How to Format Acer Aspire One Ao531h Laptop


Here you will find a complete set of drivers for Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 for all modifications of the netbook Acer Aspire One A751 with different indexes at the end of the model name. All that concerns Acer Aspire One A751, discussed in this forum thread: Acer Aspire One. Discussion of models. If you are the owner of such a netbook, then please unsubscribe in the forum topic how you like it, what you liked, what you didn’t like, and whether you are happy with the laptop at all. There you can chat with other owners of similar netbooks.

If you have any questions, then do not hesitate to ask on the forum in the relevant topic. It is previously strongly recommended that you read the answers to frequently asked questions on laptops and related forum topics. Most likely, a similar problem has already been resolved.

General driver information for Acer Aspire One A751

This page contains a set of drivers for 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x86-64) versions Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7. The drivers on this page are constantly updated as new stable versions become available. If possible, then visit the page from time to time and check for updates.

It is worth noting that here for some devices several versions of drivers are presented. What is it like most recent drivers , like that previous versions. If you suddenly have problems with new driver , you can always try to put older version.

All drivers on this page are tested for performance by visitors of this resource, and are also constantly tested by the administration. If you suddenly have problems with drivers, you should immediately report them in this thread: Search and solve problems with drivers. We will try to quickly fix them.

If you have not previously encountered installing drivers on Acer Aspire One netbooks, then this guide: Installing drivers on Windows will greatly help you. It describes in detail what, in what order and how to install.

Program for netbook Acer Aspire One A751

In addition to drivers, you may need programs. Archive with a set of necessary free licensed programs along with a description you can download from the links below:

details about them are described in this material: A set of necessary free programs for a laptop. Software versions in the archive are constantly updated.

It is also recommended to install the latest version of Microsoft DirectX: download / download

If you suddenly have problems downloading files, then please contact this forum topic: Problems downloading files with broken links.

Windows XP drivers for Acer Aspire One A751 netbook

The process of installing Windows XP on Acer Aspire One netbooks is often complicated by the fact that netbooks often lack a CD / DVD drive. Therefore, it makes sense to install Windows XP from a flash drive. This procedure is described in detail in these manuals: Installing Windows XP from a USB flash drive or memory card and Installing Windows XP from a USB flash drive using WinToFlash. It is also worth paying attention to the need to integrate SATA drivers into the Windows XP distribution kit or to switch the hard disk controller operation mode to IDE Mode in the BIOS. Please ask any questions about installing and configuring Windows XP in the appropriate forum topic: Installing and configuring Windows XP. I remind you that before asking a question, it is strongly recommended to use the search on the topic.

A complete set of drivers for Windows XP:

Drivers for chipset and other system devices from Intel: download / download

How to install: run setup.exe from the archive using the links above.

Driver for a card from Intel: download / download (32-bit) download / download (64-bit)

How to install: download and unpack the archive, and then run Setup.exe. After installation, it is worth rebooting the laptop.

All questions about the drivers for the card, please set out in this forum topic: Drivers for cards.

Driver for a sound card from Realtek: download / download

How to install: unpack the archive and run Setup.exe. After installation, it is advisable to restart the laptop. IN Windows XP You may have problems with the microphone. The sound from it will be very quiet. How to solve this issue is described in this article: Solving the problem with the microphone

Questions that concern problems with drivers for a sound card are discussed in this forum topic: Solving problems with drivers for a sound card

Driver for network card from Realtek: download / download

How to install: unpack the archive, go to the appropriate folder and run setup.exe. If at this stage there are problems, then install the driver manually.

Driver for Wi-Fi adapter

How to determine which Wi-Fi adapter is installed: first thing to know Ven code your Wi-Fi adapter for this guide: Drivers. Where and how to search. For adapters Intel The VEN code looks like this: Ven_8086, at adapters from Broadcom he is such a: Ven_14e4, and in adapters from Atheros he is such a Ven_168c. You can also ask for help in this forum topic: Drivers for Wi-Fi adapters.

Driver for Wi-Fi adapter from Intel: download / download

Driver for Wi-Fi adapter from Atheros: download / download

Driver for Broadcom Wi-Fi adapter: download / download

How to install: unpack the archive, go to the appropriate folder and run the.exe file. I ask you to express all questions regarding the installation and operation of drivers for Wi-Fi in this forum topic: Solving problems with drivers for Wi-Fi.

How to determine which 3G modem is installed: First you need to find out if there is a modem at all in your laptop. If so, you need to find out the manufacturer of your 3G modem in this guide: Drivers. Where and how to search. If you have any problems, then please contact this forum topic: Search and solve problems with drivers.

Driver for card reader from Realtek: download / download

How to install: unpack the archive, run setup.exe and reboot the laptop after installation. The problems that are associated with card readers are discussed in this forum topic: Solving problems with card readers

Touchpad driver from Synaptics: download / download.

How to install: You need to install these drivers. They are responsible for both the additional features of the touchpad (scroll bars and other settings), and for the operation of additional touch buttons. To install, unpack the archive and run Setup.exe.

Bluetooth driver: download / download (program) download / download (driver)

How to install: First you need to make sure that there is a Bluetooth adapter in the laptop. How to do this is described in the first post of this forum topic: Solving problems with Bluetooth adapters. If there is an adapter, then you should enable it. Then you need to install the drivers themselves. To do this, run in the appropriate folder with the drivers DPInst.exe. After installing the drivers, you can proceed to installing the program. We launch Setup.exe to start the installation. How to install drivers on Bluetooth is described in this guide: Installing a driver and setting up the Internet via Bluetooth.

Driver and program for working with a web-camera: download / download

How to determine which webcam is installed: this is indicated in the first post on this topic: WEB-cameras and everything related to them.

How to install: First you need to install the driver to work with the Web-camera, and then the program itself. They are located in the appropriate folders. For Windows XP You can limit yourself to installing only one driver. If you don’t have the time or desire to determine which camera you have installed, then you can also by typing. The right driver will work. We try the drivers in this sequence: Suyin. Chicony. Bison

Launch Manager (Needed for additional buttons and volume control. Required to install): download / download

How to install: run Setup.exe and reboot the laptop. All questions on Launch manager We present in this topic of our forum: Launch Manager and everything related to it.

Acer Empowering Technology Utility Suite for Windows XP: Download / Download

How to install: first set .NET Framework and Acer Empowering Framework, and then other utilities. Detailed installation is described in this manual: Acer Empowering Technology. Acer Empowering Technology discussed in this forum topic: Acer Empowering Technology, and Acer erecovery is discussed separately in this forum topic: Acer eRecovery technology and everything related to it. As an alternative Acer eNet Management You can use NetSetMan.

Drivers for Windows Vista and Windows 7 for Acer Aspire One A751 netbook

The drivers below for Windows Vista and for Windows 7 are selected so that they are equally well suited for both Windows Vista and Windows 7. In some cases, drivers for Windows Vista and Windows 7 will go separately.

As with Windows XP, installing Windows Vista and Windows 7 on an Acer Aspire One netbook is complicated by the lack of a CD / DVD drive. In this regard, you will have to use a flash drive. Here are instructions for installing Windows Vista and Windows 7 from a USB flash drive or memory card: Installing Windows 7 and Windows Vista from a USB flash drive and How to install Windows 7 from a USB flash drive using WinToFlash.

All questions about installing and configuring Windows 7, please address here: Windows 7 and everything related to it. Before asking a question, it is strongly recommended that you use the topic search.

Driver Kit for Windows Vista and Windows 7:

Drivers for the chipset and for other system devices from Intel: download / download

How to install: run setup.exe from the archive using the links above.

Intel card driver for Windows Vista: download / download (32-bit) download / download (64-bit)

Intel card driver for Windows 7: download / download (32-bit) download / download (64-bit)

How to install: download and unpack the archive, and then run Setup.exe. After installation, it is worth rebooting the laptop.

All questions about the drivers for the card, please ask in this forum topic: Drivers for cards.

Driver for a sound card from Realtek: download / download

How to install: unpack the archive and run Setup.exe.

Questions about drivers for sound, please write here: Solving problems with drivers for the sound card

How to Format Acer Aspire One Ao531h Laptop

Driver for network card from Realtek for Windows Vista: download / download

Driver for network card from Realtek for Windows 7: download / download

How to install: unpack the downloaded driver, go to the appropriate folder and run setup.exe. If you have problems installing, then try to install the driver manually.

Driver for Wi-Fi adapter

How to determine which Wi-Fi adapter is installed: first thing to know Ven code your Wi-Fi adapter for this guide: Drivers. Where and how to search. For adapters Intel The VEN code looks like this: Ven_8086, at adapters from Broadcom he is such a: Ven_14e4, and in adapters from Atheros he is such a Ven_168c. You can also ask for help in this forum topic: Drivers for Wi-Fi adapters. Usually Wi-Fi adapters act in Device manager as Network Controller.

Driver for Wi-Fi adapter from Intel: download / download

Driver for Wi-Fi adapter from Atheros: download / download

Driver for Broadcom Wi-Fi adapter: download / download

How to install: unpack the archive using the links above, go to the appropriate folder and start the installation. Please ask all questions regarding drivers for Wi-Fi adapters here: Drivers for Wi-Fi adapters.

How to determine which 3G modem is installed: Before trying to install drivers for the 3G modem, you need to determine if it is even in the laptop. If so, you need to find out the manufacturer and model of your 3G modem as described here: Drivers. Where and how to search. If you have any problems, then please contact this forum topic: Search and solve problems with drivers.

Driver for card reader from Realtek for Windows Vista: download / download

Driver for card reader from Realtek for Windows 7: download / download

How to install: unpack the archive and run setup.exe. After installation, it is advisable to restart the laptop. Problems with card readers, please state here in this forum topic: Solving problems with card readers

Touchpad driver from Synaptics: download / download.

How to install: These drivers are responsible for additional touchpad functions, for the operation of additional touch buttons. Together with them, a utility is installed to configure the touchpad. To install, unpack the archive using the links above and run on behalf of the Administrator Setup.exe.

Bluetooth driver: download / download (program) download / download (driver)

How to install: First you need to make sure that there is a Bluetooth adapter in the laptop. How to do this is described in the first post of this forum topic: Solving problems with Bluetooth adapters. If there is an adapter, then you should enable it. Then you need to install the drivers themselves. To do this, run in the appropriate folder with the drivers DPInst.exe. After installing the drivers, you can proceed to installing the program. We launch Setup.exe to start the installation. How to install drivers on Bluetooth is described in this guide: Installing a driver and setting up the Internet via Bluetooth.

Driver and program for working with a web-camera: download / download

How to determine which webcam is installed: this is indicated in the first post on this topic: WEB-cameras and everything related to them.

How to install: First you need to install the driver to work with the Web-camera, and then the program itself. If you don’t have the time or desire to determine which camera you have installed, then you can also by typing. The right driver will work. We try the driver in this order: Suyin. Chicony Bison.

Launch Manager (Needed for the additional buttons and volume control to work. Must be installed): download / download (Windows Vista) download / download (Windows 7)

How to install: run Setup.exe and reboot the laptop. All questions on Launch manager We express in this forum topic: Launch Manager and everything related to it.

Acer Empowering Technology Utility Suite for Windows Vista: Download / Download

Acer Empowering Technology Utility Kit for Windows 7: Download / Download

How to install: first set Acer Empowering Framework, and then other utilities. Detailed installation is described in this manual: Acer Empowering Technology. Acer Empowering Technology discussed in this forum topic: Acer Empowering Technology, and Acer erecovery is discussed separately in this forum topic: Acer eRecovery technology and everything related to it. As an alternative Acer eNet Management You can use NetSetMan.

Edited by: Fuzzyl. June 25, 2018
Reason: Updating drivers. Material Version 6.0