How to Increase the Ring Volume on an iPhone

One of the most important qualities that are required from a good smartphone is the ability to correctly reproduce sound when talking and listening to ringtones. It often happens that the external or internal earpiece, headphones do not function at full strength. The microphone, headset and call signal can be significantly improved if you know a few simple secrets.

How to Increase the Ring Volume on an iPhone

Headphone Volume Up

It often happens that out of concern for users, manufacturers reduce the sound of the headphones in order to protect them from hearing damage. If you want to get around this limitation, you need a jailbreak consisting in gaining access to the file system and its correction. You can install a terminal with Cydia or mount the phone as a computer partition.

The second option is more convenient. Just put Phone Disk and figure out the files of the smartphone:

  • Go to the Library section, Preferences tab. The file puts the number 1 in the line Audio /. All these actions are carried out in a copy of the file on the computer, after which it is transferred to the phone instead of the old version. Editing can be done using Xcode or any similar utility.
  • Then the plist document is edited. There you will see the name of the regions and the meaning of the sound. For example, it may be 83%. You need to set 100% (number 1). Then save the modified file and download it to your phone.
  • Reboot the device. After that, the smartphone should produce sound in full force.

The problem is that in new versions of iOS, the installation of updates is accompanied by a return to the original settings. So you have to jailbreak regularly.

Speaker Optimization

To improve the quality of the iOS speaker, you should:

  • Use a standard set of settings. The necessary buttons are on the touch screen and the device itself. The body end is equipped with a silver button. To improve the audibility of the call, click on its upper part.
  • If these manipulations did not succeed, then you will have to act without a button. Open Settings on the touchscreen and go to the Sounds section. Move the slider on the special panel of blue to the right.
  • The above steps may not bring the desired result, and the user will still be dissatisfied with the standard sound of the smartphone. Then you need to work with the system files of the device.
  • Go through the following path: “System”. “Library”. “Frameworks”. “Celestial.framework”. You will need a SystemSoundMaximumVolume document. It contains information regarding maximum sound throughout the system. The default setting is 0.7. You should set 0.99 and restart the gadget.

In addition, it is worth regularly brushing the speakers with a soft, clean and dry pile. The protective cover also “eats” part of the sound, so choose models that ensure its maximum passage.