How to turn off T9 on Xiaomi redmi note

Why do I need T9

The main purpose of T9 on Xiaomi smartphones is to predict words when typing text notifications or search queries in the browser bar.

Already from the first letter you will receive several variants of ready-made words, which significantly speeds up typing.

Since the keyboards on Android differ from each other on different smartphones, including on Xiaomi Redmi, the menu items of the T9 function are organized in different ways.

As an example, consider the Gbord keyboard as one of the most common. It can be purchased on Google Play.

The keyboard has a distinctive feature. you can enter text in the traditional way, and using gestures. Also in the settings you will find voice input, filtering of obscene words, contact names.

All these additions significantly speed up typing.

Many smartphone owners consider this feature alien and want to turn it off right away.

Since the function is enabled automatically on most keyboards, you need to find in the settings menu how to disable T9 on Android Xiaomi.

How to enable autocorrect

Increasingly, the T9 function on smartphones is called autocorrect or autocorrection. Initially, this add-on was invented to save time when entering text notifications by correcting typos.

Since this function is disabled, many users of smartphones Mi6, Mi8 and other models deactivate it.

After a while, to send SMS and email notifications by mail, there is a desire to turn on the autocorrect mode.

This can be done by enabling the automatic error correction mode via the virtual keyboard. All Xiaomi smartphones have this function. Each user can customize its work individually.

To do this, go to the settings of the virtual keyboard. Then we select the line “Text correction”. Go to the points and activate them one by one.

  • the prompt line is turned on;
  • blocking of obscene words is activated;
  • automatic replacement of mistakenly entered words is turned on;
  • capital letters at the beginning of a sentence and a period at the end are automatically set

Here you can turn on or off a hint when entering messages in the form of emoticons.

How to disable T9 on Xiaomi

If you are using Gbord keyboard, but do not want to use autocorrection, you need to perform some operations in the smartphone settings.

The need to disable the T9 function arises when it does not work properly, which may annoy the user a little. This happens most often when using new smartphones.

In this case, the user’s dictionary is still empty and it is difficult for the system to select the words you use most often. After a few weeks of use, AutoCorrect will help and the desire to turn it off will automatically disappear.

If, nevertheless, you decide to turn off T9, you need to go to the settings of the installed keyboard and perform several operations.

Since Xiaomi has a variety of keyboards, consider disabling the T9 using the example of devices such as Mi5sPlus and Mi Mix.

Disconnection takes place in the following sequence:

  • We go to the settings menu and look for the “Advanced” item. Then in the menu that opens, select the line “Language and input”.
  • On the panel that appears, select the type of the installed keyboard. For example, Gboard or SwiftKey. A menu with keyboard settings will open. We are looking for “Text correction”.
  • You will see a list of available functions with switches, such as “Prompt”, “Suggest options” other. Here you can deactivate items one by one by moving the switch to the “Off” position.

How to TURN OFF Automatic Text Correction on Xiaomi Phones

In this way, the T9 function is disabled for the specified smartphone models with the Gboard keyboard type.

How to disable T9 on Xiaomi

In most cases, T9 is a handy feature on your smartphone. When typing, she predicts the word to be typed. Since sometimes it is not possible to find the right words, there is a desire to remove this function. Let’s try to figure out whether and how to disable T9 on Xiaomi.

Interesting recommendations

The work of the autocorrect function in Xiaomi smartphones is based on the use of a dictionary. That is, the system compares the first letter of the word you typed with the combinations available in the dictionary.

During auto-correction, the program independently replaces the misspelled word with the one matched from the dictionary.

User text notifications may contain specific words that cannot be auto-replaced. In this case, you can add them to the dictionary yourself via the notification line.

How to disable autocorrect (t9) on Xiaomi (Redmi)

The autocorrect function of the entered text (autocorrect or t9) works strangely on Xiaomi, sometimes it works correctly, sometimes it is wrong, but more often it is annoying that you have to rewrite words that were typed correctly, but which are not in the built-in dictionary and therefore the keyboard is not about them knows.

AutoCorrect on Xiaomi works as follows: the keyboard scans the text being typed in real time, comparing the resulting result with what is in the dictionary. If the program sees that one or two mistakes have been made in a word, it automatically corrects it to what it thinks is correct. If there are a lot of mistakes, or if Xiaomi does not know such a word, auto-correction will work falsely and replace the word that will have to be rewritten.

If you write a lot and ambitiously, I think you know better how to turn off autocorrect so that the function is less annoying.

I write on Xiaomi quite a lot every day and for myself I turned off t9, because out of ten words in a sentence I have to redo from one to three, which not only badly affects my mood, but also spends a lot of time.

turn, xiaomi, redmi, note

I’ll show you how to disable autocorrect using the example of a standard GBoard keyboard. In other models, the steps will be similar, but the menus will be located in different places.

Launch any application with a text input area to bring up the keyboard to the screen. Then click on the “Gear” icon to access the settings. Now find the menu item “Text correction”. Inside we are interested in the item “Autocorrection”. disable it. Now the keyboard will not automatically change the text as you type. Make sure that the item “Spell Checker” remains active, sometimes it turns off along with the previous one. With its help, you will know that the text was written with an error and will be able to correct it yourself.

This can be helpful:

Hi, my name is Timur. Since childhood, I have been fond of computers and the IT Industry, I like it, this is my passion. Over the past few years, I have been deeply interested in Xiaomi: ideology, technology and a unique approach to explosive business growth. I own many Xiaomi gadgets and share my experience of using them, but most importantly. solving problems and incidents that arise under unexpected circumstances on the pages of

Gboard program

The Gboard app is a keyboard from Google developers, which, in addition to the main purpose, contains additional functionality:

  • Continuous input. no need to take your finger off the screen to write text.
  • Voice input. allows you to almost completely abandon the character set. It is enough to utter a message, the system recognizes it and converts it into text.
  • Search in Google. after clicking on the icon in the shape of the letter “G”, you can start searching for information in the search engine.
  • Translator. when communicating with foreign partners or friends, there is no need to use an additional translation application. The keyboard has a built-in feature that allows you to translate text without switching to another window.

It is also worth noting that the keyboard supports multilingual input, sending emojis and GIFs, and has a good operating speed. Consider disconnecting T9 using her example.

How to disable T9 on Xiaomi?

T9 is a specially designed system that predicts the text entered on the keyboard of a mobile device. Initially, it was created for push-button telephones, where each key had 3-4 letters. The modern version of this system works on a slightly different principle, but the essence remains the same. while typing, the user receives word variants by the first letters. If you do not want to use this function, consider how to disable T9 on Xiaomi devices running Android.

turn, xiaomi, redmi, note

The Android operating system is designed in such a way that the owner of the smartphone can independently choose the application for entering messages. There are a lot of such programs, and it is difficult to write instructions for each of them. Google’s Gboard app will be used as an example.

Disabling T9 on Xiaomi

To deactivate this function, you must:

    Open device settings, click on the line “Advanced”, then. “Language and input”.

Find the item with the name of the keyboard application (in this case, it is Gboard) and click on it.

  • In the window that opens, select the line “Text correction”.
  • Disable the item titled “Suggest options”. Optionally, you can also deactivate word suggestions based on the previous names saved in the phone book, the filter of obscene words and individual suggestions based on data from Google services.
  • Disabling all of the above options will completely remove automatic processes on the keyboard.

    How T9 works

    T9 refers to a dictionary embedded in a system-selected or user-selected keyboard. It has 3 functions:

    How to Off Auto Correction in Redmi mobile?

    • suggests the final version of the word, focusing on the first 3-4 letters;
    • allows you to make sentences from frequently used expressions by the user;
    • corrects misspelled words.

    The latter feature annoys users, as the system reigns unwritten slang or trending expressions, slowing down typing.

    Google’s Gboard, Microsoft’s SwiftKey, and others are self-learning to expand vocabulary through user-added phrases. You can delete a word entered earlier only through advanced software settings.

    When a user uses several smartphones or a phone and a tablet, then if you install the same keyboard and connect it to one account, the keyboards are synchronized. This saves time as both applications use the same dictionary.

    How to enable / disable T9 on Xiaomi

    The way how to activate or deactivate the function on Redmi Note 4, 7, 8, 9, smartphones from Xiaomi, is the same:

    • proceed to the “Settings” of the parameters of the smartphone. Scroll down the menu and open “Advanced”, or “Advanced settings”. located in the “System and device” section;
    • at the beginning of the list, tap on “Language and input”;
  • in the “Keyboard and Input Methods” section, select the default keyboard. indicated in the “Current Keyboard” line;
  • By tapping on its name, the user will be taken to the advanced software settings. Here go to “Text correction”;
  • the next window will display a list of parameters that are allowed to be enabled / disabled. To get rid of auto-correction or get suggested word suggestions on Redmi Note, tap on the switch next to “Suggest suggestions”.
  • Those who are satisfied with the work of T9 can use the above menu to customize the input system for themselves by activating / deactivating the following functions:

    • word hint. the dictionary will stop suggesting phrases for building a sentence;
    • obscene words filter. prohibits / allows obscene expressions to appear in the list;
    • emoticons. when you enter a word / phrase, an emoji will appear that expresses them;
    • suggest names. use names from the address book;
    • individual hints. activates the system of recording previously unknown words entered by the user.

    Changes to the settings will take effect immediately. It remains to return to the desktop and start writing a message.

    Disable t9 dictionary on Xiaomi phone

    T9 is a smart messaging system that speeds up your typing. On Xiaomi smartphones and Android devices, the function works as an auto-correction, replacing missing expressions in the dictionary with familiar phrases. We will explain how to turn off T9 on Xiaomi, remove autocorrect, or, on the contrary, turn on the mode when it does not work.

    T9 is a useful feature that saves the user time when entering text messages. When the system malfunctions, does not work at all, or repulses by auto-correction, it can be configured in the default keyboard settings.

    т9 Xiaomi: Turn auto correction on and off

    When typing on a smartphone, whether it be Messages or a query in a search engine, there is a wonderful assistant on Xiaomi. T9. From the first letter, he suggests variants of words and this greatly facilitates typing. But for some owners, this is how it gets in the way. And then the question arises how to turn off T9. Because, in the island, this option is installed on mobile phones immediately, by default. On all Xiaomi and Redmi, the keyboard is varied and therefore the settings menus are also different. Let’s try to take, for example, an on-screen keyboard application called Gboard.

    What is Gboard for

    Gboard is a keyboard made by Google for Android and iOS devices. Initially, it was released for iOS, then it appeared on Android. The advantage of this application is writing with gestures, as well as the usual way of typing letters. The program also has voice input, dictionary, censorship filtering, access to phone book names, which makes it easier to write sentences.

    When using this keyboard, you can refuse prompts by changing the parameters.

    Turn off T9.

    t9 Xiaomi. shutdown

    • Then we determine which keyboard, in our situation. Gboard.
    • A menu appears for Keyboard Settings, there we click on “Text Correction”. Next, turn off those items that we do not need, for example: “preposition of options”, “word hint”.

    In this way, we turned off T9 on this keyboard.

    If later we need an assistant, it can be easily turned on in the same way.

    How to turn on t9 is also clear to anyone, we activate all the points above.

    with other instructions for your phone. Look for the latest articles on the main page, and we also recommend reading several popular articles:

    How to enable or disable T9

    The 4X (as well as the Note version) has Android version 7 on board. This means that the activation process for the option will be identical for all devices. The difference will only be in the little things, as the MIUI version of the shell may differ. Xiaomi smartphones use the Gboard keyboard by default. We will customize it.

    • Launch the settings using the appropriate shortcut.
    • Next, look for the item “Advanced settings” in the block “System and device” and click on it.
    • Now select “Language and input”.
    • We click on the item “Gboard”.
    • We are looking for the line “Text correction” and click on it.
    • Now you need to move the switch to one position or another in front of the “Suggest words” element and activate the option.

    Everything will be exactly the same on Redmi 4. There are some differences in Note. Especially if the operating system has not been updated. For example, the item “Advanced settings” will be called additional settings. But these are trifles. The main thing is that the arrangement of the elements is exactly the same.

    What is T9?

    T9 is an intelligent predictive typing system. The device is guided by the first letters typed by the user, and offers options for words starting with these characters. Using an input method like this has its advantages.

    • typing is faster;
    • you can program the system to issue certain options;
    • artificial intelligence of the smartphone is trained, which will play a positive role in the future;
    • fewer word mistakes;
    • it is more pleasant to communicate on social networks.

    This input method is not uncommon on Android. However, some manufacturers deliberately disable this option. Therefore, it is important to know how to enable or disable the T9 mode on Xiaomi devices. An example is the Redmi 4X model.

    T9 in Xiaomi: how to enable and disable the function

    The devices of the Xiaomi brand have become very popular in the domestic open spaces. The Chinese company offers powerful, functional and modern devices at low prices. And this plays a decisive role when choosing a gadget. Like all modern devices, smartphones from Xiaomi have a predictive input system T9. You just need to know how to enable and disable T9 on Xiaomi.

    So, T9 exists in Xiaomi devices. This has been proven. You just need to activate it. Setting these parameters will not cause problems even for novice users, since the proprietary MIUI shell is famous for its friendly interface.