Find Out Who Registered Mobile Phone Number

Almost all the services and sites that we currently use are tied to a mobile phone number, which, in fact, has become more important than a passport, as it provides the ability to authorize and recover passwords and other information. That is why it is important to know who the SIM card is registered to, in case of loss, quickly restore it.

Also quite often, people simply find SIM cards on the street or with the phone, and in order to somehow figure out the owner, they try to find out who it is registered to. How to do this, you ask? In fact, there are many methods.

Data about your SIM card

Suppose you have a SIM card that was issued a long time ago, and at one point you decide to find out who it was registered to. How to do it? If you have physical access to it, you can use your personal account, in which such information is provided free of charge. We will consider two options:

Personal account on Beeline website

  1. You need to get a username and password to view data about your SIM card. To do this, go to and click on the “Get Password” tab;
  2. You will need to indicate your phone number to which the information will be sent. If you already have this data, go to the next step;
  3. It was also possible to get a password by entering a special USSD command on the phone, namely: 110 9 # and a call key;
  4. As soon as the data is provided, once again follow the link published above, log in under your account and wait for the page to load;
  5. On the main page in the upper right corner, when you click on the number, information with the name of the owner will be displayed.

Find Out Who Registered Mobile Phone Number

App for iOS and Android

You can view the data about the number using a special application, which is available for free for both iPhone owners and Android devices. Download the program “My Beeline” and log in using the data that was sent to you by the system. Your program will have approximately the same list of information as in your personal account. There will also be information about the owner of the SIM card.

Assistant in your account

Despite the fact that information from the name of the owner may not be available in your personal account, there is a separate chat with a live operator who will tell you whether the number is registered for a specific person or not. That is, the owner’s data will not be called directly to you, but if you specify them and ask if your information matches the one presented in the system, the operator will answer this question.

For example, you doubt that the SIM card is registered on you, but at the same time your father could purchase it. Since you know his name, you can ask the operator in a chat about this, who will already confirm or deny the information to you.

  1. To use the chat, you need to log in to your personal account on the site and a form will appear in the lower right corner in which you can ask a question;
  2. As much as possible formulate your question, and as soon as the robot answers you, ask to transfer you to a conversation with a living person;
  3. After that, the operator will connect to the dialogue, examine it and answer your question.

Another secret way

Few people know, but even in the updated Beeline personal account you can find out who the SIM is registered for, only here you need to resort to one trick. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Log in using your login in the system so that there is exactly the number for which you need to request information;
  2. After authorization, click on the “Help and Feedback” tab in the top menu and click on “Create a Call”;
  3. Here you need to request a copy of the contract to your E-mail. The reason can be indicated, for example, in connection with a lawsuit or financial matters. Be sure to include your email address here;
  4. If you complete all the steps correctly, most likely you will be sent a copy of the contract in which you can see the name of the registered person.

View Registration Documents

When issuing a SIM card, you will always be given a copy of documents in your hands, in which your personal data, phone number and other information are written. If you still have them, you can view the data there. Even if the sim card was framed in your family, then most likely you saved such printouts. It remains only to find them.

The only negative of this method is that over time the ink on the paper dries out, so if you decide to clarify this information, for example, 5-7 years after the registration of SIM, most likely, it will not work.

Alien SIM card details

Often there is a need to personalize a certain number, which belongs to another subscriber. Usually in this case there is no physical access to the SIM card, so it is not possible to enter your personal account. What to do in this case?

Contacting Beeline Salon

This method is relevant only if the situation is extremely important. For example, you need to find a specific person, since he has not been in contact for a long time. This may also include a possible fraud on the part of the owner of the number. In any case, you will need to write a statement that will be reviewed by Beeline employees. If the reason is really important, most likely, information will be provided to you. In general, be prepared for the fact that the employees of the mobile operator will immediately try to refuse you, because they are forbidden to transfer the data of subscribers to third parties.

Law enforcement

In case of very critical situations, you can bypass Beeline and immediately contact the police. Yes, the police will also send a request to the mobile operator, but in this case the whole process can go many times faster. It’s worth contacting law enforcement agencies only if you receive threats from a specific number and you need to calculate the subscriber or, for example, a person is missing and you want to find him.

Alternative methods

If it is really very important for you to find out the name of a particular number, you can resort to alternative methods that do not involve official calls to offices or a call to the hot line. These are some kind of workarounds, which, unfortunately, are possible.

View on social networks

You should understand that these methods will not give you information 100%, but will bring you closer to the person who is associated with this number. You can simply drive a number in the search engine, and then in the results of the search, look at which sites are linked. If a person indicated this information in the profile of social networks, then you can view his profile, and in case even contact him, if necessary. The most popular social networks in which users indicate their numbers: Vkontakte, Instagram, Odnoklassniki.

Secret “Friend Around”

In the “Friend Around” social network, you can find out the profile of the person to whom a certain number is attached. And after that you will be able to write to this user, and you will approximately know who the SIM can belong to. And the search procedure is quite simple:

  1. Register on this social network, because without authorization the search function will not be available;
  2. Go to the “People” tab and click on the “funnel” in the upper right corner;
  3. Select “Acquaintances” and enter a phone number. Then click “Search”, and if a person with this number is registered here, then you will see his photo and user data.

Sberbank Online

Even with Sberbank, you can crank out a small fraud that will allow you to partially find out whose name the card is drawn up to which this phone number is attached to. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Sberbank online from your mobile and click on the “Transfers” tab;
  2. Next, select “Sberbank Client” and at the top indicate “Contacts”;
  3. Enter the phone number whose name you need to know;
  4. If this person’s number is tied to a bank, then you can proceed to the next step, where you will need to indicate the amount of transfer;
  5. And already at the next step, the system will ask you to confirm the operation. This is where the name and patronymic will be, as well as the first letter of the name of the user who is being transferred.

GetContact App

Another interesting way to find out the approximate name of the subscriber to whom the SIM card is registered is to use the GetContact application. The program allows you to see how a person is signed with a specific number from other subscribers. But at the same time, only those users who previously provided access to the application are taken into account here, so the probability is very small.

For example, with your father you are subscribed as “Son Artem”. If he installed this program, then by going into it and entering your number, you will see this signature. So you can determine how a user with a certain number is subscribed to by other subscribers and from here understand who the SIM card can be registered to.

Cell Phone Shop

Even if Beeline employees previously did not want to provide information about the subscriber, you can cheat a little. Ask the employee to replenish the balance of this phone and at the stage of the operation casually ask, “who the number is registered to, otherwise you could accidentally make a mistake”. Some people, due to their work, simultaneously look at the monitor and provide data with a full name. But such a scheme with experienced employees, of course, will not work, and they will simply refuse you.

In general, as you can see, there are really many ways, both through official sources, and without them. But with all the desire, we do not recommend you contact the so-called “specialists” who have databases. Unfortunately, most of the information in them is outdated, and on the Internet there are a lot of “scammers” who will simply take payment from you and hide with the money.

There are situations when you need to understand how to find out to whom the phone number is registered. So, if you just got a call from an unknown number, and you need to determine the identity of the caller. Or in a more serious situation. When the subscriber is regularly terrorized by the same persistent number, threatening or sending unpleasant messages. But good, now you can determine the owner of the card, from whose number calls or SMS are regularly received, with some effort.

  1. How do I find out to whom my mobile number is registered?
  2. Ways to find out who the phone is registered to
  3. We learn subscriber data at payment points
  4. We find out data about the subscriber in the office of operators
  5. Find out who the phone is registered on social networks
  6. With the help of law enforcement
  7. Search through the help desk
  8. Search for information on the Internet
  9. Conclusion

How do I find out to whom my mobile number is registered?

In fact, finding out certain information with only the telephone number of a person is not an easy task. Even the name and surname of the owner of the number are confidential data, which can be calculated either with the help of the police, or essentially illegal methods.

It’s simple enough:

  • Drive the first digits of the number into the string of any search engine.
  • If the phone is Russian, then you can use the widget from Yandex.
  • Further, you will receive many links to various services that will allow you to find the region in which the telephone number was issued, absolutely free.

It will be useful to review:

Ways to find out who the phone is registered to

So, nevertheless, there are several ways that allow you to find out confidential information about the owner of the mobile phone from which they called you, quite lawfully.

Now, these methods include the following:

  1. Find out user information at payment points.
  2. Find out the data in the mobile office.
  3. View through the directory of mobile numbers.
  4. Find data on the Internet.
  5. Punch mobile through law enforcement databases.

However, first of all, it is worth mentioning that Beeline, MTS, Megafon and Tele2 mobile operators allow you to view information about the subscriber through the user’s personal account. However, this is only possible if you have a SIM card of the person you want to calculate.

We learn subscriber data at payment points

Information that user information can be found at any point of payment, providing only a phone number, can be found on the Internet most often. Honestly, these instructions are frankly delusional, since no employee of the payment reception center has the right to disclose such data.

We find out data about the subscriber in the office of operators

This method is already a little closer to reality. After all, employees of service offices at least have access to subscriber bases.

By phone number such an employee can find out the following:

  • Name or name of legal entity, to which the number was registered.
  • Passport data.
  • Date of Birth.
  • Cost and direction of the last outgoing calls.
  • Data on how much money has been charged and debited.
  • Compliance IMEI device to the last call.

However, it is unlikely that you will be able to find out this information from a service department consultant, since this data is confidential, the disclosure of which is illegal.

Find out who the phone is registered on social networks

This method works best with Vkontakte. You just need to log out of your account and enter the number you are interested in instead of the login. After that, you should click on the “Forgot your password?” Button, and you will immediately see basic information from the user profile.

With the help of law enforcement

It is better to use this method only in the most extreme case. If threats are received from an unknown number or you become a victim of a fraudster. In this case, it is worth writing a statement to the police, prosecutors or the FSB.

The statement should state the essence of the offense. After that, a criminal case will be instituted on the offender, and the cellular company will provide all the necessary data to the authorities.

Search through the help desk

This method is also one of the most difficult to implement in practice, since the help desk employee will never give you information about the subscriber. The reason will be the same as in the case of employees of service offices. The disclosure of confidential information is illegal.

Search for information on the Internet

Since the subscriber base is often sold and resold on the Internet, they can be used to find out to whom the telephone number was registered. However, the main difficulty is that most of these databases contain outdated information, and their owners can easily cash in on your attempt to find out sensitive data.


It is still theoretically probable to find out to whom a certain phone number was registered, but in practice it turns out that there are only two effective ways. Either through law enforcement agencies or having a SIM card, the owner of which needs to be calculated.

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In all other cases, you most likely will not be able to obtain such information from employees of the service or reference departments, as their disclosure directly violates the law.

Website consultant, expert on telecommunication systems and cellular products.

How to find out to whom the MTS phone number is registered? Many users ask a similar question. Consider the main ways to get this information.

How to find out to whom the MTS mobile phone number is registered?

MTS is a major mobile operator. The company is widely known in our market and has established itself from the best side. It provides a wide range of services for subscribers. Voice calls, text messages, mobile Internet, etc.

To get a MTS SIM card, you must visit one of the mobile phone stores. The client provides a passport, his personal data is entered into the database. The parties conclude a service agreement.

But some people unofficially purchase cards at the racks in the subway crossings. It is important to know that from July 1, 2020, numbers that are not tied to the identity of a particular person will be blocked.

The client did not conclude an agreement right away? Contact the company office with a passport. Otherwise, the operator is obliged to stop servicing the subscriber number on the basis of current legislation.

Often there is a situation where people use SIM cards registered with their relatives or friends. Officially, this option is not welcome and the number may be blocked. In practice, the operator cannot check whether the client himself or another person uses the SIM card directly.

How to find out who the MTS SIM card is issued for? If the SIM is not registered with you, then there are several ways to check your personal data:

  1. Free in LC.
  2. Unofficially through company employees.

How to find out to whom the MTS phone number is registered via the Internet?

The ideal option is if you have access to your mobile. Then verification of personal data will not cause problems. You must go to the company portal and proceed to the LC.

Type the number and code into the authorization form. The system will redirect you to the main page of the Personal Account. In the upper right corner contains information about the person for whom the agreement is drawn up. You can familiarize yourself with your personal data.

Other methods

No access to SIM? Then the chances of success are nullified. At the office, employees will never provide personal data to other customers. Operators do not have the right to disclose this information to third parties.

Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can make a request for the issuance of personal data. If the owner of the room commits criminal acts, you can write a statement. When contacting employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the operator must disclose the requested information.

How to find out who the MTS SIM card is issued for by phone number? There is an alternative way. Any friends at MTS? Ask them to check by number. Employees have access to databases, are able to provide data of personal documents.

You must understand that such actions are in violation of the rules of the company. If the authorities find out that the specialist has disclosed the subscriber’s personal data to third parties, they will probably be fired. It is possible that acquaintances working at MTS will refuse to violate internal charters.

If you wish, you can check the numbers registered in your name. You need to come to the nearest salon of the company and provide a passport. Employees will make a request to the database and receive a complete list of registered active numbers. It is important that if the contract was terminated at the time of the appeal, then the information in the database is missing.

In the Internet

You can check the number via the Internet. If a person managed to “light up” somewhere, then information about the owner is already in the public domain. In addition, through the Internet it is possible to find the numbers of companies.

How to check through a search engine?

  • Type the number in the search bar.
  • Choose one of the sites in the results.
  • View the owner information provided.

This method is not always useful. Accurate owner information is available for a small number of rooms. But in the comments on the site you can find additional data. For example, people often write that company employees or scammers call from this number.

Why is it impossible to officially know the personal data of the owner of another number?

The personal data of subscribers of mobile operators is protected by law. The company can carry out their processing, use for personal purposes. But the organization does not have the right to transfer personal data to third parties without the consent of the client. An exception is when information is needed by police to investigate a case.

It is not possible for an ordinary person to obtain the data of the owner of the number. Of course, you can find out information through friends who work at MTS. But in this case, you force the person to break the law and put you at risk of being fired from the company.