microseconds

with a buffer size of 1/8 from 40,000 to 39,000 microseconds

with 1/4 buffer size from 18000 to 19000 microseconds

with 1/2 buffer size from 12000 to 13000 microseconds

with a buffer size equal to the console width from 90,000 to 10,000.

In all these cases, lines are flickering on the screen the size of a buffer. That is, with buffer 1/4, quarter-line fragments flash. With a buffer equal to the width of the console, a very large spread is obtained, and without intermediate values. either for 10,000 or 90,000. In this case, it blinks as if the buffer is half. redraw library buffer configuration.png

The bicycle version with filling the array and displaying it on the screen turned out to be the same as with the buffer size equal to the width of the console. There were numbers 90,000 and 10,000 with no intermediate values. At the same time, to create a smaller buffer, it would be necessary to significantly complicate the implementation. redraw bicycle clipboard. png

To apply the double buffering technique, you need to change something on the screen. In this case, not the entire screen should change, but only some parts.

What you need to know to understand the article?

If you understand the concept of loops, arrays and functions, then it should be enough for you. I warn you right away, the article will contain magical constructions that I will not explain. It is not my goal to make a comprehensive course in C. Goal. write code and enjoy how it almost magically works. When you are done with the main goal or when you face insurmountable problems, then go deeper.

What the article is about?

This article. cutting of techniques for the implementation of the basic elements of games. You can stack them together and get the desired result. In the course of writing this article, I managed to make several successful finds that were not found in other similar guides. At least in those that could be found on the Internet.

how to create a game on iPad

10 games for busy and tired parents

Again we played and practiced a lot. I don’t know what came over me) I must at least read a book, sit down or do a box more tightly.

In fact, Sonya hardly sleeps during the day lately and is a lot of hooligans. All the same, I can’t do anything, I just follow her heels all day, so at least everything is in business. Some teeth are climbing again.

In the morning we played with the girls according to the method of Maria Montessori, I came across somewhere on the Internet, but our game found its continuation, thanks to a successful idea from Sony.


The shock is very. Very close to Orthodoxy, to the freedom that God gives


The world has gone crazy: I am convinced that it is to prepare children for school from the age of three. the primary responsibility of any parent. over, preparing for school does not mean reading aloud fairy tales and then acting out stories with dolls. Now, preparation for school is considered “to take children to courses at the future gymnasium, otherwise they will not get there at all, and his brilliant career will not take place.” What career, what are you talking about? He is five years old, his whole rosy perspective now looks like “and I’ll throw a ball on the roof of the barn or not, and what will I get for it?”.

It is much easier to take the children by car to the courses (or send them with a nanny and a chauffeur) than to do all these dreary and routine operations: plasticine, paints, everything stuck to the carpet, dad stumbles about the designer, for a children’s theater everything is shaken out of the closet, children make noise. running, quarreling, crying, demanding participation. These endless: “Mom, let you be a wolf, and I am Little Red Riding Hood.” Or, which is completely intolerable: “I don’t want to do anything, give me an iPad.” Here you feel like the worst mother in the Universe and. you start to pack your backpack “for class.” Uf. For three hours, everyone is busy: the child is like developing, and I’m like in business.

In these courses, with rare exceptions, children are taught: to sit at a desk “correctly”, do not run, do not make noise, hold a pencil correctly, paint according to a template, trace the lines.

The child comes out tired, de-energized, and they pile up on him homework, and even scold him for spinning around in the lesson. Not because the aunts are evil, but because they don’t know any other way, they are not trained. They themselves were brought up that way, which is why they are teachers. Malvins against a heap of Buratin.

Although the only norm for a preschool child. just spin. And poke your curious nose into everything. And keep asking. And grab everything. And also fight, run, build Easter cakes and relationships, compose and spill dirty water on yourself while drawing.

The main task of childhood, irreplaceable and irreplaceable later. play enough. If you need scientific evidence and research results, read the works of Vygotsky, Nina Gutkina, articles by Maryana Bezrukikh, foreign publications. In a free, unstructured game, all the necessary functions, skills and abilities are formed.

Therefore, I insist: the main form of preparing six-year-old children for school should be play.

Ball games. We develop voluntary attention, concentration (you need to follow the ball), coordination and dexterity (without which it is then difficult to understand geometry, and the rest of the exact sciences). If this is a game with the rules, and not just running around, then the child learns to follow the line, to reckon with partners, to follow strict rules. Do you see that this is all just a list of “difficult behaviors” in which first graders are put on ADHD and put on tranquilizers? Restless, shouts out from the spot, bully, cannot sit out a lesson. So he did not run, did not jump, he was put at his desk ahead of time!

Salki, hide and seek, all kinds of “Shtandert-stop” and Cossack robbers. The same: obedience to the rules, the ability to cope with the loss.

Endless lego and other cubes. Spatial thinking, understanding the basic laws of mechanics, the composition of the number (how many small details are needed to replace one long beam? Why is this arc not enough to connect the two ends?). Ability to lead a project, finish to the end, keep focus, collaborate. The most important thing is that parents complain about the absence of which later: the ability to create an image in the head, to invent and compose.

Any card games, “walkers”, loto. Arbitrary attention, concentration, foresight, strategy. And a quick mental math.

My favorite “Bulls and Cows”. We train phonemic hearing, spelling, speed of reaction. I play bull and cow with my six-year-old niece. As long as there were three letters, and we played by correspondence on Skype, everything went fine. Two months later, Duska began to guess the words in just seven moves. Then we started playing live. We decided to switch to four-letter words. And here I was in trap. Duska cannot guess my word, although she seems to have picked up all the letters, but she cannot put them together. Okay, he says, I give up. I call it “lighthouse”. “Nothing. Dusya yells. There are five letters! ” “How five ?!” I jump up. Well, of course, a literate, reading girl, who knows everything about Krylov by heart, answers me, “M-o-y-a-k”. And they would play in writing. never found out.

Easter cakes, construction of tunnels in the sandbox, explosions in the mud and throwing stones at the fence. Physical properties of matter, tactile sensations, immersion in oneself, the ability to fantasize. And you want to replace all this by sitting at a desk and drawing squares by cells? Neither the brain, nor the psyche, nor the body of the child is designed for this. The only people who benefit from getting ready for school. teachers. Who also need to feed their children.

Nina Iosifovna Gutkina, who taught me developmental psychology, repeated each course like a spell: until the age of seven, the structures in the brain that are responsible for recognizing characters, that is, for reading and recognizing numbers, have not been formed in children. Yes, of course, it is possible and necessary to acquaint children with letters, preferably. on improvised objects, between times, in the game and for a walk. Learn to read from signs, like Mayakovsky. But not to demand that he read thick books for school. It will all come later, in due time.

Stop reading all sorts of mothers’ communities and listening to your friends, for whom “a boy at the age of five is already spitting Bunin by heart.” First, scald something by heart. it’s not about the ability to read, but about memory and a stubborn grandmother. Secondly, the ability to read at an early age. not an indicator at all. No intelligence, no learning ability, much less your parenting skills.

So they took the children under the armpit. and to the site. If you yourself can’t. hire Malvina, 13 years old, let her graze and fulfill her teaching needs. Just don’t drag the poor fellow to get ready for school. He already has this happiness for 11 years later.


The world has gone crazy: I am convinced that it is to prepare children for school from the age of three. the primary responsibility of any parent. over, preparing for school does not mean reading aloud fairy tales and then acting out stories with dolls. Now, preparation for school is considered “to take children to courses at the future gymnasium, otherwise they will not get there at all, and his brilliant career will not take place.” What career, what are you talking about? He is five years old, his whole rosy perspective now looks like “and I’ll throw a ball on the roof of the barn or not, and what will I get for it?”.

It is much easier to take the children by car to the courses (or send them with a nanny and a chauffeur) than to do all these dreary and routine operations: plasticine, paints, everything stuck to the carpet, dad stumbles about the designer, for a children’s theater everything is shaken out of the closet, children make noise. running, quarreling, crying, demanding participation. These endless: “Mom, let you be a wolf, and I am Little Red Riding Hood.” Or, which is completely intolerable: “I don’t want to do anything, give me an iPad.” Here you feel like the worst mother in the Universe and. you start to pack your backpack “for class.” Phew. For three hours, everyone is busy: the child is like developing, and I’m like in business.

In these courses, with rare exceptions, children are taught: to sit at a desk “correctly”, do not run, do not make noise, hold a pencil correctly, paint according to a template, trace the lines.

The child comes out tired, de-energized, and they pile up on him homework, and even scold him for spinning around in the lesson. Not because the aunts are evil, but because they don’t know any other way, they are not trained. They themselves were brought up that way, which is why they are teachers. Malvins against a heap of Buratin.

Although the only norm for a preschool child. just spin. And poke your curious nose into everything. And keep asking. And grab everything. And also fight, run, build Easter cakes and relationships, compose and spill dirty water on yourself while drawing.

The main task of childhood, irreplaceable and irreplaceable later. play enough. If you need scientific evidence and research results, read the works of Vygotsky, Nina Gutkina, articles by Maryana Bezrukikh, foreign publications. In a free, unstructured game, all the necessary functions, skills and abilities are formed.

Therefore, I insist: the main form of preparing six-year-old children for school should be play.

Ball games. We develop voluntary attention, concentration (you need to follow the ball), coordination and dexterity (without which it is then difficult to understand geometry, and the rest of the exact sciences). If this is a game with the rules, and not just running around, then the child learns to follow the line, to reckon with partners, to follow strict rules. Do you see that this is all just a list of “difficult behaviors” in which first graders are put on ADHD and put on tranquilizers? Restless, shouts out from the spot, bully, cannot sit out a lesson. So he did not run, did not jump, he was put at his desk ahead of time!

Salki, hide and seek, all kinds of “Shtandert-stop” and Cossack robbers. The same: obedience to the rules, the ability to cope with the loss.

Endless lego and other cubes. Spatial thinking, understanding the basic laws of mechanics, the composition of the number (how many small details are needed to replace one long beam? Why is this arc not enough to connect the two ends?). Ability to lead a project, finish to the end, keep focus, collaborate. The most important thing is that parents complain about the absence of which later: the ability to create an image in the head, to invent and compose.

Any card games, “walkers”, loto. Arbitrary attention, concentration, foresight, strategy. And a quick mental math.

My favorite “Bulls and Cows”. We train phonemic hearing, spelling, speed of reaction. I play bull and cow with my six-year-old niece. As long as there were three letters, and we played by correspondence on Skype, everything went fine. Two months later, Duska began to guess the words in just seven moves. Then we started playing live. We decided to switch to four-letter words. And here I was in trap. Duska cannot guess my word, although she seems to have picked up all the letters, but she cannot put them together. Okay, he says, I give up. I call it “lighthouse”. “Nothing. Dusya yells. There are five letters! ” “How five ?!” I jump up. Well, of course, a literate, reading girl who knows everything about Krylov by heart answers me, “M-o-y-a-k”. And they would play in writing. never found out.

Easter cakes, construction of tunnels in the sandbox, explosions in the mud and throwing stones at the fence. Physical properties of matter, tactile sensations, immersion in oneself, the ability to fantasize. And you want to replace all this by sitting at a desk and drawing squares by cells? Neither the brain, nor the psyche, nor the body of the child is designed for this. The only people who benefit from getting ready for school. teachers. Who also need to feed their children.

Nina Iosifovna Gutkina, who taught me developmental psychology, repeated each course like a spell: until the age of seven, the structures in the brain that are responsible for recognizing characters, that is, for reading and recognizing numbers, have not been formed in children. Yes, of course, it is possible and necessary to acquaint children with letters, preferably. on improvised objects, between times, in the game and for a walk. Learn to read from signs, like Mayakovsky. But not to demand that he read thick books for school. It will all come later, in due time.

Stop reading all sorts of mothers’ communities and listening to your friends, for whom “a boy at the age of five is already spitting Bunin by heart.” First, scald something by heart. it’s not about the ability to read, but about memory and a stubborn grandmother. Secondly, the ability to read at an early age. not an indicator at all. No intelligence, no learning ability, much less your parenting skills.

So they took the children under the armpit. and to the site. If you yourself can’t. hire Malvina, 13 years old, let her graze and fulfill her teaching needs. Just don’t drag the poor fellow to get ready for school. He already has this happiness for 11 years later.

“Club of Conscious and Loving Parents”. 1500 topics on all issues of education, metaphysics of childhood diseases

I liked keeping a reading diary. To sum up too 🙂

I’ve read the Religious Law here. Before that, I also superficially googled and looked at the basics of the religions of the world. I was surprised that Islam is related to the same stream of religions as Christianity. Together with Judaism. And they are called: Abrahamic religions.

But what I want to write now in a nutshell. this is what the overall impression left me by the book Religious Studies.

Of course, the fact that all religions basically have the same noble principles, I will not surprise anyone. My discovery was that the historical development of each religion is remarkably similar.

Every religion starts with a Teacher. And initially it is clean. The teacher comes and brings light in the form of knowledge. fundamental truths of nobility. And everyone follows it. He usually says that his teaching is the most correct. The teacher creates a new society.

He’s leaving. And then such a division begins. Usually the state grabs hold of religion. As a means of managing people. He grabs very tightly, and turns everything upside down exactly as it suits him. The state knows one main truth. man is a pagan by nature. This thought struck me when I realized that none of the Masters invented rituals. They gave pure faith. But we humans cannot just believe. We need rituals. And what are rituals. this is the main attribute of paganism.

And we begin to think that if we do not perform these rituals or we perform them incorrectly (just dare to cross from left to right), then we will not be happy after death. And this is in every religion.

The foundations brought by the Teacher are forgotten. The light of knowledge is extinguished. Only rituals remain. And we again begin to jump with a tambourine, thinking that in this way we continue to believe. Such a society is very easy to manage. It’s like a herd of sheep. We will burn those who disagree at the stake of the Inquisition)))

And after that, religion, which should initially be one, breaks up into many small directions, into thousands of sects. This is so awful! They all believe that their rituals are the most correct.

The worst thing is when believers become fanatics of invented rituals. It is they who have done the most evil in this world.

Well, let’s not talk about grotesque. The main thing is that there is still light in this tunnel. It remains after the Teacher leaves. We are all the same souls. Immortals. And if we leave the dilemma as to whether we end up in hell-heaven after death or continue to spin in the wheel of samsara, a connection with God is necessary for a person. And although I smashed the ceremonies to smithereens, they help us find this connection. And I really want to understand: how?

Why do I feel energized after attending a service? Why does God give me what I sincerely ask him to do? How does prayer or meditation connect us to God? How it works?

Of course, why should we be interested in how, for example, the iPad works like a piece of iron. The main thing is that we can get what we want with it: emails, games, music.

But I’m in the mood to disassemble and check it. And even the mood to read not only Christian literature.

I think I was not alone in thinking that all Teachers from different religions teach the same fundamental principles. Do you know that there is one sect Bahaism, which is also referred to as a young religion. Its foundations: the unity of God, the unity of religions, the unity of mankind. Sounds perfect. Its founder is revered as the latest in a series of “manifestations of God.” which, besides Bahá’u’lláh, includes Abraham. Moses. Buddha. Zarathustra. Krishna. Jesus Christ. Muhammad. Woman.

Of course I am an idealist, but I really want peace in the whole world. And finally, an anecdote about world peace:

Once he lived in a Chukchi hostel, and all the other students made fun of him. After about a year, they decided that it was somehow not good, because he must be offended when everyone is making fun of him. They came to him and said: Excuse us, please, we won’t make fun of you anymore. Okay, then I won’t piss you into tea either.!

The post will turn out to be very long, so I invite everyone who is not indifferent according to the old tradition!;) “Take your seats” (c)

Update: I raise the April post at the request of some mothers, please do not judge strictly.

When a child appears in life, when he has already learned to walk, in the mother’s head, different patterns of spending time with common everyday life are built, which is hidden in them: cold plastic of modern educational toys, one of the methods of early development, or something for which there is no specific definition, but so that it was, if mom has at least a little free time, then one day I want to give it a shape. What they will undoubtedly depend on a lot. on the mother herself, on her lifestyle, on her hobbies and, of course, on her environment. When I was such a transparent, unfilled vessel, for the first time faced with the fact that I do not know how to keep my daughter occupied, how to captivate her and how not to make a mistake, I accidentally stumbled upon the very well-known world of redbirdliza, I brought the system to the ideal in our classes, but in that moment I forgot about the most important thing. That in addition to photographic memory, concentration, speed reading and distinctive mental abilities, there is also an extraordinary inner world of the child and the mother herself. Only the one who did these full-fledged classes knows that it is not just 45 minutes to distract the child from his usual activities, from the game this is a colossal calculation of the mother, both psychologically and physically. Oh, how many nights I spent looking for and preparing these classes, study guides, how much energy I lost just to be with my girl, not to think about the usefulness of our pastime, but just to live for today! Does my child deserve these 45 minutes of Shichida lesson, seasoned with mother’s fatigue and a feeling of some unnecessary pressure and responsibility that sometimes haunted me, no matter how I drove him away and postponed the lesson itself. once I just realized it is not necessary for my child. in the first place I don’t want it myself! Here’s what I experienced. when more than 30 full-fledged Shichida classes and more than a dozen reduced blocks were left behind.

Of course, in our everyday life there was undoubtedly a place for simple games, long walks and pampering. but it was impossible to shake off this Shichida sense of necessity, Shichida of dependence. With this post, I want to give an opportunity to all those who are subscribed to this community to think about it, stop for a second and stop pressing the megaphone on posts with photo memory and free thematic tasks, stop seeing around only games “with benefit”.

The childhood of our children flies by so quickly. let it have more space for this very magic childhood. carefree, mischievous and very touching. Once again about Lisa, I sincerely admire this supermom, who, in addition to her activities and insanely cool ideas for games, manages not only to implement all this. but also tell us! But I can’t do that. Therefore, Shichida is not for me. All my kits, which have reached such volumes that they really began to be divided by 4, are now on sale.

I often think that if at one time I had not been burdened with this relentless search, which a very large number of mothers suffer, I would have treated Shichida differently. But this very endless search and systematization brought me, as a true perfectionist, to complete despair!

After I learned about the Zwelik method of painting, when watercolor replaced the usual gouache, I learned a little more about the previously unknown Waldorf system. Wonderful mother Elena Grintal and her group are in contact. source of extraordinary energy! group link

Here are some small quotes taken from there for your consideration:

“For my children, I chose :. a healthy life rhythm (day, week, year); an environmentally healthy development environment development of creative abilities through free play and various types of artistic activities (drawing, modeling with wax, clay, sewing dolls, handicrafts, making gifts with your own hands, crafts from natural materials); education through imitation; experiencing the cycle of the year through the holidays “

“During the first seven-year period, a person directs his soul-spiritual efforts to form-forming activity in relation to his internal organs, which began during the period of intrauterine development and continues until about 6-7 years of age. And if during this period the parents or educators of the child contribute to his early intellectualization, then the forces for this intellectual activity, which in the first seven years is not yet conditioned by the level of the child’s mental and physical development, are distracted from this formative activity. “

“Childhood. a unique period in a person’s life, that a child has endless creative and spiritual possibilities, that parents and educators should not strive to make the child an adult as soon as possible, but, on the contrary, help him stay small for a longer time, reveal his creative potential as fully as possible, enjoy all the delights of an early age “

How to make your own video game iOS for free

“The nature created by the Creator could not have been created stupid. Theophan the Recluse, John the Theologian, Leonardo da Vinci, Titian, Aristotle, Seneca, Kant, Dostoevsky, Pushkin and thousands of other great names, brilliant people, creative people, thinkers, theologians grew up without early development methods, without iPads, without TV, without reusable coloring pages, without the total dominance of plastic! “

“There is no need to focus specifically on following Waldorf pedagogy or any other. We study worthy literature, primary sources, synthesize and naturally weave into the life of the family what we respond and want to do, and we can do it. “

“The upbringing of children is aimed, FIRST, at the upbringing of oneself. “

“Each holiday should have its own face, there should be holidays in the family, and it is imperative to prepare for them. Create your family traditions and cherish them “

“Family traditions and household rituals are much more important for children than for adults. It may seem to us that my mother’s sweet habit. telling the kid a nightly fairy tale does not oblige her to anything. For the child’s psyche, rituals acquire, speaking in the language of psychological terms, supporting and stabilizing functions “

“The meaning of domestic traditions is precisely in the fact that events follow one after another in a once established sequence: day after day, month after month, in the fact that they are observed no matter what. Confidence in this brings a sense of stability to children’s life, relieves anxiety and comforts in times of grief. The seriousness and respect with which adults treat the child’s habits, which they themselves have created, contributes to the development of a sense of self-worth in the little one. The kid learns to respect his words and promises, to be consistent, to keep his word. “

Waldorf pedagogy fascinated me: we mastered needlework and creativity. That was completely unusual for me before. Creativity, as it turns out, feeds the female soul. This is a necessary female meditation for balancing the mind and emotions. And a working woman often does not engage in creativity, since she no longer has enough time and energy for this. With children, I mastered: sewing toys and dolls, decoupage, molding their plastic clay, making postcards, making folk and New Year’s toys, decorating candlesticks, VAZ, stained glass windows, soap making, making interior items, weaving mandalas and rugs. Creativity has become an integral part of my life

Children need creativity and the fact that thanks to the fact that children are with me all day, we do this creativity every day. DEVELOPMENT OF SELF-DISCIPLINE. Self-discipline grows by studying with children according to the Waldorf method. When the children are at home, you have to observe the daily routine (although I like the living word “rhythm” based on inhalation and exhalation more). Rhythm: eat at the same time, sleep on time, walk in the fresh air on time and switch so that inhalation alternates with exhalation. Rhythm disciplines, gives the feeling that you have time for everything, vanity leaves, and when you have time for everything, then there is a place for creativity. Rhythm is needed in everything: the rhythm of the day, the rhythm of the week, the rhythm of the year, the rhythm of nutrition. Without a clear rhythm, children are capricious and maddening. Everything should be clear, on schedule. Inhalation flows smoothly into exhalation. Inhale. These are activities that require additional stress and effort from the child (eating, classes, games organized by adults, reading fairy tales), and exhaling, relaxation (free play, walking in the fresh air, sleeping).

HEALTHY FOOD. I want to feed the children the best and wholesome. So you start to read, study what the most useful means. Waldorf education also speaks of the importance of eating natural, whole foods. HEALTHY LIFESTYLE.

REFUSAL FROM TV. Thanks to children and Waldorf education, we stopped watching TV and a whole lot of time and energy was freed up. DISCLOSURE OF WOMEN’S ESSENCE AND UNDERSTANDING OF TRUE WOMEN’S HAPPINESS.

A woman can feel true happiness only by giving love to her husband, children, filling the house with love and warmth, doing creativity

DISCOVERY OF UNCONDITIONAL DIVINE LOVE. No one teaches unconditional love like your own children. You give your child your energy, time, care, warmth, love absolutely disinterestedly, without demanding anything in return. Forgiving all his mistakes and tricks, accepting him for who he is. God through children teaches us divine love, selflessness. When it seems to me that I am tired of children, I ask myself why then God does not get tired of us, because we are his children. Because God is full of love and harmony. And if a mother is harmonious and full of love, her own children cannot be a burden to her, they make her happier day by day.

PERMANENT INTERNAL SELF-IMPROVEMENT Children grow up as their teacher is. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly educate ourselves and develop gratitude, forgiveness, acceptance, inner balance, benevolence and love for people, the world, God.

Mom needs to pull herself together, align herself, find priorities, set goals and engage in her development at all levels: physical, social, intellectual, spiritual, the development of her true inner feminine essence, and this is flexibility, patience, humility, kindness, forgiveness, unconditional love.

“DEVELOPMENT IN CHILDREN OF SENSE OF GRATITUDE I really like in Steiner’s teaching his sequence of development of feelings: Gratitude, Love and Duty. As he writes: up to 7 years. children need to develop a sense of gratitude. This is the basis on which the development of the feeling of love (from 7 to 14 years old) already lies, if it was formed then from 14 to 21 years old. a sense of duty must be developed. That is, if the feeling of gratitude is not formed, then the feeling of love will never arise in the child: for people, for the world, for God. Let’s dwell in more detail on the feeling of gratitude, since our group mainly considers preschool education. To be grateful means to be grateful for everything that is given. Be grateful. means to say “THANKS” for all the good things. It means appreciating all those simple things that surround you. To be grateful means to admire the beauty of the world around us and to perceive all manifestations of life as a gift from God. How it manifests itself in everyday activities. The very first is the words of thanks before the meal. Let it be a prayer of your faith, or just words of gratitude. In our family, we thank you like this: Thank you, the earth, that you gave birth to all this, Thank you, sun, that you raised all this, Thank you for our home, we are so happy in it, Thank you to everyone who prepared this. Bon Appetit! Children after these words usually calm down and begin to eat calmly. “

“Waldorf cubes combine many interesting qualities, besides the fact that they are made of solid wood, which has a multifaceted effect on the tactile sphere of sensations and preserves the warmth of the primordial natural material, they are also extremely asymmetrical, thereby making up for the deficiency of living primordial, natural irregular in shape that we miss so much in parallel-perpendicular city life. “

“The rhythm, repeating from day to day, with minimal changes in the order of successive events, is called in Waldorf pedagogy to provide children with a sense of stability and security, to give them confidence that order EXISTS in this CHAOS of the outside world.”

“If parents give their children TOO many impressions / books / activities / strangers around / noise / loud music / disorder in things / lots of toys / bright, screaming colors / abnormal faces on wallpaper, toys and so on. the child is not able to adequately “digest” it. And the rhythm of the day with its smoothness, fluidity and constancy is intended to ensure this complete digestion. The child only gradually gets used to the fact that every day will be about the same as the previous one. He is not afraid, he is calm, he knows that his parents will not let him down. Everyone knows that children can listen to the same fairy tale 10 times when their parents are already tired of telling it. It seems that the child knows everything in the fairy tale, but asks. It would seem why? Because he vitally needs this constancy, at least in a fairy tale. “

“The Waldorf education system is based on respect for childhood and works on the principle of“ not surpassing ”, that is, provides the child with the opportunity to develop at their own pace. The goal of Waldorf pedagogy. develop the natural abilities of each child and strengthen his self-confidence, which he will need in adulthood “

“Basic principles of Waldorf pedagogy: Organization of space. The individuality of the child can develop freely if nothing suppresses it.

Waldorf toys. Waldorf people do not accept plastic, electronic and mechanical toys. Preference is given to simplified toys made exclusively from natural materials. Toys only hint at their possible function and allow themselves to be variably used in the game. Imitation. For the first seven years, the baby comprehends the world empirically. imitative, not rational way. Interacting with parents and other people, playing, drawing, eating, the child subconsciously absorbs the surrounding reality and gains a huge experience that passes through his hands, head and heart and lays the foundation for his feelings, thoughts, actions and aspirations. It is the imitative instinct and natural curiosity, not the cramming and formal demands of adults, that preserve and multiply in children a sincere love of learning. Play activities. The most important activity for a child. is free play. In addition to playing activities, children imitate and help adults in caring for garden plants, cooking compote, cutting salads, baking a loaf, pies and cookies, cleaning, etc. children are engaged in a meaningful, real and useful business, thereby gaining a wide and deep understanding of the world around them.

Everything has its time. Waldorf educators are opposed to early purposeful learning. they avoid stress on the memory and intelligence of children. They believe that there is no benefit from the ready-made knowledge invested in a child. The learning process should be closely related to the individual, age and spiritual characteristics of the development of children and be built in such a way that children receive certain knowledge exactly at the time when they are really interested in it. It will be more natural for a small child to comprehend the world in play, through emotions, and not to study abstract concepts in the form of letters and numbers. With young children in the Waldorf system, attention is mainly paid to modeling, the development of fine motor skills, the basics of embroidery. And with the elders. sewing toys, wood carving, stone processing.

Rhythm and repetition. Our whole life is permeated with rhythm and repetition (parts of the day, week, seasons, etc.). And our ancestors have always lived in harmony with the rhythms of nature. The rhythm of the week consists of alternating activities. children paint on Monday, on Tuesday. sculpted from wax, Wednesday. spinning on Thursday. bake, on Friday they have a general cleaning. The annual rhythm is associated with changes in weather conditions. in spring, children make beds in the garden, in summer. weave wreaths of flowers in winter. molded from warm wax. Living in rhythm gives your child confidence and STIHL. Classes. during the day there is a smooth transition from “labor” activities (sewing, knitting, spinning, felting, woodcarving, processing of stone and metal) to “artistic and aesthetic” (painting, music, modeling, playing musical instruments, eurythmy ( figurative plastic), rhythmic games, gymnastics, traditional folk games). Individuality. In the Waldorf system, everyone is equal. This approach allows children to fully reveal their abilities and avoid feelings of inferiority. “

“The first stage (from birth to 2-3 years). At this time, the nervous-sensory system develops. Speaking about the system of senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell, sensation, we must understand that the baby is. a single sense organ, without clear differentiation from organ functions. He perceives any bright color, sharp sound, strong emotion with his whole being. The same goes for the development of the nervous system. What is happening at this time in the child is inaccessible to outside will. After all, it is during these years that the child gets up, starts walking, talking. In this way, he develops a spiritual quality that we call WILL.

That is why it is so important not to impose the will of an adult! “

“THE CHILD NEEDS AN ACTIVE CREATIVE MOTHER! What is important for a child under 7 years old? To have an example to follow, that is, to see a parent who is engaged in some useful activity, and the child, observing, will adopt the experience. It is desirable that the parent is at the same time contented, joyful, inspired, satisfied with the results of his activities. So that mom or dad do their job with pleasure, then the child will absorb love for work, order, creativity, etc. Therefore, it is so important that mom chooses creativity for herself. And I didn’t think if her child would do it. Yes, the first time may not be, and the second and maybe the fifth will not be interested. But the child will watch, absorb. And then his time will come. This is what interested me in Waldorf pedagogy. There are no artificial activities, such as let’s make an applique, paint something, cut out something. There are no situations where the parent is playing children’s games. The parent should be engaged in adult, interesting things for himself, and the child will learn everything anyway.

How to make your own game in roblox (IPAD)

Look for what you love, what inspires you, feeds your feminine soul. Every woman can find something interesting. After all, a woman cannot live without creativity, this gives her a huge surge of energy. Create something, create something. this is a great joy! “

Why such a table is needed: 1. Helps the child, and adults too, to live in a certain annual rhythm. 2. Helps children better cope with the changes in nature. teaches to notice the slightest movements of nature. 3. This is a place in the house where you can always play a fairy tale or an interesting story. “

I really love to remember Sh. Amonishvili, at his seminar he said: “When a child is born, he makes us sacrifice. Less fun: visiting, theaters, etc. The child requires it. But we don’t want to sacrifice. We feel sorry for ourselves. In this pity, the truth of education is lost. Birds have more of the truth of upbringing than we do. When they hatch chicks, they do not suffer from the fact that they can no longer fly freely. “.

“In Waldorf pedagogy, whatever is done comes from the being of the child. Fantasy, thanks to which not only the development of the brain and memory occurs, but also the basis of logical thinking is laid, habits and character foundations are formed. Such types of visual activities as painting wet on wet, plasticizing from wax are chosen. Precisely from wax, since wax is a product of the LIFE of bees and as a representative stimulates the activity of the etheric forces of the child.

I am not a teacher, not an ideologist, I am just a Mom who wants the best for the Soul that chose me for this role. It is very important for me to preserve in my children the miracle of free manifestation of will and creativity, so that they never lose their sense of the Way. It is important for me to educate only by my example in accordance with the laws and rhythms of nature, because this is the only guarantee of maintaining spiritual and physical health. Holding the child by the hand, I want to know when to let go. All this is softly and organically given by Waldorf pedagogy, which I have just touched, and I have not yet understood much with my mind, but my soul rejoices and it is necessary and sufficient. “

-Children’s year. A guide to making crafts and clothes for children and adults and the second book: All year round. Holiday Book of the Year

And these are such inspiring mothers, thank you very much!

when I read, I filled my soul with warmth, harmony! to the brim!

For how long this charge of creative energy has not manifested in me, how he hid, frightened by my nightly endless cutting and unfolding intuition / puzzles / loto

When you don’t want to blindly copy and catch up to three years, but stop, breathe deeply, exhale with new strength, with new energy and only the way you want to find yourself in creativity and monotonous everyday life.!

How to install apps on iPad

Buying an iPad literally immediately a question arises: how to install programs on the iPad, because there are only enough standard programs for surfing the Internet and reading mail. There is not even an elementary calculator or alarm clock in the iPad operating system by default.

So let’s describe everything step by step:

How to install apps on iPad:

Installing iTunes is half the battle. Instructions for installing iTunes in Windows are on our website.

Next, you need to register in iTunes. How to do it without a credit card. I have already described it too. If you plan to buy applications, then you need to register accordingly, indicating your credit card or the payment method available to you.

Next, open iTunes on your computer. go to the Store. iTunes Store section. In the menu in the Store section, click “Authorize this computer”. After that, we look for any application and buy it or, in the case of free ones, simply download it to our computer.

After that, you need to connect your iPad to your computer and sync your iPad. In this case, all your purchases will be automatically transferred to the iPad and you can use the programs that you have installed.

3a. You can also buy directly from iPad using the built-in iTunes app. How to use iTunes on iPad. there is also a detailed instruction on our website.

4a. Now you can use your installed programs right away. The next time you sync, purchases made from your iPad will be automatically transferred to your computer in iTunes. Before the first synchronization, log into iTunes on your computer and authorize your account, as described in paragraph 3.

But many people want to install programs on the iPad without paying anything. the so-called freebie lovers. What should they do? How to install free paid apps on iPad?

Firstly, you need to carry out the Jailbreak procedure, which I did not describe on the blog (for moral reasons and because of unwillingness to track changes in the procedure, it changes periodically). The description of the Jailbreak procedure can be easily found, for example, on the root tracker.

Next, you need to download the files of the cracked programs and use the following instructions: How to install ipa files on iPad.

Now you know. how to install programs on iPad. if something is not clear. ask questions, do not hesitate.

PS. I am against jailbreak and piracy in any of this form, so I only talk about the possibilities as such, but I will not advise how to jailbreak the iPad

What is included in the video course?

In the first lesson, you will learn about the Unity game engine and what it can do. We will talk about the course plan, as well as about the various points of the game engine.

Why buy an All Inclusive course?

If you plan to learn Unity well, then practice assignments, as well as tests, will help you great with this. By choosing this type of course, you get the entire set of necessary knowledge for a complete study of the course.

Where does the course take place??

After purchasing the course, all training will take place on the site in a convenient form. You can view the materials at any time convenient for you, as well as take homework assignments, practical assignments, tests and much more here on the site. The video course can be downloaded to your computer if necessary.

How to choose a video course?

We will write everything ourselves

We will not use ready-made scripts, but will study everything on our own in practice. After the course you will have a lot of knowledge.

Creating a Java game without third-party libraries, part one

Why Java?

I will not say anything objective here, but I will only say that I love this language and I like to write in it. Yes, Java does not have AAA-class games, but Java provides tremendous opportunities, more built-in tools and faster coding.

Let’s start by choosing an IDE. I am a fan of Eclipse and would recommend it to you. If for some reason you do not like it, you can use NetBeans, Intellij IDEA or the command line and your favorite editor.

Most likely, you will not have problems installing the IDE, and if you have a 64-bit system, I would still advise you to install 32-bit Eclipse, as sometimes there are errors and Eclipse simply won’t start.

Under the cut, we will start creating a game.

Introduction and preparation

Hello native inhabitants. This post is a rewrite of my sandbox post. This time I’ll try to cover more than I did then.

Sprite class

Let’s create a new Sprite class. Since this class is small, I will immediately present all its code with Комментарии и мнения владельцев:

Let’s check the functionality immediately. Let’s take this picture and copy it to the folder with our Sprite class. Add the getSprite function to the Game class (temporarily).

Add our picture to the assets folder (create a folder in the root of the project), the folder itself must be added to the build path.

Next, we create a variable Hero of type Sprite. In the init function, we initialize it. In the render function, draw:

Game class

So, we create a project, in it the Game class (along the way, creating an entry point in it). This class must inherit from the Canvas class and implement the Runnable interface:

Let’s create a variable running of type Boolean, which, you guessed it, will show us whether the game is running or not.

Let’s create a start function and in it we will create a new thread and translate running to true:

Let’s create three functions. update (long delta), render and init. I hope you understand their meaning. In the run function, we will create the main game loop, before it we will call init, and in it we will render and update. We will also calculate the difference between frames (delta time).

You probably can’t wait to get started and try it, but don’t rush. We need to create a frame and add our canvas to it. At the same time, we will declare three variables.

This is what our Game class looks like now.

How to Create an App Without Coding 2021 (Mobile Game App Developing)