Smart water ingredients label. Is Smart Water Any ‘Smarter’ Than Other Bottled Waters

Is Smart Water Any ‘Smarter’ Than Other Bottled Waters?

These days, people are keen to get more out of their water in the pursuit of health. So, brands like Smart Water hit the market with bottles of water that are meant to be of better quality than tap water.

Smart Water is seen as a cut above the rest when it comes to bottled water. But, is this popular brand of bottled water really all it’s cracked up to be? Surely, water is just water, right?

We’ll dive into what kinds of water they sell, and whether it really is better than other bottled water available.

The TLDR: Smart water contains electrolytes for more effective hydration – however, other brands also provide this. It’s not much smarter than other bottles of water in terms of reaping any extra health benefits, but if you like the cleaner taste then there’s no harm trying this brand.

What is Smart Water?

Glaceau Smartwater is a popular bottled water brand selling distilled water made from spring water. Their parent company is Coca-Cola. They claim to have Smart hydration choices for all kinds of people and activities.

Smartwater distills their spring water to purify it. Their process involves the hydrologic cycle. It also is said to have a perfect natural pH of 7. Pure water has a pH of seven, but often tape water and some bottled waters can deviate from this slightly.

Smartwater is source of electrolytes. Electrolytes help to maintain the fluid balance in the body. Water with electrolytes tends to be more hydrating than water without them.

Smart water is sugar-free, sodium-free, gluten-free, fluoride-free, and GMO-free. They also are free from artificial flavors and artificial colors. It’s free from allergens including milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, soy, wheat. So far, these are all things that should apply to most water by default- if not all.

However, water – whether from the tap or plastic water bottles – can end up with fluoride, sodium, or even harmful chemicals. Lots of flavored water can even contain added sugars, which defeat the purpose of water being a healthy drink.

If you’re concerned about the environment, their water comes in plastic bottles which are 100% recyclable. However, lots of other plastic bottles from their competitors are recyclable too.

What kinds of Smartwater are there? Are they beneficial?

There are four main kinds of Smart Water drinks available. By default, their drinks are made from spring water put through vapor distillation.


Smartwater Clarity is bottled water that has added ginseng and green tea extracts. There are also added electrolytes. These come from calcium chloride, magnesium chloride, and potassium bicarbonate.

Ginseng is an antioxidant and has been linked with reducing inflammation. Studies have even found that it might help strengthen the immune system. Green tea is also source of antioxidants. Research has suggested that green tea drinkers could live longer than those who don’t drink it.

However, the amount of green tea and ginseng you would realistically get from this kind of Smart water to feel the effects is probably negligible. It’s unlikely that all the water you drink throughout the day is going to be Smart Water. Drinking tea is a better way to score these extra nutrients.

Smartwater Alkaline

Smart water’s alkaline water has been ionized to hit a pH of 9, which is basic. Pure water will have a pH level of 7, which is neutral. But, it can deviate slightly due to the presence of minerals like potassium, calcium, and magnesium, or even because of contaminants. The rest of Smart Water’s bottled water is said to have a perfect pH of exactly 7.

Drinking alkaline water has grown in popularity over the years. While it may help ease acid reflux, many of the other so-called health benefits of alkaline water – such as having anti-aging properties, being good for bone health, and fighting cancer – are yet to be proven through scientific research. It technically is healthy, it’s just not extra beneficial.

Alkaline water may act as a buffer during physical activity. This means athletes can perform longer by offsetting the build-up of lactic acid. This is what results in cramping and fatigue during activity. However, many people will actually just add potassium bicarbonate or baking soda to their drinks to have this effect.

If you enjoy the taste of ionized alkaline water then go ahead, but many of the benefits are just over-hyped. Like their other products, Smartwater Alkaline is still distilled water that has been filtered. It will still contain the added minerals too.

Smartwater Flavors

Smartwater offer flavored drinks. These will also go through their vapor distillation process. The distillation process and added electrolytes seem to be the only substantial difference between Smart Water flavored drinks and many other flavored waters. Keep in mind that other brands could have added sugar to their flavored water, so read the label ingredients and nutritional label first.

The flavored drinks come in cucumber lime, strawberry blackberry, pineapple kiwi, and watermelon mint variations. These are said to be made using natural flavors. However, they do not provide more detail about the origins of the flavors on their website. Generally, research has suggested that natural flavors are safe for consumption.

While the original source of a natural flavor must come from an animal or plant, in the end, it can still end up being highly processed. That said, flavored water like this is a much better alternative than buying a bottle of Coca-Cola.

Smartwater Antioxidants

Smartwater Antioxidant has been infused with selenium, which is an antioxidant. Like other Smartwaters, it also contains electrolytes and is vapor distilled.

Selenium is a powerful antioxidant. Research has suggested it is even more potent than vitamins A and beta-carotene, as well as vitamins C and E. Selenium may even help to protect DNA from free-radical damage (which can cause premature aging). It may even reduce the risk of some kinds of cancer, atherosclerosis, and coronary ischemic disease.

However, the amount of this antioxidant you would realistically get from a bottle of water is quite low. Again, it’s not likely that all the water in your diet is going to be from Smart Water. While this product is better than nothing at all, the best way to add antioxidants to your diet and reap the health benefits is to eat a wide range of fruits and vegetables.

What are the health benefits of Smartwater? Is Smart Water good for you?

Smart Water is good for you as is mostly just because drinking water, in general, is good for you. If the main reason you struggle to drink water, in the long run, is because of the taste, then Smart Water could be a good way to maintain adequate hydration levels. Many people think Smart water has a pleasant crisp taste, so it can make drinking water more palatable.

However, there are no major health benefits to drinking Smart water that you won’t find in tap water or other bottled waters. Nor do they seem to promise that there are any other benefits either.

Their main goal seems to be to create delicious-tasting water that is tailored to your hydration needs; which seems to be the case. However, this can also easily be achieved by replenishing your electrolyte levels after strenuous activity.

The difference between mineral water and Smart Water is that they remove minerals during the distillation process, and then add them in again. Mineral water typically allows existing minerals to remain. Their water is vapor distilled so the water molecules are separated from naturally occurring minerals and impurities. The minerals added back into the filtered water might be “cleaner” as there are no contaminants, but there is no research to suggest that they are any healthier than regular water or mineral water. So, if you skip out on a bottle of Smart water, you won’t be missing out on much.

Does Smart Water make you smarter?

It should go without saying, but Smart Water does not actually make its drinkers smarter. The goal of the product was how to make regular water “smarter” and more beneficial, not how to make its customers more intelligent. Smart Water does not suggest that its products can raise your IQ either, but, the brand name can be misleading for some.

With that said, hydration plays a key role in cognitive function. Studies have found that even mild dehydration can impair cognitive function and overall mood. This includes memory and vigilance, plus an increase in fatigue and anxiety. Not keeping hydrated can also cause headaches, which will certainly affect concentration and mood.

So, Smart Water in particular won’t make you any smarter. However, drinking water, in general, will keep you feeling sharp and refreshed.

Is Smart Water Better than Tap Water?

Given that Smart water is vapor-distilled, it could be better than some tap water. This is because impurities, heavy metals or other contaminants have been removed so it is cleaner. Plus, the added electrolytes make it a better source of hydration.

With that said, Smart water is not essential in this scenario. A good water filter will remove impurities from your tap water. You can add lemon or lime juice for some electrolytes to improve the taste.

Is Smartwater Better Than Bottled Water Spring Water?

Generally, a lot of bottled water does not have added minerals and electrolytes (with the exception of mineral water). This means it is more beneficial when it comes to rehydrating yourself after intense exercise as electrolytes are lost in sweat. However, Smart Water is not the only bottled water consumers have to choose from if this is their goal. It does not appear to have any nutrients that are substantially different or more beneficial than its competitors either.

If you’re trying to save money but are still interested in buying bottled water, other brands can offer almost the same thing for a fraction of the price.

Is there a better alternative to Smart water?

You can save money and skip the Smart Water. Spring water from generic bottled water companies will also contain hydrating minerals like potassium. If you like alkaline water, there are also lots of other brands to choose from.

You can also add some ingredients to your own tap water to give it a nutritional boost. For example, adding lemon, lime and mint for extra antioxidants, electrolytes, and vitamin C.

With that said, there really isn’t much of a need to be trying to get even more out of water than there already is. The point of water is to keep the body hydrated. If you want to nourish your body so you have more energy, eat well, and be active.

The Bottom Line

If you genuinely enjoy the taste of Smart Water, then feel free to keep drinking it. However, it’s really not much “smarter” than other bottled waters containing spring water. They might add in some minerals to make it more hydrating, but they’re not alone in this. Just like they’re not alone in selling alkaline water. So, if you only have access to tap water or a cheaper variation of spring water, don’t fret – it is not much you’re missing out on.

Is Smart Water Good For You?

Water is essential for life. There’s no denying that. Water is so important that we die from dehydration far sooner than we do from not getting enough food. But is Smart Water good for you?

Even more importantly, is drinking Smart Water better than drinking water straight from the tap or via your water filter? After all, you don’t want to be constantly buying bottled water if it doesn’t help you at all.

Smart Water does seem like it could be helpful, especially if you choose one of the electrolyte-containing products.

Mild dehydration is surprisingly common. Many of us simply aren’t getting the water we need every day. Products like Vitaminwater, Smart Water, and even coconut water seem like a fantastic way to solve the problem, as they’re seen to be even more powerful than water on its own.

To find out, we’re going to take a deep dive into the original Smart Water product, followed by their other offerings, including flavor-infused, antioxidant, and alkaline water.

Smart Water is basically distilled bottled water, with some electrolytes added. The distillation process removes impurities from the water, while the electrolytes improve the flavor and may provide some health benefits too (we’ll talk more about those electrolytes later).

Smart Water was originally produced by Energy Brands, Inc., which is more commonly known as Glacéau. You’ll still sometimes see the name Glacéau on some Smart Water bottles, but Energy Brands, Inc. doesn’t own the company anymore.

Instead, Coca-Cola bought them out back in 2007, to the tune of 4.1 billion – an impressive figure for bottled water.

This change in ownership doesn’t necessarily mean much for Smart Water itself. Still, Coca-Cola isn’t known for creating healthy products. They tend to FOCUS more on profit and marketing than on promoting the health of their customers. This could mean that the quality of Smart Water decreases over time.

Is Coconut Water Good For You?

Is Mineral Water Good For You?

Is Alkaline Water Good For You?

Why Talk About Smart Water And Health?

The original question for this post was – is Smart Water good for you?

The simple answer is yes. After all, we’re just talking about bottled water with a few additions – and we all know that water promotes health. Water is particularly good if you’re drinking it instead of sugary or highly processed drinks.

Today we want to take things further. We’re going to look at whether Smart Water lives up to its marketing, the specific benefits that it offers, and how it compares to other products (including plain water!).

What The Marketing Claims

Smart Water is marketed as being pure, crisp, refreshing, and hydrating – all terms that sound amazing. The bottle is 100% recyclable, minimizing the environmental impact. There is nothing added beyond the water itself and electrolytes.

The FAQs page even goes as far as to say that the water is free from sugar, sodium, gluten, fluoride, artificial flavors, artificial coloring, GMOs, and the ‘big eight’ allergens. Finally, the pH of the water is ‘purely balanced’ (whatever that means).

These claims are all accurate and are good news for your health. Of course, most of them are true for other types of water too, so they’re not as exciting as they sound.

It’s Purer Than Tap Water

The main feature of Smart Water is that it’s distilled. Distilling water involves a process of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation, which removes more contaminants than most other processes, including filtering.

Purifying water like this can be useful, as it helps you avoid both organic and inorganic contaminants in water. You’re also avoiding anything that might be added to tap water, including chloride.

Now, tap water can be good for you, but it isn’t always. Sometimes it gets contaminated by lead in the pipes, by agricultural pollution, or by other things. While there are systems in place to keep water safe and identify possible contamination early, these aren’t as effective as they could be.

Sometimes contamination gets missed. Sometimes the levels of pollution in your water are considered safe, even if they’re much higher than you’re happy with. For all these reasons, alternatives to tap water can be helpful.

The Taste

Distilled water normally tastes flat and unappealing, as minerals and electrolytes are lost during the distillation process and these are what make your water taste interesting.

Smart Water gets around the problem by adding small amounts of electrolytes. As such, you end up with very pure water that still tastes good. That’s pretty impressive really.

Some of the products are also flavored, like Cucumber Lime and Watermelon Mint. These often taste good, without requiring much extra sugar.

Few Additives

Aside from the electrolytes, Smart Water doesn’t use any additives at all. This is much better than products like Gatorade or Powerade, which are packed with sugar, food dyes, and added flavors.

Flavored versions of Smart Water have a few extra ingredients, including natural flavors. However, the additives are kept to a minimum.

You Get The Benefits Of Water

Most importantly, Smart Water gives you all the benefits of water with no concerning ingredients. By drinking water and staying hydrated, you promote good digestion, help to cushion your joints, reduce the risk of constipation, improve your heart health, and experience many other benefits.

Getting enough water may even help you to lose weight and feel more energized. Dehydration, on the other hand, can make it difficult to concentrate or function well. Long-term dehydration has many more severe health effects. This is true even if the dehydration is mild.

The Marketing

The way Coca-Cola describes Smart Water makes it sound absolutely amazing, like it’s this powerful type of water that’s going to offer you countless health benefits.

In practice, though, we’re simply talking about distilled water that has some electrolytes added to it. You’ll see most of the same benefits by simply drinking distilled water. Even filtered water or tap water isn’t incredibly different.

The water is also meant to have a ‘purely balanced pH’, as Coca-Cola carefully monitors pH levels. Interestingly though, they never talk about why doing so is useful or even what pH they’re trying to reach with regular Smart Water.

The Price

Bottled water is always expensive, sometimes averaging around 300 times the price of water from the tap. Smart Water is on the upper end of the bottled water market, so it’s even more expensive again.

Some of that price comes from the distillation process, which is more involved than simply filtering water. Even so, Coca-Cola earns a lot of money from the sale of Smart Water, so part of the price is their profit margin.

Smart Water might be worth the price if it was much better than regular water. But honestly, it’s not. In fact, distilling water mightn’t even be the healthiest approach, as doing so strips the water of its natural minerals.

If you’re in an area where tap water is low quality, then bottled water makes more sense. Still… there are cheaper brands. You could also just buy a water filter.

The Amount Of Electrolytes

Smart Water contains has added calcium, magnesium, and potassium as electrolytes (in the form of calcium chloride, magnesium chloride, and potassium bicarbonate). Electrolytes are important in our body and their levels can become out of balance if we’re losing a lot of water through sweat, diarrhea, or some other way.

At first glance, Smart Water seems like a healthy way to replenish these electrolytes. The water even avoids all the controversial additives found in products like Gatorade.

However, a line in Smart Water’s marketing shows that this isn’t the case. They state that their electrolytes are added for taste.

In fact, an 8 oz. serving of Smart Water, only provides around 2.5 mg of potassium and calcium, along with 3.75 mg of magnesium. For that same serving size, Gatorade gives you 30 mg of potassium. Indeed, it’s common to find 30 mg or more of each electrolyte in a serving of an electrolyte drink.

While the electrolytes in Smart Water do still help with how the water tastes, they won’t improve your electrolyte balance in the way that a specialized electrolyte drink will.

Does this matter? That depends on whether you need electrolytes or not.

If you’re sweating heavily, then electrolyte-rich drinks could be powerful and Smart Water isn’t going to be a useful choice. However, if you don’t need electrolytes (and many of us don’t), then Smart Water is better than an electrolyte-rich drink.

Plastic Bottles

The final problem is that you’re buying your water in plastic bottles. The bottles are recyclable, sure, but energy is still used to make the bottles and then to recycle them. Plus, many people just throw the bottles out without taking the effort to recycle them – so there’s plenty of waste, which isn’t good for the environment at all.

Plastic bottles have health implications too, as chemicals may leach from the bottles into your water. The bottles are BPA-free, which reduces the risk of any problems, but even so, it’s always best to avoid plastic bottles for water whenever you can.

The Original Smart Water

This is the most common product in the Smart Water range. This is the one you’ll see most often in grocery stores. The plain version just consists of distilled water, plus calcium chloride, magnesium chloride, and potassium bicarbonate.

There are also flavored versions: Cucumber lime, pineapple kiwi, strawberry blackberry, and passionfruit mango. The only difference between these and the original Smart Water is the addition of natural flavors. The water itself is still distilled and completely sugar free.

While the flavors are surprisingly strong, many people love them. That said, your own preferences will have an impact. For example, some people find that the cucumber lime water tastes too much like cucumber and the lime is barely there at all. Others have no complaints at all.

Because the only additional ingredient here is natural flavors, the flavored water is healthier than many others in the field. That said, the term natural flavors doesn’t tell you much about what the company actually adds in. In practice, natural flavors might be just as concerning as artificial ones.

Smart Water

There are four versions Smart Water: Clarity, Renew, Support, and Tranquility. They use natural flavors as well, but the approach is a little different.

In particular, Clarity uses ginseng and green tea extracts, Renew uses dandelion and lemon extracts, Support uses black currant and blueberry extracts, and Tranquility uses ashwagandha and tangerine extracts. The drinks end up having an unusual flavor profile, while the herbal ingredients could provide extra health benefits.

Still, reviews are mixed on the flavors and you’re still not going to see tremendous benefits. You’d improve your health more by drinking regular water and having a cup of green tea every now and again. After all, there isn’t likely to be much of each extract in the water.

Smart Water Alkaline With Antioxidant

This product is ionized to give you a pH of 9.5 (pure water has a pH of around 7, while tap water tends to be around 7.5). A pH of 9 makes the water alkaline and is meant to make it better for you.

Whether this is true or not is incredibly debatable. Much of the challenge is that our bodies naturally regulate our pH levels, so changing the pH of our food and drink doesn’t do much more than change the pH of our urine.

We’ve covered the debate about alkaline water in more depth elsewhere. You can check that post out if you want to learn more. Regardless, the product is simply the regular version of Smart Water with a different pH and is only relevant if you’re interested in drinking alkaline water.

Oddly, Coca-Cola doesn’t explain why this water has antioxidant in the name. The ingredients list isn’t much help either, as it just includes water, electrolytes, and sodium selenate.

The sodium selenate is likely to be the antioxidant, as it can have this effect in some situations. However, it’s an odd choice. Besides, most antioxidant-focused products use multiple types of antioxidants rather than just one.

The potential benefits are easy to see, as antioxidants decrease the risk of oxidative damage and might help to protect you from disease.

Still… antioxidants aren’t exactly rare. They’re found in most plant-based foods, particularly the natural ones that haven’t been processed. Natural foods also contain a wider variety of antioxidants than anything heavily processed. That’s important, as the health effects of antioxidants vary depending on the type that you choose.

With so many sources of antioxidants, you shouldn’t ever need more from your drinking water.

Smart Water Antioxidant

There’s also Smart Water Antioxidant. This time selenium is used as an antioxidant and the pH is similar to regular water.

The same issue exists here too, as selenium is still just one type of antioxidant. Besides, most of us are already getting all the selenium we need from our diet. If you’re not, then selenium rich foods are the answer, rather than Smart Water Antioxidant.

Is Smart Water Worth The Price?

For the most part, Smart Water is indeed good for you. The products are all mostly water, after all, so they’ll give you the same benefits that you see from drinking a regular glass of water.

The problem is that there aren’t many extra benefits. The antioxidants and electrolytes aren’t enough to influence your health much at all, while the impact of alkaline water is incredibly debatable.

All you’re left with is the lack of contaminants.

This is an important feature, but it’s hardly unique to Smart Water. Most bottled water should be free of contaminants (that’s part of the point of selling bottled water to begin with). You can also remove contaminants yourself by installing a water filter at home.

Plus, in many parts of the country, your regular tap water is of high quality and will be just fine for keeping you healthy.

Smart Water Versus Vitaminwater

Smart Water might seem similar to Vitaminwater, which we talked about in another post. Both products bear the Glacéau name and are meant to be healthier versions of regular water.

But, while Smart Water is basically regular water with some minor tweaks, Vitaminwater is quite different. For one thing, most versions are flavored, with a flavor selection that includes acai blueberry pomegranate, tropical mango, dragonfruit, kiwi strawberry, and tropical citrus.

There are vitamins added too, often including vitamin C and plenty of B vitamins. Some versions have extras too, like antioxidants, electrolytes, taurine, l-theanine, or even chamomile.

The approach isn’t all good though, as the drinks use more additives than Smart Water, including ones for coloring, flavor, and sweetness. Such ingredients are all considered safe, but they’re hardly the best choice for your health.

Smart Water is easily the healthier option of the two. It doesn’t have the same concerning additives and contains barely any calories. The extra vitamins, antioxidants, and the like in Vitaminwater aren’t that powerful anyway. You’ll see more benefits by simply including a few more fruits and vegetables in your diet.

Final Thoughts

Smart Water must be extremely well-marketed, as the product is very popular and highly profitable for Coca-Cola yet isn’t that special at all. We’re just talking about distilled water with tiny amounts of electrolytes added back in. That’s it.

You’ll get just as many benefits for a much lower price by focusing on filtered water instead. This way you don’t need to keep buying plastic bottles full of water. Plus, you can choose your water filters based on the tap water in your area. Doing so helps you maximize the benefits while keeping your costs low.

Is Smart Water Good For You?

Is Smart water good for you? Smart Water is advertised everywhere, but does it really work? Before deciding if Smart water good for you?, it’s important to know what Smart Water is.

This article will explain what Smart Water is and its benefits. It will also examine whether it’s a healthy option for daily hydration. Let’s see if Smart Water is healthy for you.

What is Smart Water?

Smart Water is purified water that has been enhanced with minerals, electrolytes, and other beneficial components. Electrolytes help the body absorb and use water efficiently.

Minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium help replenish nutrients in the body. Smart Water also contains vitamins and antioxidants that help to improve health and protect from disease.

Smart Water is perfect for people who want to remain hydrated, but don’t want the sugar or calories added by many other water bottles.

It’s low in sodium, calories, sugar, artificial sweeteners, and caffeine. It is a great choice for those who are looking for a healthier alternative to their daily water intake.

This is great for people who are physically active and athletes.

The electrolytes are a great way to replenish minerals, electrolytes, and other essential ingredients that you lose during strenuous activity. This can reduce cramping and improve performance.

Smart Water is a good choice for anyone looking to reduce carbon emissions. It is not only a healthier option but also reduces waste.

The packaging is reusable, which reduces the amount of waste plastic in landfills.

Smart Water is an excellent choice for anyone who wants to stay hydrated in a more sustainable and healthy way. This is a great option for those who want to reduce their plastic waste, including athletes and active people.

It is a great option for those who are looking to stay hydrated, but don’t want the sugar or calories of other bottled waters.

What Ingredients Are in Smart Water?

Remember the TDS Test above? He only measured TDS at 27 ppm. This is a very low level.

There are better options than SmartWater if you want to replenish electrolytes and rehydrate during or after a workout.

Smart water contains three main components: mineral salts, vapor-distilled h2o, and electrolytes. Minerals (calcium, magnesium, and potassium bicarbonate), when dissolved in water, create an electrical charge in the body.

Electrolytes are important for maintaining fluid balance, nerve and muscle function, as well as overall health.

By boiling water, and then condensing it back into liquid form to remove impurities and mineral salts, vapor-distilled water can be created.

This creates water that is purer than tap water. Mineral salts, which have a sweeter taste and increase electrolytes are then added.

Magnesium, calcium and potassium are the electrolytes found in Smart water. Magnesium helps reduce muscle spasms and cramps.

Calcium maintains healthy teeth and bones and assists in muscle contraction. Potassium regulates fluid balance and is important for athletes, who need to replenish their electrolytes after and during exercise.

Smart Water also has a new antioxidant variant infused with selenium, an essential mineral that helps protect the body against oxidative damage.

The added oxygen helps improve the taste and makes it more refreshing. The oxygen in the product helps improve the absorption and accessibility of electrolytes.

Smart water can help you meet your hydration requirements. It’s a good source of minerals and electrolytes and a healthier alternative to sodas and juices.

Is Smart Water Good For You?

can! Smart Water contains electrolytes that are beneficial for hydration and recovery after exercise. It contains hardly any calories, and it doesn’t add sugar or fat to the diet.

Smart Water is free of the additives found in many soft drinks, both still and carbonated, so you don’t have to worry about what you are putting in your body. Next time you want to stay healthy and hydrated, try Smart Water.

Benefits of Smart Water

Smart water is better for you than regular water. Smart water is richer in electrolytes, and it has a lower level of acidity than regular drinking water.

This makes it easier to digest. It contains fewer impurities and allows your body to process water faster. It also contains more antioxidants that help protect your cells against free radical damage.

Second, smarter water tastes better. The higher mineral content and lower acidity make Smart water a refreshing and more enjoyable drink. It is also rich in electrolytes and can keep you hydrated longer.

Thirdly, Smart water is convenient. Most convenience stores sell bottles, and many vending machines also do. It is easy to have a bottle with you at all times.

Smart water is environmentally friendly. The bottles are recyclable and BPA-free, so they won’t harm the environment. It is also safer for both you and the environment because it’s produced without using chemicals or artificial ingredients.

Smart water is now affordable. It is cheaper than regular drinking water because it’s produced without chemicals or artificial additives. It is also available in different sizes so you can find the right amount.

Are There Any Potential Side Effects Of Drinking Smart Water?

There are no side effects associated with drinking Smart Water. Contrary to what you might have heard, Smart Water does not come from natural springs or groundwater.

It is highly purified and filtered through reverse osmosis, and UV treatment.

If you’re looking for an alternative to tap water that is healthier, filtered tap water can often be more cost-effective and just as good. Research has yet to prove that filtering tap water is healthier than distilled water.

Smart Water is a good option for dehydration, but it may not be the best solution to your hydration problems.

Does Smart Water Contain Electrolytes?

Yes, Smart Water does contain electrolytes! The 8 oz. Its 8 oz. The electrolytes and vapor-distilled British Spring Water give it a crisp and clean taste.

It contains electrolytes like calcium chloride and magnesium chloride to keep you going all day.

Smart Water also contains only 10 mg of potassium per liter and 15 mg of magnesium per liter.

Is It Safe To Consume Large Quantities Of Electrolytes Found In Smart Water Regularly?

Smart Water contains electrolytes like sodium and potassium, but these are in small quantities and won’t harm your health when consumed regularly.

It is important to remember that electrolytes are lost through sweating. If you have been dehydrated or engaged in intense physical activity, then sports drinks and other products with a higher level of electrolytes could be beneficial.

Who Should Drink Smart Water?

Smart water is the perfect alternative to regular water or sugary drinks. With electrolytes that help you stay more hydrated, Smart water is a great choice for those who want to reduce their sugar intake.

Smart water is also beneficial to athletes as it contains minerals that can support muscle recovery and function.

Smart Water contains distilled and filtered water to help reduce the bloating, discomfort, and swelling that can be caused by dehydration.

Smart Water is a great choice for anyone looking to stay hydrated while exercising. It also tastes fantastic!

Why Is Smart Water Good For You When You Work Out?

Smart Water is a great option to keep hydrated while working out and giving your body electrolytes.

Smart Water is mineral-enriched bottled water, which includes calcium, magnesium potassium and sodium. These electrolytes replenish the water lost through sweating, allowing you to rehydrate your body quickly.

Is Smart Water Better Than Soft Drinks?

Compare the nutritional value of each drink. Sugar and artificial flavors are the main ingredients in regular soft drinks.

Smart water, on the other hand, contains no artificial flavors, sugar, or calories. It contains minerals and electrolytes that replenish the body.

Smart water’s taste is another benefit. It has a refreshing, clean taste. It does not have artificial sweeteners, which can leave an odd aftertaste.

Smart water is a healthier alternative to soft drinks when it comes down to hydration. It contains electrolytes such as sodium, calcium, and magnesium that can replenish the fluids in your body. Soft drinks don’t contain any of these electrolytes.

Smart water is also better for the planet than soft drinks. Smart water comes in BPA-free bottles which are easier to recycle than cans of soft drinks.

Smart water also uses less water and energy during its production. It’s an eco-friendly option.

Smart water is an excellent alternative to soft drinks. It is free from calories, sugar, and artificial flavors, and it contains electrolytes that help to keep you hydrated.

It’s also better for the planet than soft drinks. If you want to replace soft drinks with something healthier, Smart water is the best option.

Recommended For You

What is the purest bottled water?

Essentia says it can meet the criteria, producing bottled water that has a pH level of 9.5 – essentially zero acidity.

The skin is incredibly smooth and clean. Essential Premium Water is 99.9% pure and boasts a balanced mix of minerals, electrolytes, and other essential elements.

So why do bottled water companies keep manufacturing water with added vitamins and minerals?

It is very important to first read the label of the bottled water. You should be aware that sugars and calories will not help you hydrate (and may even hinder your performance).

If you find that your bottled water contains sugars, carbohydrates, or calories then this is likely

to be for taste rather than hydration.

The second reason is that it was found that vitamin supplements added to water were not absorbed as effectively as when they were consumed with food.

Water-soluble vitamins pass through the digestive system too quickly and can’t be absorbed. Some “enhanced intelligent water” in bottles does not contain enough electrolytes and vitamins to make a significant difference.

Our bodies are very efficient in absorbing the vitamins and nutrients we need through our food. Smart water that is enhanced does not work as well with the body as food.

Third, although it’s been proven that drinking water with moderate amounts of minerals is good for you and contains calcium (for example), these minerals are already added to the tap water.

The cost of bottled mineral water can be high for consumers, but it is good for manufacturers. Continue reading to learn about alternatives to purchasing mineral-enhanced water to get your vitamins while easing the burden on your wallet.

Some users swear by the fact that adding electrolytes and vitamins to their water can make a real difference, whether it’s for taste or performance.

It could be a placebo effect, where consumers want to believe that the water they spend so much money on is beneficial.

Some bottled water brands filter out municipal sources of water and add minerals. Vapor distillation filtration removes heavy metals and contaminants. Companies add minerals to the water after it has been filtered.

This is done for the sake of taste and to balance the distillation. See our previous post about whether distilled water is healthy to drink.

The consumer does not buy a special water but one that is filtered and enhanced. Some studies found that enhanced waters are beneficial, but this depends on what vitamins have been added and why they’re being consumed.

Some plastics used in the manufacture of water bottles contain harmful chemicals. These chemicals can leach into water and are toxic for the body when they are exposed to heat or sun.

It is unnecessary to add minerals or vitamins into the water when chemicals are leaking out of the bottle. The taste of water can be affected by these chemicals. How does the consumer know if they are drinking minerals or toxic plastic?

What is the cleanest bottled water?

8 Healthiest Best Bottled Water Brands

  • Dasani Purified Water.
  • Nestle Pure Life Purified water.
  • Mountain Valley Spring Water
  • Eternal Spring Water
  • Purified Water Life WTR
  • Core Purified Water.
  • Penta Purified Water
  • Zephyrhills Natural Spring Water.

What Are Some Alternatives To Smart Water

  • Artesian Water: Artesian is water that is bottled at its source, without any chemicals or additives. The earth filters it naturally, giving it an excellent taste.
  • Coconut water: is gaining popularity because of its health benefits. It’s rich in electrolytes which help to regulate your body’s fluid balance. It’s also low in sugar, calories, and fat.
  • Mineral water: Mineral water is filtered naturally through minerals and rocks, which gives it a unique taste and health benefits. It contains minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium that can reduce fatigue and regulate blood pressure.

What is the highest quality water?

The Top 7 Bottled Waters:

  • Voss Artesian Water. (Voss Water)
  • Saint Geron Mineral Water. (
  • Hildon Natural Mineral Water (
  • Fiji Natural Artesian Water. (
  • Ferrarelle Naturally Sparkling Mineral Water (
  • Mountain Valley Spring Water (
  • Volvic Natural Spring Water (

Does Smart Water Provide Hydration Than Tap Water?

You may wonder if Smart Water is better for hydration than regular tap water. It depends. Smart Water contains electrolytes that can help increase hydration more than plain water. However, this does not make it any smarter than brands with similar electrolytes.

Smart Water can encourage people to drink more water and less sugary soft drinks or diet sodas.

Is The PH Level Of Smart Water Beneficial For Health?

Smart Water’s pH level can be good for your health. Alkaline water is higher in pH than plain tap water. Its supporters claim that it can neutralize acidic bloodstream.

Recent research indicates that alkaline drinking water may have specific health benefits, such as reducing your risk of chronic diseases including cancer and diabetes.

What is the healthiest water to drink?

  • Topo Chico Mineral Water: Best Mineral Water on Amazon Read Review.
  • Amazon: Essentia alkaline water is the best. Read Review.
  • Waiakea Hawaiian Volcanic Water – Best Filtered at Amazon Read Review.
  • Acqua Panna Spring Water: Best High-End at Amazon. Read Review.

Is Smart water really all that Smart?

There were roughly 2.8 billion litres of bottled water consumed in 2019 in the UK alone and one of the most popular and high-profile brands on the market is Glaceau’s premium branded and high-priced Smart Water. But is it called Smart water for a reason and is it really all that Smart? In a word? No.

What is Smart water?

According to the official Smart Water website: “GLACÉAU Smartwater is made from British spring water which is vapour-distilled before electrolytes are added. It has a distinctive, crisp, clean taste and is produced and bottled in Morpeth, Northumberland. To make GLACÉAU Smartwater, Coca-Cola European Partners evaporate spring water, condense the vapour and then add just the right amounts of electrolytes before bottling.”

So, effectively, it’s bottled spring water with added electrolytes, as well as (according to the label) calcium chloride, magnesium chloride and potassium bicarbonate. It doesn’t even pretend to be pure water, which does set it apart from the competition. But what else sets it apart?

While you might typically think that adding electricity to water is a rather dangerous thing to do, in the case of Smart water, it’s used to vaporise the fresh spring water before adding the “Smart” ingredients to it. The process also removes all impurities from the water, but that includes calcium, magnesium and potassium. In many ways then, Smart water is removing as much of the good stuff from the water as it’s supposedly adding.

Are there any health benefits of Smart water?

In so much as there are health benefits to drinking any water but beyond that? Not really. Distilled water is no better for you than drinking filtered tap water. Indeed, as Smart Water has been demineralised, drinking too much of it and not enough “dumb water” might actually be damaging to your health.

Of course, there are some benefits to Smart water. For one thing, it encourages people dazzled by branding to drink water rather than soft drinks packed with refined sugar. It is also packaged in 100% recyclable packaging using plastic made from pants, rather than fossil fuels.

But the spring water has to go through an incredibly intensive process and all that process really does is remove nutrients and then put slightly different nutrients back in later. It’s also marketed quite obviously as a sports drink, which means it could end up being used by athletes who would be better off reaching for the tap.

Of course, the company is owned by Coca-Cola, so of course, it’s going to be popular. It has a lot of money behind it, after all. But Smart Water is in no way Smart. It’s just a name you’re paying substantially for.

So, next time you feel yourself being tempted by a bottle of Smart water, you might be better off saving your pennies and investing in a water filter for your home instead.

Electrolytes In Smartwater

We all know that our bodies are predominantly made from water, which makes sufficient hydration not just important but necessary for survival. We can survive longer without food (at least 8-14 days) than we can without water (3 days if you’re lucky!).

In an age where everything is being revamped with a “Smart” prefix, it’s not surprising to hear about the popularity of “smartwater”. In fact, smartwater has been around for quite some time now.

What is Smartwater?

Smartwater is nothing more than mineral-enhanced water that comes infused with extra vitamins and electrolytes. So, not only do you get the proper hydration, but you also get added health benefits.

But then what electrolytes are in smartwater? Read on to know.

Electrolytes in Smartwater

Smartwater differs from energy and sports drinks. In fact, it does not contain flavor enhancers, but electrolytes instead.

This kind of vitamin and mineral-infused water is recommended for:

So, what specific electrolytes are in smartwater you ask?

The most common electrolytes that are generally added to infused water are potassium, calcium, and magnesium.

However, if you are planning to buy such products, you should always check the ingredients on the label of the bottle. If it contains sugars, artificial colors and flavors, or added calories, the product may not be the best option for your health. you would be better off with just normal water.

Why are Electrolytes Important?

Electrolytes are naturally occurring minerals that carry an electric charge and play a significant role in handling specific functions. These functions include:

  • Supporting the nervous system: Electrolytes are essential for carrying nerve impulses that are used to communicate with different parts of the body.
  • Handling muscle contractions: Electrolytes help muscle fibers move over each other during the process of muscle contraction. including cardiovascular contractions. They also help muscles relax after the contraction.
  • Balancing internal pH levels: Your blood’s pH level needs to be maintained between 7.35 to 7.45. Electrolytes help regulate your pH levels.
  • Maintaining hydration levels: Through osmosis, electrolytes maintain hydration balance in your body. It is an important function as overloaded cells may burst and dehydrated ones can shrivel up.

Any imbalance can adversely affect these processes.

Electrolytes are naturally lost every day, but the deficit is recovered through a well-balanced diet. However, people who undertake strenuous physical activities can lose much more electrolytes than an average person due to excessive sweating.

But that’s not the only way to lose excessive electrolytes — you even lose a lot of them when you’re running a fever, or suffering from diarrhea or being exposed to the sun for long periods of time.

These factors can cause a serious imbalance in your electrolyte levels, which is why it is important to replenish them as soon as you can. This can be done in a variety of different ways:

  • Have electrolyte-rich foods and beverages like watermelon, bananas, spinach, avocados, coconut water, milk, etc.
  • Add an electrolyte hydration powder, like Ultima Replenisher, to your water.
  • Get yourself a bottle of smartwater that comes infused with electrolytes and minerals.
  • Drink water infused with fresh fruit.

Should You Get Smartwater?

Smartwater can be a useful beverage to replenish your electrolytes — but only to a certain extent. The number of electrolytes in the bottle will differ from brand to brand; you will also have to check which electrolytes are in smartwater, what amounts are in there, and what other ingredients are in there, to make sure you are not consuming artificial colors, flavors or sweeteners or added sugars. Any kind of infused water with calories and added sugar is not a better alternative.

So then, what’s the easiest way to replenish electrolytes, you ask? Ultima Replenisher is your answer. The electrolyte hydration powder from Ultima is tasty, and provides optimal hydration with six electrolytes and trace minerals. The best part? It contains no sugar, calories, carbs, and is made with plant-based flavors and colors.

You can learn more about the benefits of drinking Ultima Replenisher here.