How to Disassemble a Samsung TV Remote

Sequence of actions

Simple instructions for opening almost any modern remote control:

  • Examine the remote control to see where the fasteners are located. Some manufacturers put some of the screws in the battery compartment. Remove the batteries;
  • Take a screwdriver of suitable size and remove all fasteners;

There may be a difficulty in the question. but how to disassemble the remote control from the TV set LG, which has no screws? Note the joints on the sides of the device. You need to create gaps in the joints, then widen the gaps and pry to remove the plastic sheathing. The instructions are step-by-step, with a description of the nuances:

  • Check the seams on the case. If they are connected for reliability with glue, use a knife or a flat screwdriver.Lift the edges of the housing with them until the edges are separated;
  • To disassemble the remote from a TV Sony Bravia, as well as many other devices of this type, you must use a knife to push aside located inside the body latches. Do not pull the halves of the body in different directions at once, pass the blade around the edges and feel for hidden fasteners. Gently squeeze them out;
  • Use a plastic card to slide the joints between the cases to finally unclench the plastic and open the remote;
  • Take out the keyboard;
  • Carefully unscrew the chip without removing the sensor;
  • Perform any necessary cleaning or repair procedures.

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How to open the remote control if the plastic sits on the fixing screws, and there are no Phillips screwdriver nearby? The fasteners can be twisted with the tip of the knife. It will be convenient to take for this purpose a knife with a curved blade at the end.

Philips remote control can be easily detached even with a pair of tweezers. The Philips may have the top cover hooks slightly recessed in the plastic on the back surface. How to properly disassemble the remote control in this case? Gently pry the cover along the joints, and preferably not with a blade. The knife can scratch the lid and ruin its appearance.

Model rmctpj1ap2. original Samsung TV remote control.

The disassembly process is not fundamentally different from the already described scheme. If you still can’t open the TV remote control. try pushing from the narrow edges to make the plastic slip out of the grooves.

It is worth stating right away that there are no significant differences when disassembling remotes from different brands, because they have a similar design. Often the remote control devices differ from each other only by the size and location of the buttons.

Therefore, below we will consider the general principle of disassembly remote control, which will be suitable for most models. However, it is recommended to carry out only cleaning by yourself, because the repair requires certain knowledge regarding the functioning of microchips, which may differ in different devices.

To open the Samsung Smart TV remote control, turn it upside down and slide the back cover down towards the indicators.

If you slide the back of the puller towards the indicators, there will be a small gap on the front side of the remote.

The open gap makes it easy to grab the back cover so you can remove it.

Removing the back cover opens the battery compartment, which is usually where the necessary fasteners are located. A Phillips screwdriver will help get all the screws out and unscrew the case. It is advisable to take a special jar or a small container under the screws, so as not to lose them.

The rest of the console is held in place by plastic clips, but can also be glued together, pay attention to this point.

There are two large areas on the right side of the remote, when facing up, to open from the outside. These large clamp opening areas are located only on the right side of the console. If the manufacturer did not use a special adhesive, you can carefully run a plastic card around the perimeter of the device and under the housing to begin to separate the seam of the housing through the large areas of the clamp.

Once the case is open, we can examine the top and the keyboard with the rubber membrane. Then disconnect the microchip, but it is not recommended to unscrew the sensor from it.

It is advisable to wipe the area of the removed keypad with alcohol, as well as the keypad, which will prevent the keys from sticking and the pressing will be smoother.

To remove the circuit board from the case, use a flathead screwdriver or knife to gently lift either side of the bottom of the board near the battery compartment area.

A close look at the board reveals two small holes. These holes are for the two MEMS microphones located in the remote control.

The LED is also located near one of the microphone holes.

The top of the remote case has an acoustic seal for the upper microphone. The rubber membrane keypad of the remote control is used as an acoustic spacer for the lower microphone.

Turning our attention to the back side of the circuit board, we can see the components that make the console work. There are a number of discrete parts, transistors and power supply integrated circuits. For example, the universal electronic remote control with voice control and Wi-Fi Direct UE878NMEG, consists of:

REPAIRING A SAMSUNG TV REMOTE CONTROL(complementary)Cómo reparar el control remoto de Samsung

  • Wi-Fi chip, Knowles SiSonic microphone and infrared LED.
  • After cleaning and repair work you can reassemble the remote control, observing the reverse order.

In order to clean a remote control it first needs to be disassembled. Depending on the TV manufacturer, remote control can be closed in different ways. Some companies make simple latches that can be opened without a screwdriver, while others use screws and without a tool to wash the remote inside will be impossible.

Tip is that almost any remote can be opened with a knife by unscrewing the screws with its tip. But you have to be guided by the situation. If it is difficult to unscrew screws with a knife, you can break the thread, and later screws will sit tight. The ideal is, of course, a small Phillips screwdriver.

When you open the remote, be careful and cautious. It is important not to dislodge connections and parts, otherwise you might get confused and not know how to put everything back in its place. There is no need to wipe the chip and board, the most important thing is just to get rid of dust. As an option, you can vacuum the inside of the remote control, setting the smallest power traction.

Touch screen remote disassembled by the same scheme. Many companies equip their devices with modern remotes with touch sensors. Despite the significant difference in the principle of control between regular remotes and sensors, the touch sensor in the Samsung TV does not interfere with disassembly.

Samsung TV and its competitors are equipped with approximately the same additional devices. Disassembling remote control from Samsung or any other brand is not difficult, if you imagine the general principle of construction of these devices.

disassemble, samsung, remote

This article covers in detail the disassembly of remote controls. You’ll learn how to disassemble the remote from your Samsung TV, or almost any model from other manufacturers. The device R/C-(remote control) is very simple, so different companies use the same principles of assembly.

In order to disassemble the remote from the TV and not to damage anything in the process, you need to choose the right tools and control your movements.

How to disassemble the remote from the TV Samsung to change the batteries or to clean from trapped dirt. Regardless of the model of Smart-TV, for which this device is created, the algorithm will be about the same.

To disassemble the remote control for Samsung, prepare handy tools that will be useful in your work:

After preparing the tools, free the table and put a convenient container to collect the screws, and then get to work:

  • Examine the remote control and open the battery compartment. Be careful, some models cover is screwed down, so if you see a characteristic groove, do not apply force, and unscrew screws.
  • Under the battery place unscrew the fasteners with a Phillips screwdriver, and carefully put the screws in a prepared container so they do not roll away and get lost.
  • With the card go to the joints of the parts of the case to unlock the connections of parts and completely open the disassembled remote control.
  • Carefully take out the rubber keyboard from the remote control.
  • Use a Phillips screwdriver to unscrew the microcircuit in the fixing points. Do not remove the sensor from it.

Everything is ready, disassembled remote control can be carefully cleaned or repaired by replacing defective parts.

What you need to do

It is worth noting that there is no significant difference in the disassembly of devices of different brands, as remote control devices Samsung, Sony, Philips, LG do not have fundamental differences in design. Most often remotes differ only in size, location and design of the button panel.

disassemble, samsung, remote

The following will be considered the general principle of disassembly of the remote control for cleaning. For other purposes masters do not recommend to disassemble the device by yourself: repair requires certain knowledge of the principles of structure and functioning of microcircuits, which not everyone has.

To avoid difficulties with the question of how to disassemble the remote control from the TV, you should prepare:

Each of these things may be needed at some point.

Remote control buttons

Rubber buttons are incredibly easy to reach. You need to shake them out of their seats. If they don’t want to come out, then you can push them from the front and release them.

Here now you can proceed to do what you have planned, such as cleaning this device, because you have already managed to cope with the disassembly. And this is one of the most important tasks in this process.

Important! To assemble the whole device in reverse order, lay out on the table parts in the order in which you remove them. Preferably, there should be nothing else present on the surface other than parts of your equipment.

How to disassemble the remote control Samsung

Sometimes there are situations when, when trying to switch channels, the TV responds only after several presses. Often, this phenomenon occurs when clogging the remote control with food or pouring liquids. Because of this there is a need to disassemble the remote control Samsung and clean it from dirt.

  • First of all inspect Samsung Smart TV remote control and find all fasteners. Often they are not only on the outer surface of the remote control, but also in the battery compartment. Usually fastening is done with small screws, which can be unscrewed with a Phillips screwdriver.
  • Next you will need a plastic card. It must be inserted into the corner of the device, and pry the cover open. After that you need to move it around the remote control. Do it carefully not to damage snap pins. Then carefully take out battery contacts from battery slots.
  • The next step is to understand how the board is attached to the surface of the back cover. If fastening is made with screws, they need to be unscrewed with the appropriate screwdriver. If it is secured with latches, you need to carefully open them.

Pay attention to the location of the infrared diode in the corresponding slot. If it is fixed, it is necessary to free it carefully from a landing slot.

disassemble, samsung, remote

Setting up the TV remote control

Universal remotes do not need to be adjusted, you need only to learn the purpose of the buttons. Owners of TVs with modern touch-screen Smart Touch Control will require substantial work, because you need to get used to it and learn to use it. The device has a hydro-sensor, so the Smart TV can be controlled by simply moving the remote control in space.

There are few buttons on the Smart Touch Control, all functions are concentrated on the touchpad, located in the center of the remote control. To display the cursor on the screen, just tap on the touch pad, and navigation through the menu will be carried out with the movement of your fingers. Selecting an item from the list is confirmed by controlling the joystick or touching the touchpad. Some models are able to display the keyboard on the screen, which allows you to speed up the work and search options.

Despite the extensive functionality of touch remote controls, most users prefer to replace them with the universal buttons, because they are cheaper and easier to use.

How to disassemble

To clean the remote control, or to fix loose parts you need to know how to disassemble and reassemble it correctly. To do this, you need:

  • find the small screws in the case, round them with a small Phillips screwdriver;
  • As the sashes are most likely glued, you need to act carefully and without haste;
  • Cut the glued gap with a knife, so as not to damage anything, then remove the cover;
  • after removing the cover unscrew the chip, so the entire device is disassembled.

This is how you can disassemble a Samsung remote in a little time. It does not require much effort and expense, now it is open for repair at home. For us, this is an important part of the further repair.

How to disassemble

To clean the remote control, or to fix a loose part, you need to know how to disassemble and reassemble it correctly. To do this you need:

  • find small screws in the body, they round off with a small Phillips screwdriver;
  • Since the sashes are most likely glued together, you need to proceed carefully and without haste;
  • cut the glued gap with a knife so as not to damage anything, and then remove the lid;
  • After removing the cover unscrew the chip, so the entire device is disassembled.

This is how you can disassemble a Samsung remote in a small amount of time. It does not require much effort and cost, now it is open to repair at home. For us it is an important part of further repair.