The Headphone Icon On The Xiaomi Phone Is On

Moisture got inside

Often, the headphone icon does not disappear after a “walk” in the pouring rain or visiting a hot bathroom with a smartphone. Moisture enters the unprotected 3.5 mm jack and closes the contacts. In this case:

  • Twist a cotton pad thinly or wrap cotton wool around a match.
  • Slide it into the connector and scroll a few times.
  • Dry the input with a hairdryer at low power for 7-10 minutes.

Another outcome is that drops or steam reaching the hole provoke oxidation of the contacts, which makes it impossible to disable the headphone icon on Xiaomi. Alternatively, use a FLUX-OFF anti-corrosion spray: apply it to the cotton wool and treat the inside of the connector. It is not recommended to spray with such products directly inside.

Eliminating a software error

Being a common problem on Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 and 4X, users have found several effective ways to get rid of the permanent icon using the smartphone buttons:

  • Connect the headset to the device and unlock the screen.
  • Simultaneously hold down the power key on the smartphone and the call accept button on the headphones. Hold for 5-6 seconds and then release.
  • Next, remove the plug from the socket.
  • Insert the headphones into your phone.
  • Reboot your device.
  • Remove the plug after turning on the system.

Removing dirt particles

Staying in a pants or bag, dirt, dust and lint of clothing gets into the hole. As with water, they cause a short circuit and the headphone icon no longer retracts. To remove debris from the 3.5mm jack:

  • Take a thin wooden object.
  • Clean the nest in a circular motion.

A controversial, but sometimes effective option. Insert another headset into the jack and turn it several times.

How to remove the headphone icon on a Xiaomi phone

On Xiaomi smartphones, there is a common problem. By pulling out the headset plug, the headphone icon does not disappear. The system continues to output audio to a third-party device, making it impossible to listen to music or talk on the phone using the phone’s speakers. The cause of the malfunction can be of mechanical or software origin, then, we will consider all the ways how to remove the headphone icon on a Xiaomi phone.

Headphone icon is lit after falling

If the Xiaomi phone falls from a height or a table, it is enough to damage the socket mount. If the icon lights up after hitting the smartphone on the surface, contact the service center for help.

Clearing the radio cache

This is the last resort if none of the above methods worked:

  • We connect headphones to a smartphone.
  • Launching the “Radio” application.
  • In the upper right corner, open “”, indicated by three horizontal dots.
  • In the window that appears, first click on “Turn on speaker”, then on “Turn on headphones”.
  • Close the program via the multitasking menu.
  • Launch “Settings”, select “All Apps”, open “Radio”.
  • At the bottom of the page, click on “Clear All”.
  • Pull out the headset.

We use a third-party application

The appearance of the headphone icon on a Xiaomi smartphone indicates mechanical damage to the jack or a software malfunction. Basically, the problem is solved independently and only as a last resort they visit the service center.


What to do if an unnecessary icon (indicating that the headphones are connected) is on, and besides, glitches are already starting to appear in the phone, that is, other applications? There are 2 types of recommendations here:

  • Things you can really do yourself.
  • Activities that will not be 99.99% successful in a homemade environment.

Specifically, within the framework of this section, it is proposed to dwell on the latter.

For example, you definitely should never use such tips and tricks:

  • “Try to install a new OS firmware! I know a cool site: if something doesn’t work on my smartphone, then I always take applications from there. In general, everything is free! “
  • “Look, buddy, take a clerical knife and carefully undress the halves of the apparatus. Take off the top panel, in short. “
  • “Dropped into the bathtub? It’s okay: take a hair dryer and blow it through the jacks. Hold the hair dryer longer. “
  • And even: “Try to reinstall the system. Himself, of course. Why spend money! “

Modern devices are ultra-compact gadgets. These are far from the push-button phones that were disassembled and reassembled like a designer. As practice shows, opening the smartphone cases outside the conditions of a professional workshop leads to irreparable mechanical damage.

Using a hair dryer is also not a safe method. Since the air in the device also passes through the incandescent spiral, getting very hot (therefore, the hair here dries quickly). Modern smartphones contain many parts and plastic, so that plastic damage (melting) can be inflicted on them with the help of “blowing” a hair dryer to one point much faster than many initially thought.

It is also better to trust specialized specialists for any actions with the software. Even if your phone is on Android (and here the principle of open source code is used), then most users still do not know how to properly perform even the initial OS installation.

The principle of open architecture has long become a convention, since the very device of applications and systems contains too many nuances that must be consistent with each other for the applications to work correctly.

An untrained user can never cope with the proper installation of all settings!

Cleaning with special liquid

This method of removing contaminants is professional, so it is not available for the vast majority of users. Such equipment is very expensive, and in order for its purchase to be justified, it is required to put such cleaning literally on stream.

Reset application data. Radio

The next way to remove the headphone icon on the phone, even if physical prevention measures were ineffective, is to reinstall the profile software. If the headphones do not turn off, then you should “demolish” the software that is responsible for this option.

This clearly demonstrates the need to download control applications separately, and not to use phone firmware. In this case, it will be easier to localize the problem.

Further, the phone either shows that in order to use the headset, it needs to install a profile application (and then you reinstall it), or the headset icon does not disappear and then the OS should be reinstalled (for which we contact the specialists).

In addition, this method can also work: connect an app that directs the sound to the correct output. It could be Toggleheadset in the Play Market for Android. This often works.

It also helps to eliminate the application responsible for the radio. Once the problem with your headset is resolved, you can reinstall it. The principle here is SIMple. We eliminate everything that may interfere with the correct operation of the headphones, and then we sequentially install everything again.

The headphone symbol is constantly on. How to remove?

This software error causes negative emotions for smartphone users not only because they do not want to see anything superfluous on the screen. Unauthorized appearance of an additional sign (symbol) may indicate the incorrect operation of the program, which can interrupt the regular operation of other applications and even the entire phone OS.

For example, it suddenly turns out that all calls are transferred to speakerphone.

The fact that the headphone icon does not disappear (although it should) is a symptom indicating some software metastases on your phone. It is possible that this could have happened due to the following reasons:

  • Ingress of moisture inside the smartphone case.

This is the most popular reason for all possible software glitches on the phone. Careless operation leads to oxidation of microcontacts inside the protective case and to temporary or permanent incorrect operation of the software.

  • Dirt gets into the socket.
The Headphone Icon On The Xiaomi Phone Is On

Another popular reason why expensive smartphones fail and, in particular, why the headphone icon appears and does not turn off. Here, the situation can be corrected only by a timely appeal to the service center.

However, the headphone icon may appear and not disappear for more complex reasons related to bugs in the software, related to incorrect firmware or installation of “pirated” applications. It also requires the help of qualified specialists.

How to remove the headphone icon on your phone

Sometimes it happens that the symbol of the presence of an active (that is, connected) headset or headphones may appear on the display of your mobile phone. But at the same time, your headphones are disconnected, that is, you cannot receive calls, and the player does not play the scale (when you change the volume, you will still not hear anything). At the same time, no matter how hard you try, this icon does not disappear anywhere. This is a fairly common bug that spoils the nerves of many. There are several reasons for this problem and a number of options for removing it. How to remove the headphone icon on your phone. We’ll tell you further.

Cleaning and Drying the Headphone Jack

But the user can do this on his own (with certain reservations, of course). So, how to disable the headphone icon by cleaning and drying the headphone jacks:

  • The best way to dry the connectors is to place the phone on a pad of absorbent material (such as toilet paper) in a well-ventilated area. It will be very effective to leave the phone under the air conditioner (no closer than 0.5 meters from the blowing blinds) for a day. At the same time, it will be better to turn on the air conditioner for heating.
  • It is preliminarily recommended to twist the phone in your hands (only without fanaticism) in order to try to shake out the moisture that is possible.

Also, practice shows that you can independently successfully clean the connectors (including for headphones). To do this, use a regular cotton swab, the volume of which can be reduced as needed. The cotton head should be moistened with alcohol or nail polish remover and carefully clean the contact. Important. The wand must be almost dry, otherwise you risk flooding the phone. If the matter was in pollution, then its traces will remain on the cotton head. This means that the dirt has been removed. After drying (you need to take at least half an hour for this), the phone should turn on correctly and start working normally, and the headphone icon will turn off.

Special keyboard shortcut

How to turn off the headphone mode if it shows the presence of a headset even if it is not there. The combination of “hot keys” is hardwired into any phone. Try holding the on / off button of the device not for long, but for a couple of seconds. Then a menu will be highlighted where you can choose how the operating mode is more preferable to you at the present time. For example, “Silent” or “In flight”. Both of them mute the sound and all applications associated with it.

Elimination of mechanical causes

  • Cotton swabs;
  • Hairdryer;
  • Lint-free cloth napkin;
  • PCB cleaner Flux Off (aerosol).

To clean the contacts of the connector from dirt you need:

  • Insert into a cotton swab and twist.
  • Inject the cleaner into the connector, wait 1-2 minutes and repeat the step. For convenient application of the cleaner, you can use the WD-40 Penetrating Grease Tube.
  • Check the operation of the connector by inserting and removing the plug 3-4 times.

If liquid gets into the headphone jack, dry it with a hair dryer running at minimum power. Wipe off the remaining drops with a napkin.

The headphone symbol is constantly on. How to remove?

This software error causes negative emotions for smartphone users not only because they do not want to see anything superfluous on the screen. Unauthorized appearance of an additional sign (symbol) may indicate the incorrect operation of the program, which can interrupt the regular operation of other applications and even the entire phone OS.

What to do if the phone does not recognize the headphones

For example, it suddenly turns out that all calls are transferred to speakerphone.

The fact that the headphone icon does not disappear (although it should) is a symptom indicating some software metastases on your phone. It is possible that this could have happened due to the following reasons:

Dust particles in huge quantities penetrate inside through all accessible holes, which, again, leads to contamination of the contacts and their failure. (Correct signal paths stop working).

Another popular reason why expensive smartphones fail and, in particular, why the headphone icon appears and does not turn off. Here, the situation can be corrected only by a timely appeal to the service center.

However, the headphone icon may appear and not disappear for more complex reasons related to bugs in the software, related to incorrect firmware or installation of “pirated” applications. It also requires the help of qualified specialists.

How to remove the headphone icon on a Xiaomi smartphone?

Sometimes after disconnecting the headphones from the smartphone, their icon remains at the top of the screen. Due to this error, you cannot watch the video using an external speaker or receive a call. This article will tell you about why the headphone icon is not removed on Xiaomi and how to fix it yourself.

Cleaning and Drying the Headphone Jack

But the user can do this on his own (with certain reservations, of course). So, how to disable the headphone icon by cleaning and drying the headphone jacks:

  • The best way to dry the connectors is to place the phone on a pad of absorbent material (such as toilet paper) in a well-ventilated area. It will be very effective to leave the phone under the air conditioner (no closer than 0.5 meters from the blowing blinds) for a day. At the same time, it will be better to turn on the air conditioner for heating.
  • It is preliminarily recommended to twist the phone in your hands (only without fanaticism) in order to try to shake out the moisture that is possible.

Also, practice shows that you can independently successfully clean the connectors (including for headphones). To do this, use a regular cotton swab, the volume of which can be reduced as needed. The cotton head should be moistened with alcohol or nail polish remover and gently clean the contact.

Important. The wand must be almost dry, otherwise you risk flooding the phone. If the matter was in pollution, then its traces will remain on the cotton head. This means that the dirt has been removed. After drying (you need to take at least half an hour for this), the phone should turn on correctly and start working normally, and the headphone icon will turn off.

Soft problem

A banal glitch. Try restarting your smartphone.

If it doesn’t help, then start the radio and plug in the headphones.

In the upper right corner, click on the three dots.

Select “Enable Speaker”.

Then turn off the speaker by clicking “Turn on headphones”.

Close the Radio application completely so that it does not remain in memory. Open the settings, find the section “All applications”.

Find “Radio”, click on the name of the application.

Clear data by clicking “Clear All”.

Only then turn off the headphones. This should help.

How to remove the headphone icon on your phone

Sometimes it happens that a symbol of the presence of an active (that is, connected) headset or headphones may appear on the display of your mobile phone.

But at the same time, your headphones are disconnected, that is, you cannot receive calls, and the player does not play the scale (when you change the volume, you will still not hear anything). At the same time, no matter how hard you try, this icon does not disappear anywhere.

This is a fairly common bug that spoils the nerves of many. There are several reasons for this problem and a number of options for removing it. How to remove the headphone icon on your phone. We’ll tell you further.

Why the headphone icon does not disappear on a Xiaomi smartphone

There are 2 reasons for this failure:

  • Mechanical: liquid, dust, hair got into the connector;
  • Software: the audio player, the Radio application is not working properly, or there are critical errors in the firmware.


Some standard applications sometimes crash. And this is not a secret. But there is a small aLGorithm by following which you can get rid of the error of stuck headphones.

  • Overloading. If it didn’t help, go to the second point.
  • Getting rid of the problem with the FM radio app:
  • Connect headphones and start fm radio
  • Click on three dots to the right and activate the item “Turn on the speaker”
  • Now turn off the speaker through the same menu item
  • Turn off the radio by clicking the corresponding button in the upper right corner and exit the application. After that, click on the left touch button to open running applications. We close the radio by SIMply moving its icon up or click on the cross
  • Go to Settings. All Applications. Radio
  • Click “Erase data” (all saved stations will be deleted)
  • We disconnect the headphones. The icon should now be gone.

If these actions did not help, then most likely your way out is the service or self-disassembly of the phone. Do not forget to read the comments, there are many interesting things.

How to remove headphone icon on xiaomi?

Literally everyone can face this: the user only listened to music in the headphones, removed the headphones from the jack and does not hear the sound from the speaker, while there is a headphones icon in the status bar, that is, the device believes that headphones are connected to it, although this is not so. The problem is widespread and can be both mechanical and software-based. Where to start?

Most of us carry our smartphone either in our or in our bag. Most often, smartphone connectors are not protected from dust particles or other microfragments, which is why a problem occurs. In this case, you need to clean the connector.

Reasons for the icon freezing

The display of the icon in the notification shade demonstrates various factors that can be divided into software or hardware errors. It is worth highlighting all the problems one by one, however, such problems are relevant for many companies, therefore, the management allows for efficiency using the example of various gadgets.

Using a special liquid

5 ways to remove the headphone icon on Xiaomi

What to do when the smartphone displays the icon of the connected headset? There are two types of troubleshooting available: hardware and software.

Mechanical problem

If you are walking in the rain and, after disconnecting the plug, the headset symbol continues to be displayed, then you should pay attention to the moisture that has entered the port. Water can enter the extremely narrow slots of the case, causing significant disturbances. Therefore, during heavy showers, xiaomium.Ru separately recommends storing the device in the inner of your clothing or bag. Another popular option is exposure to dust or dirt, as items from the category of cat hair, grains of sand, or other foreign matter can prevent contact with the cable.

Did your smartphone fall to the floor? The result of such scenarios is not always represented by cracks on the display. Internal components can be damaged, and connectors on the case may not perceive the connection of peripherals in the future.

Program error

The reason for the impossibility of deactivating the headset mode may be due to problems with the operating system, while the most common scenario is a prolonged device freeze. It also allows for the chance of failures in mobile applications through which listening, for example, radio. In practice, it is required to present in more detail options for solving difficulties.

Key Actions

If the continuous display of the connection is due to braking and restarting the device does not change the situation, then manipulation of the keys is necessary, since many owners note the effectiveness of a SIMple instruction:

  • Connect the headset via the jack and make sure the smartphone is working, while unlocking the desktop;
  • Hold down the power key on the case and answer for the call on the headphones. Wait 5-6 seconds and release immediately;
  • Remove the plug from the audio output immediately and the error should be cleared.

Clearing radio data

The method assumes the use of only systemic tools, provided that other options are ineffective.

  • Find the radio shortcut on the desktop and launch the application, then connect the headset;
  • In the program interface, click on three consecutive dots to open the available menu;
  • Select “Turn on speaker” and then headphones. Upon completion, leave the built-in service and clear the gadget’s RAM;
  • Open the phone settings and go to the applications section, where you need to click on the “Radio” icon and in the window that opens, click on the command “Clear all;
  • All data regarding the program will be deleted, and the same applies to the cache and history. After performing the manipulations, disconnect the headset, and the device will stop displaying them in the notification shade.

With SIMple manipulations, you can quickly eliminate the system error represented by the permanent display of the shortcut.

How to remove the headphone icon on Xiaomi phone

Current smartphones are usually capable of containing a large amount of music content, since most users prefer to play songs via mobile headsets with comfort. However, in practice, failures are not excluded, for example, the inability to deactivate the connection mode. Therefore, you should determine 5 effective ways that will tell you how to remove the headphone icon on the phone of the manufacturer Xiaomi.

Cleaning and Drying Connectors

The first step is to carefully remove dirt from the audio output, while visual inspection does not always allow you to notice foreign elements. Use an ear wand for the procedure, but do not use metal objects. Place the tool gently into the slot and wipe the circular edges. Then, for the best effect, take the headset cable and several times successively plug and remove it from the smartphone.

Walked in the rain? Then the scenario can only get worse, since moisture can get deeper. However, a SIMple method is proposed, which consists in using a hair dryer, which must be turned on with a minimum temperature and direct hot air into the connectors, then wipe off the remaining drops with a regular napkin.

As a rule, primitive manipulation is most effective for fixing common failures. Otherwise, it can be assumed that there is a problem with the machine’s system.

How to turn on the speakers if the headphone icon is not removed in Samsung

It will help you turn on or off the headset or headphones that are connected to the phone. Try to install it and disable them programmatically. After launching Earphone Toggle, click on the virtual switch.

The effectiveness of this method is indicated by the comments under the application in the market.

If it turns out to be useless to you, try resetting your Samsung smartphone. Instructions can be found on YouTube.

Due to the fact that this problem is quite common among Android mobile phones, there are other applications in the Play Store that can be created under your brand. Use search to find out if such applications exist.

Performing a factory reset on a Xiaomi phone

Often, phone crashes are caused by firmware or software conflicts in the mobile device. If the icon cannot be removed after disconnecting the headphones, turn off the power of the phone. Then turn it on again or click on the “Restart” button, if such a function is provided. In some cases, a factory reset may help. After that, all files on the smartphone will be deleted.

  • Open your phone settings;
  • Click on the “Advanced Settings” button;
  • Select “Accessibility”;
  • Click on “Restore and reset”;
  • At the very bottom of the next window, click on the “Reset” button;
  • Confirm reset.

Confirm factory reset

After turning on and logging in, you will need to log in to your Google account again. If after the reset the headphone icon disappears, then you managed to solve the problem.

Solving the error when the Android smartphone does not see the headphones

Many users have a problem when the phone does not see the connected headphones. And the icon at the top of the screen doesn’t appear. This also happens quite often, especially with outdated phone models. Immediately you need to check the performance of your headphones. Connect them to another phone or device. There is a 3.5 connector in every laptop or computer. If the problem is in the headset, then most likely the cable is damaged, check it.

Perhaps the headphones are not compatible with your mobile phone, other headphones with a 3.5 connector will help determine this. If they can be connected, then the matter is in the first device. Restart your phone and reset its settings. The method with rebooting and removing the battery must also be used.

Headphone Connect app will help you solve problems if problems appear at the software level:

  • Install and open the app from the Play Store;
  • Connect headphones to the phone that are not recognized by the phone (the icon is not displayed);
  • When the application is running, two main blocks with text will appear on the screen. Press the second (bottom);
  • The button below should change its color from red to green. Also on the screen you should see the “Headphones Connect” status;
  • Check your headphone connection now.

How to get rid of the display of the headset if the phone is dropped into water

Quite often, the headphone icon cannot be removed on the phone if it has been immersed in water. Or you got caught in a rainstorm with your phone in your and the body of the device got very wet. A small amount of moisture may have entered the case. Experts advise not to dry the phone in the sun or hot air using a hair dryer. This can affect the rest of the details and new problems will appear soon. The first thing to do is turn off and remove the battery if it is removable.

If the battery is connected to the back cover and cannot be opened, place the phone completely in fig. Grain perfectly absorbs moisture and after 12 hours you can try to turn on your smartphone again.

If the phone was completely immersed in water, for example, fell into a bucket of water, then it is better to leave it in rice for a day or more. The SIM card and other accessories must be removed from the phone.

How to remove the headphone icon on mobile if it does not disappear in Xiaomi

Each model of mobile devices from the Chinese manufacturer Xiaomi is equipped with the popular 3.5 mm jack. Today, it is considered the standard for connecting headsets and headphones to a telephone. When using them, it sometimes happens that after disconnecting the plug, the icon continues to be in the phone’s status bar at the top. But the most important thing is that the music is not played by external speakers.

There are two main reasons for this problem: software and hardware.

First of all, let’s check the second reason, if you need to remove the headphone icon. To do this, carefully inspect the connector of your phone for foreign bodies. Dust, moisture, obvious faults. Malfunctions mean deformation of the connector or other signs of failure.

Reach the 3.5mm port from the inside

Try to get to the main motherboard if the phone design allows.

It will be possible to examine the headphone port for a closer look. If you notice any deposits, malfunctions here, you will have to take the device for repair.

In any case, try cleaning the port from the outside or inside, depending on whether you managed to get to the main board.

Wipe the contacts for connecting the plugs with a cotton swab, dipped in clean gasoline. Try connecting other headphones. The following method will help determine whether you need to go to a service center with a problem with the phone’s headphones.

The problem when it is difficult to hear, hissing and wheezing sounds in the earbuds on the phone

Often we turn on the headphones to the phone to listen to music on the subway or minibus while we get home, but the sound is very hard to hear. Instead of a melody, hoarse sounds, various interference appear. Sometimes the sound can just be very quiet, as if it comes from far away. In this case, the headphone icon is displayed.

Most often, this means that the connector does not fit well with the contacts inside the port. This could be due to dust or dirt particles contained inside. To fix the problem, sharpen the match and clean the port.

The connector itself is worth inspecting. It may be filled with some liquid and the contacts are not closing correctly. It should be wiped, and also examined the wire to the plug. It may be damaged.

Restart your phone and check the sound level in your phone settings. If there is a regulator on the headset itself, it may be reduced to a minimum. This happens often while they are in s or purses.

How to remove the headphone icon on your phone

Today we will consider an unusual topic. Is it possible to get rid of the headphone icon on the top panel of the smartphone screen. It happens that even when the plugs are turned off from the connector on the smartphone, the icon does not disappear from the status bar at the top. Let’s try to find out the reasons for this phenomenon and eliminate them.

Video instruction

Watch a video to show you how to remove the headphone connected icon on your mobile phone.


Often the cause of the malfunction is quite obvious to the user, but there are several steps that can be taken to more accurately diagnose:

  • If the icon appears due to inaccurate extraction, the user may not immediately notice the problem. However, he will be able to exclude other options for the error due to the fact that this is the only option in which the headphones were physically in the device at the time of its occurrence.
  • Moisture. If fine condensation has accumulated on the device itself, then it is rather difficult to determine. A sign of such a problem can be a transition from a frosty temperature to a very warm room. At the same time, most devices tolerate such drops normally, but there are exceptions, whose malfunction is manifested through the headphone icon.
  • Pollution. It may not be obvious to the user. Over, if it is available, the headset can be effectively used for its intended purpose, but if a SIMilar problem appears, then it can be completely solved by SIMple manipulations.
  • Sloppy extraction. The “symptoms” of this problem are SIMilar to those of contamination. In both cases, the definition of the problem occurs in the process of solving it.

What to do if the phone shows headphones

Does your phone have a headphone icon? You are not alone, people come across such a “glitch” quite often. This is not only an unpleasant fact that shows a temporary system malfunction, but also a very real reason for the further “freezing” of the device. That is why users of mobile devices are trying to quickly solve the problem.

Common causes of malfunction

  • One of the most famous and common reasons is stroke. It may cause a malfunction, which affects the further operation of the mobile device.
  • Moisture. This can be accumulated condensation from the temperature difference when the device gets into a warm room from frost, as well as liquid spilled on the mobile.
  • Mechanical contamination of the connector socket, which appears during its normal operation.
  • Inaccurate removal of the headset from the connector. This can “confuse” the phone and make it “think” that the headphones are still inside and connected to it.

If you want to try to solve the problem yourself, you should immediately turn off the smartphone, disassemble it by removing the battery, and let it dry in a warm place for about a day. If this method did not work, then you should definitely return the device for repair.

How to remove a burning icon from the smartphone screen

There are a few SIMple steps to take to solve the problem.

  • Reboot. This solves the problem 80% of the time.
  • Visual inspection of the entry socket. Even if contamination is not detected, it is worth “blowing” this nest and trying to gently “knock out” dust particles from it. After that a reboot is also recommended.
  • Remove the battery and let it dry. This option should be tried last. If the device has not been flooded, and there is a suspicion of condensation, then it is enough to remove the battery and let it dry for 3-4 hours.

As you can see, there can be many reasons for failures. The main thing is to find the reason why this is happening and make the correct connection.

We also recommend watching the video: How to turn off the mode in headphones (headsets)