How To Enable The Display Of Lyrics In Apple 13 07

How To Enable The Display Of Lyrics In Apple 13 07

Not everyone knows that Apple Music has a useful and interesting feature. displaying lyrics. Previously, you had to search for words on the network or use third-party applications, but now all this is at a distance of a couple of tapas.

Why is it necessary

Some will just be interested in what the song says, others will be able to sing along in the manner of karaoke, and still others will simply tighten up the vocabulary of a foreign language. In any case, the function is very useful.

It remains to remember where to search for lyrics in Apple Music.

On iOS (method number 1)

one. You can call the context menu of the desired track anywhere in the application. To do this, find the icon with the ellipsis or hold your finger on the song.

2. In the drop-down list of options you need to find the item Show text.

3. Everything, the words of the track being played are displayed on the screen.

On iOS (method number 2)

You can display the lyrics in another way:

one. We find the mini-player at the bottom of the screen, it is displayed in all sections except search.

2. Click on it to open information about the song and scroll down.

3. We see the section Text, press Show.

So the words of the song will not cover the entire screen and interfere with playback control.

If in both cases there is no necessary menu item, then the text display is not available for this track. Now most of the songs in the library, both foreign and domestic, have a written text.

On the computer

When playing songs on a Mac or Windows computer, you can also view the lyrics. In iTunes, this option is hidden behind the icon in the top menu of the application.

Click on it and open the tab Text.

On Apple TV

And the television set-top box of the latest generation did not remain aloof from this chip. While listening to a song, you need to swipe up on the touch surface of the control panel and select the icon with three horizontal stripes.

Can I add my own text?

Yes! On the computer in the iTunes application, you need to select any song for this. After that, find the item in the context menu Intelligence and go to the section The words.

At the bottom of the window you need to check the flag Custom text and in the main field you can enter the words of the song. Saved data will migrate to all devices within the same Apple ID account.

Thank you re: Store for the useful and interesting information.