How to open your LG TV remote

Instructions: how to disassemble the Sony TV remote control

It is always a good idea to wipe the inside of the remote, but you need to open it first. Most remote controls today are easy to open with a screwdriver, however there is a very different category of TV remotes that are generally held together without screws. These are remotes from new Sony TVs. However, it is actually not so difficult to open them, for this you should take a knife or a screwdriver, the latter will be even better, and gently pry off the junction of the remote control cover with the tip. You will find that the device opens slightly.

This operation may not work for you the first time, but the main thing is to pry the lid well from the beginning and then just do not rush. Even if you hear that one of the mounts has cracked, it doesn’t matter, the lid will stick to the rest. But be careful, as completely ripped off fasteners means you will have to reattach the cover.

Why you have to disassemble the TV remote

open, your, remote

The device of the remote control is rather complicated, so not every user will be able to immediately diagnose and fix the problem. You should not disassemble such a technologically complex device without special knowledge and skills.

Although it is sometimes interesting for everyone to see “how is everything inside”, therefore, detailed instructions on how to properly disassemble and assemble the TV remote control will be presented below.

Disassembling the remote may not be such an easy task, especially if the device does not have connecting bolts, which may confuse some users.

In order to disassemble the remote control, the user only needs a small screwdriver. A flat one is better, but a cross may also come in handy. Therefore, it is recommended to have both options at hand.

If, in addition to parsing, you plan and clean the device, you should prepare an alcohol solution (with a high ratio of C2H5OH) and cotton swabs or napkins.

You should also prepare a soft and clean surface where the user will place the microcircuit.

Dismantling the Samsung TV remote

To open the Samsung Smart TV Remote, turn it over and slide the back cover down towards the indicators.

If you slide the back of the puller towards the indicators, a small gap appears on the front of the remote control.

Open gap makes it easy to grip the back cover so you can remove it.

Removing the back cover reveals the battery compartment, which usually contains the necessary fasteners. A Phillips screwdriver will help you remove all the screws and unscrew the case. It is advisable to take a special jar or a small container for the screws so as not to lose them.

The rest of the remote is held on by plastic clips, but it can also be glued, pay attention to this point. On the right side of the remote, when facing up, there are two large areas to open from the outside

These large clip opening areas are located on the right side of the console only

If the manufacturer did not use special glue, then you can carefully slide a plastic card around the device and pry the case to start separating the case seam through the large clamping areas. On the right side of the remote, when facing up, there are two large areas to open from the outside

These large clip opening areas are located on the right side of the console only. If the manufacturer did not use special glue, then you can carefully slide a plastic card around the perimeter of the device and pry off the case to start separating the case seam through the large clamping areas

On the right side of the console, when facing up, there are two large areas for opening from the outside. These large clip opening areas are located on the right side of the console only

If the manufacturer did not use special glue, then you can carefully slide a plastic card around the perimeter of the device and pry the case to start separating the case seam through the large clamping areas

Once the case is open, you can see the top and the keyboard with a rubber membrane. Then disconnect the microcircuit, but it is not recommended to unscrew the sensor from it.

It is advisable to wipe the area from the remote keyboard with alcohol, like the keyboard, which will get rid of sticking buttons and pressing will become smoother.

To remove the PCB from the case, use a flat head screwdriver or knife to gently pry up the bottom of the PCB on both sides near the battery compartment area

Close inspection reveals two small holes on the board. These holes are for the two MEMS microphones in the remote control.

The LED is also located next to one of the microphone holes.

The top of the remote housing has an acoustic spacer for the top microphone. The rubber membrane keypad is used as an acoustic pad for the bottom microphone.

Turning our attention to the back of the PCB, we can look at the components that make the console work. There are a number of discrete parts, transistors and power supply integrated circuits

For example, a universal electronic remote control with voice control and Wi-Fi Direct UE878NMEG, consists of:

  • Wi-Fi chip, Knowles SiSonic microphone and infrared LED.
  • After cleaning and repair work, you can assemble the remote control, observing the reverse order.

Why disassembly is needed?

If the control panel does not have serious visible damage, but does not respond to commands, the reason for this may be damaged batteries, dirty key contacts, breakage of the connecting loop, detaching the microcircuit. You can try to fix these problems yourself.

LG Magic Remote disassembly / teardown / opening up. Last minute update: Use a credit card!

If the remote control stops working, you must first try to replace the batteries. To do this, you need to open a special hole on the back panel and replace, observing the polarity.

But before performing these manipulations, the remote control will have to be disassembled.

For more complex injuries, such as a broken microcircuit, a violation of the integrity of the connecting loop, special skills cannot be dispensed with. Therefore, you will need either the help of a specialist or the purchase of a new remote control.

Possible malfunctions and their elimination

If the TV stops responding to the remote control, the first step is to check the connection to make sure which of the two devices is causing the problem.

  • First of all, you should check the connection of the equipment to the power source. If the TV plug is connected and the current is supplied to the outlet, but the TV does not turn on, check the wire itself, it so happens that the cable from the TV to the plug is frayed, bent, etc.
  • If both the plug and the cable are in order, and there is current in the outlet, and the TV does not want to turn on, then try to start it using the button, which is located on the body of the equipment itself. If the equipment does not respond, then it is worth sounding the alarm and checking the performance of the TV itself.
  • In the case when, when turned on with the button on the panel, the TV works as if nothing had happened, and does not want to respond to the remote control, then the question arises of why this happened. Most likely, in this case, the problem is specifically in the remote control.

The most common reasons for the breakdown of the remote control are

How to Clean and Fix LG TV Remote Control

  • Mechanical damage Most often, it is found in families where there are small children who can drown the remote control in the bathroom, bucket. Or throw the remote control at the wall. In such a situation, only a complete replacement of the remote control can help, and it is recommended to remove the new one away from children.
  • Batteries. Typically, TV remote controls are powered by batteries that go into a separate compartment. And to restore the device’s performance, it will be enough to replace the batteries with new ones.
  • Scheme. The circuit can hide various breakdowns, including loose contacts and ending with more serious malfunctions. The most popular chip in use today is Adam24P20G.
  • Quartz remote control device.
  • Buttons. Sometimes there is a thinning of the special gasket between the buttons and the circuit.

Most of the problems can be noticed in the early stages, paying attention to the appearance of the device. For example, the body of the remote control may be melted or cracked, which already indicates possible problems that in the future can lead to a complete failure of the device.

However, some breakdowns can still be eliminated if they are detected in time.

If you know the cause of the breakdown, the device can be reanimated if done on time.

Some malfunctions can be dealt with on your own. For example, if the power supply is insufficient, the batteries must be replaced. No soldering or disassembly required.

  • Remove the control panel cover;
  • Remove the batteries;
  • Insert new.

If there is a bad reaction of the buttons to pressing, you will have to check the integrity of the gasket located between the buttons and the microcircuit.

If there are any cracks on the case, it is recommended to replace the remote control with a new one, or use materials at hand to fix the case and prevent further cracking.

But not in all situations you can cope on your own and then you will need the help of a specialist.

Instructions on how to disassemble

  • First you need to remove the batteries. There are usually connecting bolts under the cover of the nutrient compartment. Unscrew them using a special screwdriver.
  • After the bolts are unscrewed, you should carefully separate the two parts of the body.

Inside, the user will be able to see the rubber gasket on which the buttons are located, and under it the microcircuit itself.

  • After the batteries are removed, insert a flat screwdriver into the junction of the case. Usually, special latches are located at the top and bottom of the case, so the screwdriver should be inserted exactly there.
  • After the user hears a characteristic click, open the latches on the other end.
  • After both fastening mechanisms are open, carefully separate both halves of the case.

Here are a couple more tips for disassembling your TV remote.

Some covers have additional latches and do not open up, but with a movement to the side or forward.

The microcircuit is usually not fixed. It often just lies in the grooves, and it will not be difficult to remove it. After removing the microcircuit, do not put it on a dirty surface, as dirt can impair the functionality of the buttons.

When removing the microcircuit, be careful with protruding parts such as capacitors and the emitting LED. Damaging these parts, the remote control will completely lose its functionality, and it will be problematic for an ordinary user to restore them without special knowledge and skills, as well as without additional accessories in the form of a soldering iron and a magnifying glass.

If the disassembly of the device is caused by the need to clean the microcircuit from dust or dirt. Then you should use an alcohol solution. It can clear the contacts and restore the operation of the remote.

Also, it is worth cleaning not only the contacts of the microcircuit, but also the buttons on a special rubberized gasket.

After cleaning, allow the parts to dry before reassembling.

If simple cleaning does not help to restore the functionality of the device, you should take it to a repair shop or purchase a new one.

How to disassemble?

Each individual LG TV model is equipped with a special remote control. One and the same remote control will not work on 2 different TV models.

But both conventional and remote controls with a control function for many models are disassembled in almost the same way. In order to open the case, you must perform a certain sequence of actions.

  • Unscrew all visible screws using a Phillips screwdriver. Sometimes the bolts connecting the body halves can be hidden in the battery compartment. Therefore, when parsing, you need to open this compartment and remove the batteries.
  • Then, using a flat screwdriver, unclip the latches by pushing it into the joint located on the side of the remote control.
  • There are models where the 2 halves are not bolted, but closed with special internal latches. In this case, a plastic card will help to disassemble the remote control. It is necessary to try to place it between the side joints on the case of the remote device. By increasing the space between the joints, the latches will open.

Disassembled, the remote control will consist of 2 halves of a plastic case, silicone buttons, microcircuits connected by loops.

Having disassembled the device, you need to make sure that the microcircuits do not have cracks, chips or scratches, and the cables are not torn off on either side. If there is such damage, then you cannot do without purchasing a new remote control.

If all the parts are intact, you need to wipe the silicone buttons and contacts on the microcircuit with an alcohol-containing solution using a cotton pad.

When performing these manipulations, you need to be extremely careful, since all parts are fragile and can be damaged if excessive pressure is applied to them.

After that, the remote device must be assembled by placing the silicone buttons on the sensors and connecting both parts of the case, closing the latches or tightening the bolts.

In some models of remote controls, glue is used to connect the body. In the case of disassembly and subsequent assembly of such specimens, it is necessary to remove the remnants of the old glue with a knife, degrease the surface and apply a thin layer of new glue to the joints, wait a few seconds and press firmly. After gluing, you can use the device no earlier than 2 hours later.

The latest TVs are equipped with touch panel controls. The parsing of such remotes is carried out in the same way as devices with buttons. But when parsing, you need to be careful and try not to damage the touch control panel.

If work experience is not enough, it is worth contacting a specialist, since the cost of touch control devices is several times higher than the cost of a conventional remote control.

Proper cleaning of the TV remote control at home

In most cases, to fully clean the remote control, it will be enough to open the main box of the device and blow it thoroughly. Sometimes you need to wipe individual elements with a cloth. However, it happens when the remote control is very dirty and only complete cleaning can save it. In this case, get ready to disassemble the device as expected. separate the top and bottom covers, separate the rubber gasket from under the buttons and the board with microcircuits. It is not worth cleaning the board, it can damage it, but the rubber gasket can even be washed under the tap. In this case, you should first dry it completely and only after drying it should be used again.

If you do not want the remote control to get dirty quickly and require detailed cleaning when disassembled, we advise you to regularly clean it from the outside, which is much easier and easier. To do this, you can use ordinary wet wipes or cotton wool dipped in alcohol. Alcohol, although a liquid, but it instantly evaporates, so it will not cause any harm to the remote control, as well as to the microcircuits inside.

There are other preventive measures that will prolong the stable operation of the remote control without cleaning, these are:

Buying a cover. A simple yet extremely effective solution to keep your remote clean and tidy. Yes, every time you use the remote you will have to take it out of the case, but this will keep the device from debris and dust.

Polyethylene. If you do not want to spend money on a full-fledged case, we offer you a simple, but also effective solution. wrap the remote control in plastic. It can even be cling film, the ends of which can either be hidden behind, or carefully sealed with tape.

No dirt gets inside the remote control, and the film can be replaced at any time.

Hygiene. Of course, the most basic precaution is your personal hygiene, do not use the device with dirty hands or while eating.

It is worth, just about everything, resist the temptation and your TV remote control will last much longer and more reliable.

Stage 4

Pay attention to how the IR diode is located in the socket in order to understand how to further disassemble the remote control from an LG, “Philips” TV or any other model:

  • In most cases, it is not fixed in any way.
  • If it is fixed in the socket, remove it. Be very careful when doing this. Then remove the board.

Stage 1

First, examine the remote control itself (how the back cover is fixed). The further procedure will be as follows:

  • Open the back cover.
  • Remove the batteries and see how the mounting screws are located in the compartment.

Important! They are small in size, you can unscrew them using a Phillips screwdriver.

Stage 2

Using a plastic card, carefully pry off the cover. Next, draw the card along the entire contour of the body. Then, using the utmost care, remove the battery contacts from the slots.

Cleaning the console

In order to clean the device from contamination, prepare the following devices:

  • Alcohol or alcohol-containing liquid.
  • Small brush with soft bristles.
  • Clean pieces of soft cloth.

Using this kit, you can do external cleaning every week without disassembling the devices.

Important! To make the assembly of the PU easy, lay out the parts in the order in which they are removed. If it was not possible to restore the working state of the device, find out from our other article how to choose the remote control for the TV.

How to open your LG TV remote

Before using the Magic Remote Control with your Smart TV for the first time, you must register it. To register Magic Remote using the Wheel (OK) button. do the following:

Wait 10 seconds for the Smart TV to turn on.

Point the Magic Remote at the TV screen and press the Wheel (OK) button. After registering the Magic Remote Control, a message appears on the TV screen.

If Magic Remote does not register, turn off your Smart TV, turn it on and repeat the registration process.

If the Magic Remote does not work properly, it should be initialized and re-registered. To use the Smart Home button and BACK button on the Magic Remote to register the Magic Remote. do the following:

Press and hold the Smart Home button and BACK button on the Magic Remote for 5 seconds to initialize the Magic Remote.

Point the Magic Remote at the Smart TV screen, and press the Wheel (OK) button. After registering the Magic Remote Control, a message appears on the screen.

Point the Magis Remote at the Smart TV screen and press the BACK button for 5 seconds to re-register the Magic Remote.

Magic Remote Pointer Setting

Smart Home Settings INSTALLATION Index

To customize the speed, shape and size of the Magic Remote pointer. do the following:

On the Magic Remote. press the Smart Home button. to open the Smart TV home screen.

Select SETTINGS Index. to open the pointer customization window.

Speed: select the speed at which the pointer moves.

Equalize : toggles auto-align pointer on and off.

Equalize function moves the pointer to the center of the screen when you shake Magic Remote horizontally.

How to unlock your TV remote: universal ways

There are methods to return the device to working condition, which are common to all models, regardless of the manufacturer and other characteristics. If you still have the operation manual, then use the section that describes possible malfunctions and how to fix them. For a locked console, this can be a special key combination. If you have lost the instructions, you can search for it on the Internet.

ATTENTION! Before using the methods below, make sure that the rechargeable batteries (or batteries) are in working order.

Button options and combinations that work on most devices:

  • Remove the batteries from the remote control. Press and hold the power key while inserting the batteries.
  • Can help continuously press any button for 10 seconds.
  • Try pressing “” and “P” at the same time. If the LED is continuously on, then hold down the buttons and type the sequence: “Channel plus” and “Menu” (or “Sound” and “Menu”).
  • While holding “P” and “plus” you can apply the universal sequence, “1234”. Or it can be a combination of identical characters, for example “1111”.

IMPORTANT! The indicated combinations must be completed with the key “”.

Initial actions

If the TV does not respond to commands from the remote control, then the first thing to do is to check its batteries. Maybe they are just discharged or malfunctioning. It is very easy to do this:

  • open the battery compartment;
  • remove the installed batteries;
  • insert similar new batteries.
  • check the operation of the remote control.

On a note! It is worth inspecting the battery compartment for the serviceability of the contact pads. They may have bent back, or traces of oxides have formed on them. All this can also lead to the fact that the remote does not work.

If nothing has changed after the events, it’s time to think about how to unlock the TV remote control. You can find a huge number of ways to unlock the remote control. But not all of them will be effective for a particular model. The best option is to view the instructions for the TV. Usually the answers to all common questions are written there. But the book is not always saved after the purchase of equipment. For this reason, you have to look for the answer yourself.

The instructions usually contain a special code. It will be enough to press this combination on the remote control buttons, and the problem will be solved. If no papers have survived, the first thing to think about is how the blocking occurred. Trying to do everything the other way around, you can make the remote workable in relation to the TV.

Alternative ways

There are many options for unlocking the remote control offered by Internet users:

  • Press buttons “P” and “” at the same time. After that, a combination of the same numbers is dialed, for example 2222 or 5555. Among the common and standard codes, 1234 or 1111 are accepted. After dialing the combination, press “” again. Perhaps it will be a completely different combination of numbers. There are numerous options to try.
  • After the initial digits from the first method are pressed, the LED should be on without interruption. In this case, instead of a combination, you can try pressing simultaneously: “Menu” and “Channel”, “Menu” and “Volume”.
  • Sometimes it is enough to hold down one button for about 5-10 seconds. But this method is suitable for a few TV models.

Memorize those combinations of numbers that you press! After all, rash actions can only aggravate the situation.

Some models of remote controls can be unlocked by simultaneously pressing the “Exit” buttons and numbers 9 and 1. The option of removing the batteries is also suitable, and the power button must be held when inserting them. It is these methods that help return the remote control to full operation.

What is hotel mode

In some models of TV sets, there is an option called “HOTEL MODE”, which translates as “hotel mode”. If it is on, the technician will not respond to many commands from the remote control, for example, increasing the volume or searching for new TV channels. This is done in order to limit the possible actions of guests in hotels. Thanks to its application, loud sound from the TV will not disturb other residents. However, in the conditions of a personal apartment or house, the included “hotel” mode will only interfere.

To disable the option, you can use the following recommendation. In Stand-By mode, press the Display / Menu / Power buttons in turn. Another variant of the sequence looks like this: Display / Menu / Mute / Power On, and in the menu that appears, select the reset item, press the MENU button. After that, the technique must be rebooted (turned off and on).

Philips and Sharp TVs

Devices can be unlocked using versatile 4-button combinations. Or we use one of the ways:

  • simultaneously press and hold the power key and “Vol.”;
  • or together stick to the “” button and adjust the sound.

An empty channel appears, from which there is an exit to parental control. Disabling the latter will unlock the remote control.

ATTENTION! The specified order of the numbers must not be violated. In all these cases, you should press the keys quickly, without delay between clicks.

You can unlock your Philips remote with your TV. We bring the device to the television panel. Simultaneously press and hold the teletext keys for 10 seconds (usually they are red and blue).

In case of failure, de-energize the remote control (take out the batteries) and TV. Then we turn them on again and make another try.

If, after using all of the above manipulations, the device has not recovered, then contact the nearest service center for help, specialists will help you figure out the situation that has arisen.

How to disassemble?

Each individual LG TV model is equipped with a special remote control. One and the same remote control will not work on 2 different TV models.

Exceptions are remotes with Smart TV and Magic Remote.

But both conventional and remote controls with a control function for many models are disassembled in almost the same way. In order to open the case, you must perform a certain sequence of actions.

  • Unscrew all visible screws using a Phillips screwdriver. Sometimes the bolts connecting the body halves can be hidden in the battery compartment. Therefore, when parsing, you need to open this compartment and remove the batteries.
  • Then, using a flat screwdriver, unclip the latches by pushing it into the joint located on the side of the remote control.
  • There are models where the 2 halves are not bolted, but closed with special internal latches. In this case, a plastic card will help to disassemble the remote control. It is necessary to try to place it between the side joints on the case of the remote device. By increasing the space between the joints, the latches will open.

Disassembled, the remote control will consist of 2 halves of a plastic case, silicone buttons, microcircuits connected by loops.

Having disassembled the device, you need to make sure that the microcircuits do not have cracks, chips or scratches, and the cables are not torn off on either side. If there is such damage, then you cannot do without purchasing a new remote control.

If all the parts are intact, you need to wipe the silicone buttons and contacts on the microcircuit with an alcohol-containing solution using a cotton pad.

When performing these manipulations, you need to be extremely careful, since all parts are fragile and can be damaged if excessive pressure is applied to them.

After that, the remote device must be assembled by placing the silicone buttons on the sensors and connecting both parts of the case, closing the latches or tightening the bolts.

In some models of remote controls, glue is used to connect the body. In the case of disassembly and subsequent assembly of such specimens, it is necessary to remove the remnants of the old glue with a knife, degrease the surface and apply a thin layer of new glue to the joints, wait a few seconds and press firmly. After gluing, you can use the device no earlier than 2 hours later.

When gluing, do not allow the glue to get on the buttons and internal parts of the device, since the glue, when dried, forms a film that will not allow signal transmission and hinder the operation of the remote control.

The latest TVs are equipped with touch panel controls. The parsing of such remotes is carried out in the same way as devices with buttons. But when parsing, you need to be careful and try not to damage the touch control panel.

If work experience is not enough, it is worth contacting a specialist, since the cost of touch control devices is several times higher than the cost of a conventional remote control.

How to disassemble LG TV remote?

All modern LG TVs are equipped with a remote control. The service life of such a technically sophisticated device as a TV is more than 10 years. And if a high-quality viewing panel easily reaches this milestone and overcomes it, then the control panel often fails much earlier.

The reason for the inoperative remote control can be both serious damage and minor problems that can be easily dealt with on your own at home without resorting to the help of a specialist.

Why disassembly is needed?

If the control panel does not have serious visible damage, but does not respond to commands, the reason for this may be damaged batteries, dirty key contacts, breakage of the connecting loop, detaching the microcircuit. You can try to fix these problems yourself.

If the remote control stops working, you must first try to replace the batteries. To do this, you need to open a special hole on the back panel and replace, observing the polarity.

If the batteries are in good order, but the remote control does not work, you can try to clean the contacts from dirt or check the presence of parts located inside the remote control (are they all in their places).

But before performing these manipulations, the remote control will have to be disassembled.

For more complex injuries, such as a broken microcircuit, a violation of the integrity of the connecting loop, special skills cannot be dispensed with. Therefore, you will need either the help of a specialist or the purchase of a new remote control.


If you decide to try to cope with the breakdown yourself and disassemble the console case, the following things may be required to carry out all stages of assembly and disassembly:

  • crosshead screwdriver;
  • flat screwdriver with a fine tip;
  • plastic card;
  • knife;
  • quick dry glue.

Having prepared all the necessary tools, as well as a flat surface on which the analysis will be carried out, you can proceed to action.

Operating tips

During the operation of the TV control device, there are different situations. Often the remote is left on the floor, sofa, or coffee table. Therefore, such devices are often damaged due to the negligence of their owners. And if the TV is installed in the kitchen or in the dining area, the risk of damage increases several times.

In order to extend the service life of the remote device, you need to adhere to some recommendations, the observance of which will save it from damage and contamination.

  • Store in a specially designated place: on a shelf of a pedestal or a drawer.
  • When buying a new remote control, try to preserve the protective film that is glued to the front panel of the device as long as possible. It will protect the buttons from being erased and prevent dirt from penetrating into the case.
  • Do not leave the device on the floor. If an adult steps on it, in most cases the case and the microcircuit will be broken.
  • Do not leave on the sofa, as during disassembly, the remote control can get into the moving folding mechanism and get damaged.
  • Do not wash the buttons of the remote control with water or harsh cleaning agents, as water can get inside the case and cause a short circuit. And the cleaner can wipe off the paint on the keys.
  • Keep the switching device away from heat sources, do not leave on the battery. And in case of water ingress, do not dry with a hairdryer.
  • Avoid getting food debris on the surface where the buttons are located. Small particles can get inside the case and cause malfunctions. If this does happen, you cannot try to get them with a needle or knife.
  • Replace batteries in a timely manner. Expired batteries may leak acid and damage the contacts.

Thus, using simple devices, you can quickly disassemble the remote control from any LG TV model. And using the tips for use, you can avoid breakdown and repair of the TV control device.

How to repair the remote control from the LG 42LB561V TV, see below.

How to clean the remote control: care rules

First of all, it is worth noting that any equipment in the house should be well looked after. Only in this case it will work efficiently and will serve you for a long time. The remote control is a small, but still a piece of technology. over, the lion’s share of the load falls on it, because you constantly pick it up and press the buttons. To ensure that the remote control lasts longer without the need to clean it, you should only use it with clean hands. Very often the remote control becomes clogged due to the fact that it is taken with dirty hands.

Try, if you are eating in front of the TV, complete the meal completely, wash your hands and only then continue to work with the remote control.

TV malfunction

If the remote control is not damaged and works properly, but you cannot switch channels or sound, then the problem lies in the Smart TV.

There may be several reasons for the malfunction:

  • the photodetector has broken;
  • the control processor is out of order.

It will not be possible to cope with such a problem on your own, since high-quality diagnostics by a repair specialist is required.

Setting up the remote

Lack of response to certain user commands may also occur due to incorrect settings of the remote control. In this case, the situation can be corrected by reconfiguring the equipment, which is performed in automatic or manual mode.


The variant with interference is very rarely observed, but this possibility should not be ruled out. You need to make sure that nothing interferes with the operation of the remote control. If there is a microwave oven or any other household appliances near the TV, they should be placed further away. Usually the problem arises if the TV is installed in the kitchen, where there is a microwave oven nearby. In this case, extraneous interference can really cause a malfunction of the remote control.

Remote control malfunctions

The TV remote control may fail sooner or later. If the remote control stops sending a signal to the TV device, then the probable cause of the breakdown is the failure of the infrared sensor. An impulse emanates from this component that controls TV at a distance.

To check the performance of the equipment, you need to download a special TV control program to your phone and try to switch channels or reduce the sound from your smartphone. If the working TV receives a signal, then the remote control should be replaced.

The second way to check the operation of the remote control is to press any key on the remote control panel. If the indicator blinks at the top of the remote control, it means that it is working properly.

Also, the cause of the malfunction can be extremely commonplace. the batteries are dead. To check, you need to put full batteries and take any action.