Samsung level one. Review: fone de ouvido Samsung Level On Wireless

Samsung Level U Pro Review – A Collar-Style Comfortable Headphones

I have been using Level U Pro headphones by Samsung for a while now and I am very happy with them. So, I thought why not share what I feel about them with you guys. Without deviating from the topic, let’s just get into this.

The Design

Of course, every review needs to start with the thing that is noticed first and foremost, the physical design. The Level U has a neckband or collar design, which is signified by the “U” in its name, I guess. Anyways, the Band is really rigid and made out of hard plastic that can be uncomfortable to wear if you are coming from some other style of headphones. The ear pieces or ear buds, whatever you want to call them, are connected to the frame through cables which are long enough to reach your ears and short enough to not be a bother. They also have in-built magnetic lock which keeps them from flapping on your chest when not being used. A physical feature I really appreciate.

While some may disagree with this but I find the neckband style to be very useful for sporting activities like working out in a gym or taking a run through the park. Maybe because I have a thin neck. And the U Pro takes it up a notch with its water and sweat resistance. It doesn’t have any official IP rating though.

samsung, level, review, fone, ouvido

In any case, they cannot be worn with a collar shirt. So, if your main purpose of buying these is to wear them between your office commute, I suggest you steer clear.

The Sound Quality

Let’s get one thing out of the way first, Samsung did not include noise cancellation in the Level U Pro. If noise cancellation matters to you, these headphones aren’t for you.

Samsung Level On Wireless Headphones Review: 4 Months Later with Whisper Challenge!

Apart from that, these were initially marketed with UHQA technology. Something, that shouldn’t interest a common consumer because whatever difference the UHQA makes in the sound output is far too unnoticeable. This doesn’t mean the sound quality isn’t good. In fact, the output u get on Level U Pro is one of the best in its respective price range. Songs with heavy bass and vocals are enjoyable enough and do not get flattened. I did find the treble to be harsh, though it was only limited to certain songs. The sharpness in treble was edged out enough to be downright uncomfortable. May be it was because of my equalizer settings or something but I felt the need to share this.

Considering the overall sound experience, the Level U Pro output isn’t anything extra ordinary but it isn’t also under delivering.

Call Quality and the Level App

Samsung also has a dedicated app out on Google’s Play Store for Level Up Pro called Level. The app is specific to Android platform only and offers multiple features that provides great control over the device.

My favorite features of the app are the battery level indicators and the equalizer settings. Other features include notification and call alert settings. You can easily enable or disable vibration alerts for calls, messages or other alerts.

Remember, I mentioned earlier that the headphones have magnetic locks. Well, those locks are also controlled through the app or rather activated through it. If a friend or someone you know also owns a pair of Level U Pro, you can share your playlist with that friend and person to listen at the same time using the app’s Sound Share.

As far as call quality goes, the neckband has two mics that support noise cancellation. Although I did not actually use the device to make calls myself, I did receive quite a few calls while I was wearing it.

I found the voice quality to be very crisp. I was able to clearly hear the other person, however, I did miss not having active noise cancellation in the loud environment of the gym. My friend on the other end of that call said that he could hear me clearly without any distortions or having my voice suppressed under the loud gym music. I guess that is thanks to the noise cancellation mics on the device.

Also, please make a note that the Level app is not available on Apple’s Store. So, if you own an iPhone, this pair of headphones may not be for you.

Battery and Connectivity

The Level U Pro is a modern device and offers Bluetooth 4.1 connectivity. It supports most of the modern devices, however, you may have a hard time using it with phones that are older than 2013. It does connect with older devices but frequent disconnections are very common and makes using them a painful experience. On the bright side, the Level U Pro can be paired with most Smart watches so, you do not have to carry your phone when you are going for a run or to the gym.

As far as the battery goes, it’s capacity hasn’t been mentioned by Samsung but the company did say that the pair can last upto 9 hours of play or talk time and 300 hours of standby time. In my experience, while the numbers aren’t too exaggerated, they aren’t quite accurate either. I managed to get about 8 hours of playtime more or less in my usage. or less because the time I got out of these headphones wasn’t constant but the difference wasn’t too huge from one session to the other.

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On a closing note, I would simply say Samsung’s the Level U Pro isn’t for everyone mainly due to its neckband style. Nonetheless, if the design part is not a big issue, there are many things it offers that other competing brands don’t. At least not in the same price range, take the magnetic lock thing for instance. But as far as my personal opinion goes, after spending almost a month with them, I never leave home without ‘em.

Review: fone de ouvido Samsung Level On Wireless

Em meados de 2014, a Samsung anunciou sua entrada no mercado de fones de ouvido premium com o lançamento da linha Level, contando com OS dispositivos Level Over, On e Box. Com muita qualidade e alguns recursos interessantes, OS aparelhos foram bem recebidos mesmo com seu preço relativamente salgado, o que levou a fabricante coreana a desenvolver mais algumas adições à família de acessórios auditivos.

Entre essas novidades está o Level On Wireless, um fone de ouvido on-ear que une o formato e poder do seu antecessor à conectividade Bluetooth e comandos por toque que antes eram exclusivos do seu irmão mais parrudo, o Level Over. Podendo ser usado tanto sem fio quanto por meio de um cabo P2 comum incluso na embalagem, o fone promete ser ideal para quem procura qualidade, conforto, estilo e praticidade.

Mas será que a Samsung conseguiu realmente unir o melhor dos dois produtos anteriores em um só? As funcionalidades adicionais verdadeiramente impactam a experiência do usuário o suficiente para fazer valer o alto preço do equipamento? Esses e outros detalhes você pode conferir nesta análise do TecMundo.

O que vem no pacote

Junto ao fone de ouvido, a embalagem do Level On Wireless inclui alguns acessórios importantes para a utilização do produto. Entre eles, o mais importante é o cabo de recarga do aparelho, que possui uma conexão USB comum em uma ponta e uma micro USB na outra para se ligar ao acessório. Somando-se a isso está um cabo P2 de 3,5 mm, que permite usar o aparelho sem consumir sua bateria e ligá-lo a dispositivos sem Bluetooth.

Como a versão final dos cabos ainda não estava pronta quando a Samsung nos enviou o Level On para análise, tivemos acesso apenas a uma versão provisória desses fios. Ainda que a variação que recebemos do P2 contasse com controles físicos para reproduzir e pausar músicas, alterar o volume e atender chamadas, essas teclas acabaram não funcionando em nossos testes, o que pode significar que elas só podem ser utilizadas com celulares da fabricante coreana.

Outra adição ao pacote é um case especial para transporte do fone, que serve para proteger o acessório e inclui uma reentrância interna para guardar OS cabos. O Level On também vem com um manual simplificado que ensina de forma rápida como usar as principais funções do produto. Por fim, OS usuários podem baixar o app grátis Samsung Level para seus smartphones e tablets na Google Play, permitindo controlar as configurações de som do equipamento e outras funções.

Design e conforto

O visual do aparelho possui um estilo simples, mas belo, e conta com cores que agradam desde aqueles que gostam de algo mais discreto, como o azul marinho (quase preto) e o branco, ou chamativo, em outro tom de azul ou vermelho. O estofado das caixas de som cobre bem as orelhas e, somado ao Cancelamento Ativo de Ruídos (ANC, na sigla em inglês), garante um bom isolamento sonoro, além de permitir ouvir suas músicas em um volume mais baixo sem problemas.

Ainda que tenha uma estrutura feita de plástico e almofadas feitas de um material que imita o couro, o Level On Wireless é resistente e flexível o suficiente para se posicionar confortavelmente no lugar, podendo ser ajustado a todos OS tamanhos de cabeça. A sensação que fica é a de que o acessório é bastante durável, mas o fato de as espumas não serem removíveis pode dificultar o reparo caso se desgastem ou rasguem.

Como todo fone que cobre completamente as orelhas, o Level On Wireless pode acabar incomodando um pouco aqueles que possuem orelhas sensíveis após algumas horas de uso devido ao aquecimento da região. No entanto, o material garante que o efeito seja minimizado e o desconforto foi mínimo mesmo após mais de uma hora de exercícios com o acessório em uma academia. A capacidade de dobrar o produto facilita o transporte quando ele não estiver em uso.

Também vale ressaltar que o fone se manteve firme no lugar mesmo durante atividades mais intensas, como corridas e abdominais no solo, e que bastou secar o equipamento após o uso para evitar odores desagradáveis nas almofadas. Nesse sentido, o material plástico facilita a limpeza, desde que seja tomado cuidado para não desgastar indevidamente as partes de tecido ou acabar molhando OS componentes eletrônicos.

Praticidade dos toques

Quando o dispositivo está conectado a outro aparelho via Bluetooth, sua lateral direita passa a funcionar como um painel sensível a toques, permitindo controlar reprodução e pausa de músicas e volume e até mesmo atender ou rejeitar chamadas. OS comandos são simples e podem ser aprendidos em segundos – além de serem explicados tanto no manual físico quanto no app Samsung Level.

samsung, level, review, fone, ouvido

A troca de músicas e a alteração de volumes dependem de movimentos de deslizamento, enquanto a pausa, reprodução e atendimento de chamadas são comandados por toques duplos. Essa configuração de controles torna a utilização do aparelho mais prática, eliminando a necessidade de abrir o dispositivo pareado e diminuindo a probabilidade de comandos acidentais.

Mesmo sem uma haste visível, OS seis microfones embutidos no Level On Wireless garantem que você seja ouvido em alto e bom som por quem tiver te ligado. Caso você queira rejeitar uma chamada, no entanto, basta pressionar a área sensível ao toque por alguns segundos. Por fim, quem utilizar o fone junto a um smartphone da própria Samsung também poderá aproveitar OS recursos do S Voice por meio do acessório.

Áudio como você preferir

A fabricante se esforçou ao máximo para que o Level On Wireless reproduza sons ricos e equilibrados, mas também seja customizável o suficiente para agradar quem prefere um tipo ou outro de áudio. Trabalhando bem com tons agudos, graves e medianos, o aparelho permite que você aproveite bem todos OS aspectos das suas músicas favoritas, seja lá qual for seu estilo favorito.

Ainda assim, aqueles que quiserem configurações de áudio mais voltadas para determinados tipos de som podem atingir o resultado desejado por meio do recurso SoundAlive presente no aplicativo Samsung Level. Utilizando o app, é possível alterar alguns elementos básicos por meio de configurações predeterminadas ou então mover barras mais complexas para equalizar o som de acordo com sua preferência.

Samsung Level On Wireless Pro Review

The Samsung Level On Wireless Pro are on-ear headphones that are designed mainly for use with phones. Ideally Samsung ones, from their maker’s viewpoint at least.

Thanks to clever Samsung tech, they offer much higher-quality wireless audio transmissions than you get with rivals such as Beats or Sennheiser. The sound signature isn’t perfect, but these headphones are accessible and enjoyable to listen to, for the most part.

Samsung Level On Wireless Pro – Design and Features

The Samsung Level On Wireless Pro are Bluetooth headphones, the kind you might wear on the way to work. Design-wise, they take an interesting approach.

They’re a little large for an on-ear set, with pads that sit both on and around your ears. The pads are larger than the ones featured on the Sennheiser Momentum On-ear Wireless, perhaps this set’s closest rival.

It’s a style that works well. The Samsung Level On Wireless Pro use very soft, faux-leather-topped foam pads and light to mid-level headband tension, spreading not-too-firm pressure across a pretty wide area. Specs-wearers may find them uncomfortable to wear for prolonged periods, but this is true of most headphones of this style. In my opinion, they’re among the most comfy headphones in their class – though the headband grip is really too light for use when running.

The Samsung Level On Wireless Pro look a little like a more grown-up, slightly lower-key Beats headphone. They’re not beautiful, but they aren’t visually offensive either.

Samsung Level On Headphones: Buyers BEWARE!

There’s nothing too flashy about the Samsung Level On Wireless Pro’s construction, either. The outer part is all plastic, all the padding – as mentioned – is made of faux leather rather than the real deal, and even the visible sections of the metal headband have a brushed finish to take the shine off.

samsung, level, review, fone, ouvido

Ready for the road, the Samsung Level On Wireless Pro fold up, come with a carry bag and offer decent isolation for an on-ear pair of headphones – even without the active noise cancellation feature turned on.

These are some of the techiest headphones I’ve used over the past 12 months, though. Wireless is the main feature, but as the Samsung Level On Wireless Pro need a mic to take calls and a battery to power the Bluetooth connection, Samsung has also added active noise cancellation.

It’s not Bose QC25-grade cancellation. Instead it’s designed to take the edge off ambient sound rather than totally zap it. As such, you probably wouldn’t use these without any music playing just to silence crying kids in Starbucks, but it does stop passing cars from cutting into your listening. Plus it avoids the odd sense of in-ear pressure you get from more intense ANC models.

You can also turn ANC on and off using a switch on the Samsung Level On Wireless Pro, because it does affect the sound a little. It also halves battery life from 20-23 hours to only 11.

There are Samsung-exclusive features, but they don’t stop them from working with other phones. On the wireless side, these headphones will work with just about any Bluetooth device: iPhones, all Android phones and laptops.

You can also continue to use the Samsung Level On Wireless Pro when the battery is dead because, like most wireless headphones, they have a 3.5mm socket; a 3.5mm jack cable is supplied in the box too.

The Samsung Level On Wireless Pro’s special move is ultra-high-quality wireless transmission. Most other Bluetooth wireless headphones offer aptX if you’re lucky, but Samsung’s custom codec promises transmission at 24-bit 192KHz. It’s called UHQ, and we’re likely to hear more about it in the future. For now, it works only with the very latest Samsung phones – such as the Galaxy Note 5 and Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge.

It’s exciting technology that addresses many of the long-standing “audiophile” gripes about portable wireless audio. However, at this level, focusing on it too much is to get your priorities in the wrong order. No amount of high-grade audio tech is going to mask bad tuning or a poor driver. Using both the Edge and a couple of other phones, Bluetooth performance was nigh-on perfect.

Samsung Level On Wireless Pro – Sound Quality

As was the case with the first Samsung Level headphones I listened to, the Level On Wireless Pro offer a particularly smooth and rich sound that, while not quite as exciting as some others, is pretty good.

Common to just about all portable headphones, bass is meaty – but it’s actually smoother and more natural-sounding than the fairly well-regarded Sennheiser Momentum On-ear. These are easy-listening headphones, with no sense of distortion, sibilance or harshness. Compared with the much more aggressive Beats Solo 2, they’re velvety smooth.

Like the fit, the Samsung Level On Wireless Pro sound is ear-caressing. They provide a very accessible tone, and one without veiled-sounding treble or boomy bass. However, a series of sound limitations make them appear rather flat and undynamic compared with some headphones at this price.

First, the mids are soft, and take a back seat compared to the treble and bass. As with the rest of the sound, they’re smooth as you like – but they just don’t offer quite enough definition.

The real Samsung Level On Wireless Pro weak point, though, is how these headphones manage their soundstage. It’s diffuse: often unable to present a properly defined central channel. Vocals bleed freely into the left and right channels, which is what makes the sound presentation of these headphones seem a little flat, and at times lifeless.

This is a real shame, since it makes the Samsung Level On Wireless Pro less appealing than the Sennheiser On-ear, even though their low-frequency control is significantly better.

Having that flat-sounding mid-range/central channel also reveals the mid-bass boost that most style/portable headphones have to some extent. This further congests the mid-range – much of the sound from the Samsung Level On Wireless Pro seems flat with poorly defined imaging rather than veiled, murky, foggy, for example.

It almost seems as though Samsung was aiming for an open-back style sound here, where greater “airiness” can work with this smooth signature.

All this criticism may appear to suggest that you’re best steering clear, but it isn’t quite that simple.

Price-wise, the Samsung Level On Wireless Pro’s main rivals are the Beats Solo 2 Wireless and Sennheiser Momentum On-ear Wireless. However, in terms of tonal fidelity and control, these headphones are much closer to non-wireless, non-ANC models that are a similar price, or more expensive. I’m talking about sets such as the Sennheiser Momentum 2.0, the Denon AH-MM400 and even the Oppo PM-3.

The Samsung Level On Wireless Pro are just so much smoother and more controlled in their sound, they make rivals such as the Beats Solo 2 sound embarrassingly bloated in comparison. Are you willing to trade away a little energy and excitement for a sound that comes across as more refined – even if its presentation is flat?

Should I buy the Samsung Level On Wireless Pro?

The world of wireless headphones is a tricky one to survey. Bluetooth is included in phones costing only £30, but put the feature into a pair of headphones and you’ll pay £100 extra for the privilege.

I’d suggest you think about whether it’s really necessary; whether you’d be better opting for a “normal” pair. In my opinion, the premium it adds to the cost means that no wireless headphones offer that great value for money.

So how do the Samsung Level On Wireless Pro fare in context? Well, there are highs and lows.

The sound signature is smoother than the alternatives from Sennheiser and Beats. However, the mids are ill-defined and so is the soundstage. As a result, they sound flat and low on energy, but in other respects far more refined than the alternatives.

It’s a head-scratcher. You need to determine what’s of most importance: do you value balanced bass and a smooth sound over energy and clear positional audio?


The Samsung Level On Wireless Pro are smooth and tech-laden wireless headphones offering good, if somewhat flat-sounding, audio.

Обзор Bluetooth-гарнитуры Samsung Level On Wireless

Мне достались на тест наушники синего цвета. Ну а что, вполне себе бодро и интересно выглядят, на рынке уже слишком много черных и синих наушников, так что выбранный курс вполне логичен. Пользователи тоже устали от банальных цветов. Данные наушники выпускаются в четырех вариантах, это синий, красный, белый и черный. Все цвета интересные, синий здесь не яркий, а матовый, отпечатки пальцев заметны не сильно.

Вот только, на мой взгляд, стоило оставить амбушюры одного цвета, например, черного. Синие амбушюры смотрятся странновато. Но это лишь мое субъективное мнение.

Я тестировал эту модель с особым пристрастием. К сборке претензий нет. Чашки двигаются на шарнирах, при изгибе оголовья скрипов нет, ничего нигде не расходится. Направляющие сделаны из металла, с внутренней стороны скрывается кабель. Наушники можно сложить и при желании убрать в карман куртки. На шее носить удобно, на ткани, прикрывающей динамики, находятся условные обозначения левого и правого наушников.

На правой чашке находятся все органы управления гарнитурой, это кнопка включения и активации режима сопряжения, рычажок включения системы шумоподавления. Световой индикатор небольшой, внимания не привлекает.

Для активации режима сопряжения нужно сдвинуть рычажок в сторону значка Bluetooth и подержать, пока индикатор не начнет мигать зеленым и красным. Еще можно использовать NFC, зона находится прямо на чашке.

Наушники не закрывают уши полностью, но пассивная шумоизоляция неплохая и сидят они неплохо. Теперь о важном. Здесь применяется сенсорное управление, вот схема.

На деле привыкнуть к сенсорному управлению не составит труда. Если нажать и удерживать кнопку при использовании наушников со смартфоном Samsung, происходит запуск S Voice. Для приема вызова нужно дважды нажать на сенсорную кнопку на чашке.

Наушники весят 246 грамм, длина кабеля – 1,2 метра.


Наушники можно подключить к смартфону или планшету по Bluetooth или же с помощью аудиокабеля, разъем 3,5 мм находится на левой чашке. Поддерживаются кодеки aptX и Samsung HD, что влияет на качество звука, особенно если использовать модель с устройствами с поддержкой aptX. Наушники поддерживают Share Play, если у вас и вашей девушки (жены, приятеля, неважно) есть вторые Samsung Level On Wireless, можно тут же передать звук.

Время работы

Заявленное время работы составляет около 11 часов с включенной системой ANC и 23 часа с выключенной ANC. При подключении по кабелю заявлено 20 часов работы с ANC, без этого, вероятно, в два раза больше. Неплохой показатель.

Приложение Samsung Level

Полностью разбираться с программой нет нужды, уже хорошо, что она бесплатна, скачать можно в магазине Google. Отображается уровень заряда батареи, можно выбрать эквалайзер, от предустановок меняется качество, стоит попробовать разные. В меню есть пункт SoundAlive, где возможна настройка эквалайзера вручную. В меню приложений можно добавить программы для наушников, например, «Музыку», SoundCloud и TuneIn. Тут же есть и руководство пользователя.


У наушников очень хороша пассивная шумоизоляция, даже если не включать ANC, большинство внешних шумов теряется. Шум машин за окном становится слышен еле-еле, можно спокойно работать. Это же касается и самолета, поезда. Если не включать музыку и включить ANC, уровень шума становится еще чуть меньше, но такого потрясающего эффекта, как у Bose QC, здесь нет. Если начать слушать музыку, то внешний шум теряется, становится незаметен.

Я бы оценил работу системы ANC (active noise cancelation) на четверку с минусом. Это уровень Beats Studio 2, но не Bose QC. Замечу, что это очень и очень хороший показатель для Samsung, у компании таких продуктов вообще не было до недавнего времени.

На официальном сайте есть картинка про работу системы, она очень приблизительная, но обычному пользователю незачем знать подробности. Вкратце, большинство современных наушников с ANC работают вот по этому принципу. Концепты есть, но до серийного производства дело пока не дошло.

Еще раз повторюсь, показатели устройства очень хороши в своем классе. Ведь, кроме эффективности ANC, нужно еще учитывать и качество звука, и удобство, и цену.


На официальном сайте написано вот что: «Двухслойная диафрагма помогает подавить излишние вибрации и снизить уровень шумов. Оцените чистоту воспроизведения средних и высоких частот, а также непревзойденное качество передачи низких частот». Все это, конечно, немного смешно, но наушники и правда способны на многое, если не забывать про качество треков. Даже с SoundCloud при передаче данных по Bluetooth качество отменное, живые низкие, нет срывов и артефактов в серединке, детализация неплохая, запас громкости велик. Отсутствуют металлические нотки.

В рознице эта модель будет стоить около 10 000. Из интересных конкурентов отмечу Sony MDR-10RBT, Sennheiser MM 400 X, они похожи по форм-фактору и стоят примерно столько же. Интересные наушники в этой категории – Beats Solo2 Wireless, но они стоят около 19 000, очень дорого.

У рассматриваемой модели есть все задатки для того, чтобы стать хитом. Дизайн неплохой, если не нравятся синие наушники, покупайте черные. Нет претензий к сборке, качеству звука, времени работы, тут все хорошо и даже отлично. Сенсорное управление мне не понравилось, еще непонятно, как будет вести себя панель на морозе. Тут в Samsung что-то не продумали. Кстати, Parrot это тоже касается. На бумаге все красиво, в жизни же иногда вовсе не так. Но продолжу про Samsung Level On Wireless. Помимо всех достоинств, тут есть еще и система шумоподавления, она недотягивает до Bose QC, но с другими моделями ее сравнить можно. И это тоже неплохо.

Выбираете накладные продвинутые наушники – обязательно обратите внимание на эту модель. Как минимум, стоит послушать.

Опубликовано — 16 июля 2015 г.