How to make a mask on Instagram without a computer

How to create and add a mask on Instagram yourself

As many already know, I bought Instagram several years ago and now these two social networks are closely related to each other. Apparently the main company decided to get rid of all competitors on its way. At first, Snapchat borrowed the function of “History”. Recently, masks are available on Instagram. Thus, users of Snepchat will over time migrate to a more popular network that is available almost all over the world. However, this possibility is still limited to a set of several pieces. In this article you will learn how to independently make and add a mask to the Instagram application.

Everyone can use masks on their Instagram page. In view of the fact that they appeared relatively recently, you should have a version of the application at least 10.21. There are no such function in earlier versions. For your Instagram, you can see the version on Play Market. To do this, find the application again through the search and lower the loading page down to see the details. In any case, if you have automatic updates in the settings, then the version should be relevant.

Check this settings and, if necessary, turn on the updates:

  • Go to the screen of the GOOGLE PLAY main menu from the mobile device and find the three.Foot menu button here in the left;
  • On the left in the block that appears, find the “settings”;
  • Here you will immediately find the item “Auto Conference”, which is in the second position;
  • Click this item and select the desired option “only through Wi-Fi” or “Always”.

Everything, now your applications will be updated automatically. After some time, if the version of the Instagram application is outdated, it will be updated. Launch the program and go to “History”.

  • Create a new Story by pressing the camera icon or go here with a swipe with the main menu;
  • You will see a familiar camera mode already. Below with the rest of the buttons, you can see the emoticon icon. Select it;
  • Another small window will open, where there will be a list of all masks available to you at the moment.

Try to apply different ones to see how they act and how to use them. Everything is quite simple. Now you can shoot your selfie video with masks at once or take cool photos.

How to add new masks on the phone

Initially, the creative team of Instagram was engaged in the addition of masks on Stories, but now the tools are posted in open access. The section above describes the creation process, now it’s time to figure out how to add new instagram masks created by other users.

So far there are three methods of obtaining new content: in the list of effects, in the Stories tape or through the creator profile. In the first case, you need to click on your favorite object, it will automatically boot into the collection. Upon further use of a new filter in their story, other users will see the creator’s nickname. The second method involves loading materials from the designer page. In the lower part, click on the “Effects by” button.

Add to Android

In the latest version of the Instagram application, the addition function was as simplified as possible. The user needs to open the section “History”. In the lower part of the screen, next to the photo or video recording button, there are effects that can be turned on and added.

Even if the collection is empty, the system will display the standard effects of Instagram. By clicking on any object a menu will appear where the “View Object” button will be. New and popular creations of designers will be shown here.

Working with masks on iPhone

The process of loading new effects on the iPhone and other apple gadgets passes according to the same scheme. In the Stories of other users you can find unique 3D effects and animation, which can be added to your collection by pressing the object.

Studying other profiles, it is worth paying attention to the lower part of the screen, which indicates whether this user has unique content. If you need to diversify your collection, but there is no time to look for individual authors, then you should use a standard search through “viewing objects”.

How to include a mask on Instagram in Storis

Most likely, you already understood how to use masks on Instagram, but other moments and requirements will be mentioned in this paragraph, without which nothing will work out. Step.By.Step instructions on how to include masks on Instagram in stories:

  • Open the camera and turn on the desired effect, as described in the previous paragraph.
  • Click on a large white circle in the middle: with a short click, the photo is shot, with a long click of the video.
  • After the content is recorded, click on the inscription “Publish in history”
  • Ready, Storis is laid out.

Why do not work masks

There are several reasons why the filters disappear. Usually the problem can be solved quickly by fulfilling one of these tips:

In addition, regularly update Instagram itself, because some effects work only in new versions. Using these steps, to figure out how to use masks on Instagram should be easy. Make quality posts and please users!

We make a simple mask on Instagram in 30 minutes

Let’s start! Let’s start with the theory. Spark AR is a tool for integrating masks on Instagram. It is important to understand that drawing masks itself and creating three.Dimensional objects will have to be done through Photoshop or Blender. But attach an inscription, an ornament on the face or it is not difficult to make an effect. I will show in the framework of one example how it works, but it will not work to cover all the tools in one material. There are many functions and capabilities of the program.

First you need to download the spark ar through the official website. He supports Windows and MacOS.

By the way, pay attention to the minimum system requirements. Personally, I could not start the program on a laptop with a discrete GT640M video card, and on the new VEGA 8 and the 2012 MacBook iron, everything went without problems. If your Spark AR does not start or starts with a white screen without an integration, then most likely you need to update the drivers of the video card. If this did not help, then the computer iron does not support the architecture of the program.

So, go to the program. First you will be asked to enter or tie an account to or create a new. Choose what is convenient, but remember that when the mask is unloaded, it is attached to the profile from which you came.

A project selection window will open in front of you. Here you can make a new one from scratch or select templates: stickers, three-dimensional posters, endangered objects, masks, filters and other AR formats.

We will start with a clean face and choose New Project.

A tracker selection window will appear in front of you. Choose Face Trekking and after it the Spark AR editing integration with several windows will open. Everything is not clear so far, but let’s look around. In fact, the intensity is simple, you just need to figure it out.

Scene and Layers are located on the left (highlighted with a white square). Here you will work with the basic mechanics of the scene and layers (backgrounds and objects), add facial trackers and frames. In Assets (highlighted green) there will be all creatives that you download or create. Three.Dimensional, two.Dimensional and other objects. Setting up specific textures, materials and effects from Assets will be in the right window. I highlighted it with blue.

Well, the central field is a general view of your project. In the upper right corner is a preview. How the mask will look on the user’s face. By clicking on Video (red circle) in the left corner, you can switch the view of the computer webcam and test immediately on your face (or on the cat, if you have).

But to test something, you must first do it. Let’s start!

Add facing facial tracking and mask layer

So that our future mask is attached to the position of the face in space, you need to add a face tracker. This is done like this: in the Scene block, click on the Add Object and select Face Tracker.

As soon as you add Face Tracker, the coordinate axis will appear on the main screen, which will be tied to the center. SCENE will be added in the upper left block Facetreaker0.

Instagram Face Filter Tutorial with Procreate and Spark AR

Now we need to add a layer mask (texture) to this face tracker). To do this, click on Facetreaker0 and press the Add Object button again, where to select Face Mash.

As a result, a square grid on the coordinate axis will appear. This is an almost finished mask: it knows how to determine her face and put the texture on it. Now it remains only to configure everything!

We set up a mask

Let’s configure the material. By click on FaceMesh0, you will open a column to the right of the central. There you can remove the eyes or mouth to make the texture continuous (EYES and MOUTH points). But let’s leave everything as it is and click on the Materials item (red circle)-a mask of white and black squares will become gray. Now you can configure this material as you like. For example, change its color and properties.

In the lower corner on the left (green circle), Assets folder appeared, where your material Material0 is displayed. Click on it, and the block on the left will change to the settings of this material.

Here, too, I recommend that you glorify all points to figure it out. For example, if you click on Specular, a reflective shine will appear on the texture, and in Render Options you can configure the depth and transparency of the texture. These bases are used to create beauty masks.

Create a mask in the photo editor

Now we need to come up with a texture that will appear on the face. We will need a template and any photo editor who knows how to work with layers (Adobe Photoshop, Gimp or any suitable online editor). Read our guide on Photoshop, if you want to understand this topic deeper.

Как сделать маску в инстаграм? / SPARK AR уроки

For images on the face to be correctly displayed, we need facial templates. We download them from the SPARK AR website and find Texture in the unpacked folder, and in it. Facefeminine or FaceMasculine. Upload any to the photo editor and create a new layer. I used an online photo and noted a block with a green layer in a screenshot below.

In this guide, I just add the inscription Texterra under the left eye and make a red color substrate. You can draw various masks and apply any textures (at least pizza :-)). The main thing is that while saving, delete the layer with FaceFeminine or FaceMasculine and save the file in the PNG format with a transparent background.

Where can you find masks for your storis

This is a standard set of masks that you see below when you write stories.

Here there will be standard masks

The masks that you saved by clicking on the “Save in the cell” button.

To find the Gallery of Effects, we need to go into the Instagram camera. For this:

Open the Instagram application, we get on the home page. If you have not added a single story in a day, then just click on your avatar with plus.

Click on an avatar and the camera will open

If you have published Storis, then we do a long press on the avatar

Then, in the window that appears, click “Complete the story”.

After that, the Instagram camera opens. Next, we need to scroll the tape available to you the mosk to the end with a swipe to the left

When we finish the list of available masks to the end, we will see the icon and the inscription “View effects” as in the screenshot below

The gallery of effects will open. The gallery of effects contains a collection of all masks of other Instagram users. Masks are distributed into categories.

You can use and save any of the masks “Gallery of Effects”. They will be in the tape of available masks in your Instagram camera next to the “Scue” button.

make, mask, instagram, computer

Each account, in which at least one mask is loaded, a separate tab with the emoticon appears (Effects Tab).

This tab displays all the masks that were loaded with the user. Here you can try. The mask you like can be saved in the camera.

If you liked the mask of your friend or blogger, then you can save it by clicking on the name of this mask in the upper left corner of history.

Guidelines for beginners:

make, mask, instagram, computer
  • Now we need the texture. If you do not know how to draw in Photoshop, you can use ready.Made. To do this, on the Internet you can download already designed simple textures and download them to Spark Ar Studio. Open the parameters of the material, find the “Texture” line, click “Choose File” and download the selected texture from the computer. That’s all, the simplest mask is ready.

Types of AR masks on Instagram

Mask. Instagram tool that helps diversify user stories by adding animation, color, objects, etc. P.

Consider the main types of masks for steris:

Filters masks. They can be figuratively called “presets”. When creating such a mask, users can repeat the favorite settings of Lightroom, VSCO, etc.

Masks associated with the face of the user. This can include Beauty Masks (smoothing the skin, enlargement of lips, eyes, a decrease in the nose and oval of the face), adding inscriptions, ears, flying particles that respond to facial expressions and movement.

AR objects that allow you to add any object to the screen, while creating a feeling of real presence.

Masks-games. These are mainly complex 3D masks, the creation of which a professional developer team can work. Games include masks-predictions, tests, etc. D.

How to add a mask on Instagram from creators?

Not only standard masks, but rare, created by users are popular on the social network. To get such a product at the disposal, you need to save it or subscribe to the creator. After standard subscriptions, the application will be available for free, that is, in the section with steris on the phone, they will be added automatically.

Distinguishing copyright and built.In products for steris is easy. The new user selects the filter, and the relevant information is prescribed on top. If the effect is created by the user, his nickname and profile are indicated. If this is a built.In product, it will be stated that the story is shown in the author’s mode. Find masks can be easier.

To add from the creators, you should go to the profile of a person who creates such products. A button will be presented at the bottom of the attention, by clicking on which a person himself can add an effect to his collection.

If there is a desire to remove previously saved, you can do this through the tape of previously created masks. It is required to open a dialog box on Instagram. It will be proposed to delete the preserved or send a complaint to the creator. Such messages can be taken into account if there is an opinion that the content of video or stories violates official intellectual property rights.