How to Put Iphone into Recovery Mode

No matter how reliable the iPhone 6 is, it is not immune to various types of failures. In some cases, the phone stops responding to any user actions: the screen does not light up, the buttons are inactive. In order to get it out of this state, the developers provided for dfu mode. The abbreviation dfu stands for: device firmware update, that is, device firmware update.

This mode is an effective tool to help successfully remove an iPhone from many emergency conditions. Especially often they occur after iOS updates, when the user tries to put them into action on their device.

When activated, dfu acts as a bootloader, since the operating system, for one reason or another, does not. In the process of recovery in this mode, a complete removal and reinstallation of the system occurs. All previous settings and personal data are erased, the latest current version of iOS is downloaded to the phone. Then personal information can be restored, provided that you have its backup copies.

How to initiate dfu

How to Put Iphone into Recovery Mode

This is a very important and necessary function, let’s take a closer look at how to enter an iPhone in dfu mode.
Firstly, connect the switched off device to the authorized computer with which it was previously paired with a USB cable (preferably branded) (since you cannot enter confirmation from a non-working iPhone to connect to a new device).

Secondly, simultaneously press and lock the Home and Power buttons for ten seconds in the pressed state.

Thirdly, release the “Power” key, and hold down the “Home” key until a typical iTunes notification appears on the computer’s monitor that the device is under the dfu mode. (iTunes before that is recommended to upgrade to the latest version to avoid errors)

At the same time, the phone itself does not display the successful course of this mode. Its screen is still turned off and cannot display system messages. The computer will carry out all further processes by itself. It must be connected to the Internet, since you have to download the latest version of iOS from the network. This may take more than one hour until all sections of the file system are safely installed on the phone.

If the first time you can’t transfer the iPhone to dfu mode, try to repeat the whole procedure a bit later using the original USB cable.
As you can see, entering an iPhone into DFU mode is not difficult at all. Let’s find out now how to get him out of it.

How to disable already running recovery mode on iPhone 6

If you start the dfu mode, you change your mind about restoring the system so as not to lose all the available data. then the iPhone can easily be removed from it. To do this, just perform a regular reboot, i.e. Press the power and home keys and hold for ten seconds. After turning on the power, the phone will start loading the normal mode (provided that it was operational before that). It makes sense, as a training, to carry out this process even before the problems arise. Then to be ready and not to make mistakes.

In conclusion, we say that you should not neglect the use of this mode. It will help to restore your phone in cases of system failures, or when the current update went wrong, as well as if you forgot your password. If you have a backup, you will copy all your data again, and your iPhone 6 will work like a Swiss watch.