How to find out the phone number through Instagram

Not so long ago, a friend asked me to help Insta find her classmate who lives on another continent. A standard search by First Name and Last Name did not return any results, with a geographic reference, a “bummer” also appeared. The phone number was known, which was our last hope. After simple manipulations, my friend’s old friend was found, and (according to rumors) they began to have quite serious communication with far-reaching plans. I hope many will be interested in how to find a person on Instagram by phone number. This will be the topic of this publication.

We are looking for a person on Instagram by phone number via PC

The general principles of finding a person on Instagram can be found in the article here. Here we will not dwell on them.

For security reasons, most users link their phone to their Instagram account. This is not necessary, but highly recommended by the developers of the platform. Indeed, in the case of a request for a password change when the account is “hijacked”, an SMS with a link will be sent to the attached number. To obtain data, an attacker will need either your phone or a copy of your SIM card, which is difficult to obtain under normal conditions.

So, you have a phone number, and you decided to find its owner on Instagram. The first thing to do is enter the data into the contact list of your mobile gadget.

  • Log in to the Instagram application from your PC, log in if necessary.
  • Go to your profile by moving the mouse cursor over the icon with the “man”.
  • Allow the application to access the phone book of the mobile gadget.
  • Of the three tabs available on the page that opens, go to Contacts. In this category, all users from the number of contacts in the phone book of your smartphone are collected, who indicated during registration or tied a phone number to their profile.

Next. a matter of technology and care, which is needed in order to find in the list of the desired person.

Search for a person on a smartphone

In principle, the search procedures on the mobile device and on the PC are identical. To conduct the process you need:

  • enter the data of the desired subscriber into the phone book of the smartphone;
  • connect to the Internet;
  • Sign in to Instagram from your mobile device.
  • go to the “Profile” by clicking on the button with the image of a man in the lower right corner of the window;
  • open the settings tab by clicking on the button with the gear image (in the upper right corner of the window).
  • go to the “Contacts” tab;
  • Allow the application to access the phone book of your smartphone for synchronization.

After this procedure, the service will offer you to subscribe to accounts for matches found. Now everything is simple, click on the desired avatar to go to the profile of this person. It is necessary to verify the data and see the user’s personal photos to make sure the accuracy of the account found.

If the list does not have the desired profile?

If in this way you could not identify the account you are looking for, then there are several reasons for this:

How to find out the phone number through Instagram
  1. The person number is not used on Insta.
  2. The user did not specify personal data (real photo on the avatar, full name, personal photos).

In the first case, it is impossible to find a person in Insta. In the second case, there is hope for a positive result. To do this, perform the following manipulations:

  • Rewrite data from obscure (without an avatar with obscure nicknames) accounts;
  • exit completely from Insta;
  • delete the person you are looking for from the gadget’s phone book, after having rewritten it on paper;
  • Sign in to Instagram
  • go to the “profile” and “contacts” tabs, as described above.

After synchronization, check the list of obscure accounts. If any disappeared. then this is your desired subscriber.

Some useful life hacks

We will simulate a situation. Nobody calls you (or writes). Search in Insta did not give anything. Do not get upset ahead of time.

  • Log in to Facebook
  • enter the following data in the search form: country, operator number, subscriber number.

If this phone is attached to a page in the FB, then you will recognize its owner.

For a similar search for a person through VKontakte, there is a method.

  • open the search engine (Google, Yandex);
  • in the search bar enter information in the format: phone number, space, site:;
  • press Enter.

If the data is specified in the service, then the search robot in the issue will give information about the owner with a link to a page in VK.

It happens that in this case, the search yielded nothing. Add this phone to the directory of your gadget and connect Viber. A huge number of users use this messenger for free communication. If this subscriber is in Viber, then on the contact page the name and photo of the desired subscriber will open.


In this article we tried to clarify the situation on the issue of how to find a person on Instagram by phone number, using a PC, smartphone and built-in application tools. The main thing is to add a person to the contact list of your gadget. And if this phone is listed in the profile or linked to an account, then Instagram will certainly pull it into the “contacts” section of the application.