Money Not Received By Phone

Money Not Received By Phone

Tens of thousands of interbank transfers are made daily. And, unfortunately, situations when funds do not arrive on time to the recipient’s bank account are quite common. If you have not received money on a Sberbank card, you should understand the reasons for what happened.


What to do in a situation when the funds were not credited to the card?

  1. First of all, check the terms of the translation. As a rule, all money transfers are executed within one to three business days. It is worth remembering that Saturday, Sunday, as well as officially approved holidays during the operation are not taken into account.
  2. Be sure to keep the check until the funds are credited to the card. The check is the main document confirming the fact of the transaction of transfer or payment of cash through an ATM.
  3. If the terms of the money transfer have expired, but Sberbank has not credited the amount, you should check the details of the transfer indicated in the check. Perhaps the reason is the erroneous entry of bank data. If the transfer was made by you yourself, the bank is not required to return the funds. Indeed, in this situation, the recipient’s card account does not receive money precisely because of the sender. If the operator mistakenly transferred the funds to the wrong account, you should come to the bank branch and draw up a written complaint.
  4. If all the data was entered correctly by you, and the deadlines for crediting funds are out, request a bank card statement. Perhaps your card was replenished on time, but the message about the receipt of money for some reason did not arrive on your mobile phone.
  5. Check if you had any debts to the bank, whether the bank received an order to seize your accounts. Perhaps the funds were credited to your card, after which they were automatically debited to pay off the debt.
  6. Find out at the bank, it is possible that preventive work was going on at the time of the operation, and that is why the time of the transfer was increased. As a rule, at the end of work, funds immediately go to the card.

Do not be surprised that it consists of only 3 digits. It works fine and is completely free.

Written complaint

What should I do if the details of the operation were indicated correctly, the terms of the operation have expired, but the funds have not been credited to the bank card account for a long time?

In this case, you should contact the bank and write a written complaint. A bank employee is required to issue you a “statement of disputed transaction” form, in which you indicate all the necessary information.

  • In some cases, you do not need to personally come to the bank, you just need to call the contact center of Sberbank, and the operators will independently record your appeal;
  • Application is accepted only from the sender of funds. Over, if the funds were transferred to Sberbank from another credit institution, you should first go there. If the bank from which the money was sent is claimed to have transferred it and the operation was successful, you need to contact Sberbank to make a claim;
  • Writing your application will require your passport and a check confirming the fact of the transfer;
  • So that the experts find out why the enrollment did not occur, the application must indicate all the required information. The most important parameters when preparing a claim are: date and time of the transaction, place of transaction (ATM, terminal, mobile bank, Sberbank online, bank branch), type of transaction (cash deposit, money transfer), your contact details and the disputed amount. If, as a result of the transaction, the amount was only partially credited to the recipient’s account, be sure to note this;
  • The written application is assigned a number, which, as a rule, is received by the client in an SMS message 3 working days after the complaint is made;
  • The application will be reviewed within 5 to 30 business days.

Bank employees will review your claim and find out the reason why the transfer to the card did not come. And the results of the consideration of the application will be surely notified to you by the method specified in the application (e-mail, written response, phone call).

It would seem that a normal life situation, a person put money on a cell phone, but when entering data, he made a mistake and transferred the funds not to his account, but to a phone number with similar numbers. An innocent mistake with whom it does not happen. Yes, but this is not a mistake, but another scam trick. What this trick consists of, and how fraudsters deceive the unsuspecting subscribers who received money on their phone, we will tell in this publication.

Fraud scheme

If you encounter an erroneous money transfer, most likely you are dealing with scammers. A person who really made a mistake and transferred the amount to the wrong phone does not need to call someone and demand money back.

  1. It is enough to come to the office of a mobile operator.
  2. Write a request for the return of erroneously transferred money.
  3. After 3 days, the operator will credit the entire amount to your phone number.

Actually, he does not need to contact the person to whose number he threw the money, so if strangers start calling you and demanding the transferred funds back, they are criminals. How do fraud schemes work?

The first option is the oldest and easiest. An SMS from a strange number comes to your phone saying that you allegedly credited 300 rubles or another amount. For several minutes you are at a loss, and then an unknown person calls you and asks you to return the erroneously transferred funds. In a conversation, he puts pressure on pity, appeals to your decency and you naturally agree to send the indicated amount to his number. As a result, it turns out that 300 rubles did not come to your account. You were deceived, and the fraudster received 300 rubles in his account.

In the second variant of fraud, the amount actually comes to your phone, and the amount is not small from 1000 to 5000 rubles. A large amount is one of the levers of psychological pressure on the subscriber. A person will definitely pay attention to it and will act more disciplined to please the fraudster.

A call will be heard very soon. A person begins to ask, beg, demand his money back. He will say that he needs money immediately, since he is at work, in the hospital, somewhere else and he needs to urgently call. They can tell you anything, the goal is the same. You must transfer the indicated amount to the scammer’s account. Suppose you transfer money. Next, the fraudster turns to the mobile operator with a statement and his money is returned to him, debiting them from your account. As a result, he gets his 1000 rubles back, taking also your 1000 rubles.

What to do and what not to do?

We introduced you to fraud schemes and this is a kind of protection, since you are already warned. What to do, and what not to do in a situation when you see mistakenly transferred money in your account? The most correct thing is to do nothing and not talk at all with those who will call you, falling asleep with requests and threats. Keep track of the balance of your mobile phone and do not spend money transferred by scammers within 15 days. 15 days are allotted for writing a return application.

When the specified period expires, the funds will be transferred to your property, but most likely the fraudster will nevertheless write a statement and the mobile operator will write them off from your account. Thus, you will not lose anything, just like a scammer. You will get off with the fact that you only cause trouble.

You can do otherwise. Call the mobile operator’s hotline and report a fraud. Be sure to tell that the owner of the money called you and demanded to return the amount. In this case, it is quite difficult to prove the fact of fraud, but at least you will warn the organization, and then let their security service calculate unscrupulous subscribers. Most importantly, don’t follow the fraudster’s case, don’t transfer money to him and do not fulfill any other requests. Be carefull!

It would seem that a normal life situation, a person put money on a cell phone, but when entering data, he made a mistake and transferred the funds not to his account, but to a phone number with similar numbers. An innocent mistake with whom it does not happen. Yes, but this is not a mistake, but another scam trick. What this trick consists of, and how fraudsters deceive the unsuspecting subscribers who received money on their phone, we will tell in this publication.

Fraud scheme

If you encounter an erroneous money transfer, most likely you are dealing with scammers. A person who really made a mistake and transferred the amount to the wrong phone does not need to call someone and demand money back.

  1. It is enough to come to the office of a mobile operator.
  2. Write a request for the return of erroneously transferred money.
  3. After 3 days, the operator will credit the entire amount to your phone number.

Actually, he does not need to contact the person to whose number he threw the money, so if strangers start calling you and demanding the transferred funds back, they are criminals. How do fraud schemes work?

The first option is the oldest and easiest. An SMS from a strange number comes to your phone saying that you allegedly credited 300 rubles or another amount. For several minutes you are at a loss, and then an unknown person calls you and asks you to return the erroneously transferred funds. In a conversation, he puts pressure on pity, appeals to your decency and you naturally agree to send the indicated amount to his number. As a result, it turns out that 300 rubles did not come to your account. You were deceived, and the fraudster received 300 rubles in his account.

In the second variant of fraud, the amount actually comes to your phone, and the amount is not small from 1000 to 5000 rubles. A large amount is one of the levers of psychological pressure on the subscriber. A person will definitely pay attention to it and will act more disciplined to please the fraudster.

A call will be heard very soon. A person begins to ask, beg, demand his money back. He will say that he needs money immediately, since he is at work, in the hospital, somewhere else and he needs to urgently call. They can tell you anything, the goal is the same. You must transfer the indicated amount to the scammer’s account. Suppose you transfer money. Next, the fraudster turns to the mobile operator with a statement and his money is returned to him, debiting them from your account. As a result, he gets his 1000 rubles back, taking also your 1000 rubles.

What to do and what not to do?

We introduced you to fraud schemes and this is a kind of protection, since you are already warned. What to do, and what not to do in a situation when you see mistakenly transferred money in your account? The most correct thing is to do nothing and not talk at all with those who will call you, falling asleep with requests and threats. Keep track of the balance of your mobile phone and do not spend money transferred by scammers within 15 days. 15 days are allotted for writing a return application.

When the specified period expires, the funds will be transferred to your property, but most likely the fraudster will nevertheless write a statement and the mobile operator will write them off from your account. Thus, you will not lose anything, just like a scammer. You will get off with the fact that you only cause trouble.

You can do otherwise. Call the mobile operator’s hotline and report a fraud. Be sure to tell that the owner of the money called you and demanded to return the amount. In this case, it is quite difficult to prove the fact of fraud, but at least you will warn the organization, and then let their security service calculate unscrupulous subscribers. Most importantly, don’t follow the fraudster’s case, don’t transfer money to him and do not fulfill any other requests. Be carefull!