How to change the keyboard layout on your phone

How to change the keyboard phones Samsung Galaxy

The default keyboard size on Android smartphones is medium. You can quickly resize your SwiftKeyboard if you want. To do this, you need to act in this way:

  • Open the SwiftKey application;
  • Find the Set section;
  • Select the “Resize Keyboard” option, here you set the appropriate size for yourself.

Note that you can change the font size on the SwiftKey Keyboard, which will also affect the scaling.

If you have a mobile device with a curved screen, the appearance of the keyboard may not match expectations.

In Samsung smartphones, you can control the keyboard settings with one hand. It is very convenient if you use the phone in the street or write messages when the second hand is busy. To increase the size of the keyboard on your Samsung smartphone, you need to act as follows:

change, keyboard, layout, your, phone

The size you set will not change automatically in the manager or editor, unless you change it yourself in the settings.

Switching the language on the virtual keyboard android

It’s no secret by now that your device can have a virtual and physical (USB) keyboard. Let’s start with the touchpad.

Go to the settings. If you can’t change the English language, look for Settings.

Find the “Language and Keyboard”, in English this section will be called “Language keyboard.

Now select the keyboard settings.

Rustle inside. You need to find something like “typing language” or “language selection key. In different devices (and the Russification can give different translations).

Now, select the desired language for your keyboard. After saving this language will be added to the virtual keyboard (tick the boxes). The “current” language will be written on the space bar.

To change the layout you need either on the space bar to the left and right to move your finger or press the special button (most often in the form of a schematic globe). It depends on the type of keyboard, so the options are different. For example, it takes a bit longer with the Samsung, because finding the “checkboxes” is more difficult for them. However, if you follow the instructions clearly, you will quickly figure out and add the necessary languages. You can “download” them from the network if needed. Of course, in this case, creating a folder on your iPhone is an unnecessary undertaking.

How to change the keyboard layout on Honor and Huawei phones

Let’s start with the fact that you can type on Honor and Huawei smartphones using both the SwiftKey virtual keyboard and Google voice input. If you want you can download and install the application from Google. GBoard. Now let’s look at the procedure for changing the layout on each of them.

Solution for SwiftKey

To change the location of the letters, go to the phone settings and follow the steps below:

  • Select the “System” option.
  • Next “Language and input”.
  • Then select “SwiftKey keyboard”.
  • In the window that opens, first select “Multilingual” and then “English (US)/English (US)”.
  • Next, scrolling right-left, find and select the location of the letters you need.

On my Honor 9 Lite, you can also change the Russian keyboard layout here. Tap on “Russian” to do it.

Solution for Gboard

Changing the layout of the letters is done in the same way as above:

  • go to the phone settings;
  • select “System”. “Language and input”. “Gboard”. “Languages” step by step;
  • then select which language layout you want to change “Russian (Russia)” or “Latin alphabet”;
  • the choice is made by scrolling the available list to the right-left.

The Russian layout in this application is presented in several ways. It’s “Russian”, “Handwritten input”, “Student layout“, “YaVert”, and “YaZert”.

How you can change the keyboard on Android

Let’s begin at the beginning. with what is a virtual keyboard. It is used on Android phones whenever you need to type some text, a number, an e-mail address, and so on. and is essentially a regular app. Since the smartphone can not come without a keyboard at all, each model has a built-in version, which usually can not be removed by standard methods. However, it is not required: you can easily and quickly change the inconvenient embedded program for any third-party.

The safest way to download a suitable option is to find and install it directly in the Google Play store. In this article, we will present 10 keyboards that can be installed on your Android phone. Before you change the keyboard on Android, note that the difference between the standard and new applications may be only in the design and location of two or three keys. Such differences are insignificant and hardly characterize a really comfortable keyboard.

Let us draw your attention to one more detail. Since you’ll be using modern releases, you won’t have to perform the complex manipulations required to switch the Android keyboard. It will be enough to tap “Yes” a few times, select the interface, languages. and start using. The following measures will help you if the automatic switchover didn’t happen for some reason, or if you’re disappointed with the downloaded application and want to return your Android keyboard to the one installed by the manufacturer.

Tips for configuring the keyboard

Setting up the keyboard on Android Huawei and Honor is easy. Customize the background, theme, layout as desired. It’s also possible to turn on/off the volume and vibration that accompany key presses.

How to add/switch the language in the Honor and Huawei keyboard

How to change the language on your Honor and Huawei phone:

  • Go to settings.
  • Hit “Language.”.
  • Choose the input tool you are using. It can be in the “Keyboard and input features” tab.
  • Here, circle the “Russian” tab, then click on the marked button.

Activate the English-language layout in the same way.

Changing the keyboard color

To change the color, you need to open the keyboard through any application, let’s say through messaging or social networking. When you bring up the input tool, follow the instructions:

    Call the additional menu by clicking on the three dots, where you need to go to the tab “Themes”. Some developers add a color change icon directly to the keyboard panel, allowing you to go to the desired setting immediately.

You can change the color instantly after loading the theme. The described procedure is suitable for all types of keyboards.

How to take a photo with a blurry background “Bokeh” on Huawei and Honor

How to enable the Russian keyboard in the settings

First, let’s look at how you can switch the layout of the physical keyboard in the settings of Android on the example of phone Xiaomi.

Connect the physical keyboard to your smartphone via Type-C port or Bluetooth. Then do the following:

Go to Android Settings.

Open the Advanced Settings.

We are interested in Language and input. Click on it.

Go to Keyboard, mouse, and trackpad.

Here you will see the name of your physical keyboard, if it was connected via Bluetooth. In our case it is Bluetooth 3.0 Keyboard. This is how a cheap Chinese noname keyboard appears. Tap on it.

At the bottom of the screen, the Keyboard Layout Selection section will open. Click on the Adjust Keyboard Layouts button.

Now, using the up and down buttons on the physical keyboard, find the English language. Press the Enter key to make the slider active. You need to do this again on the physical keyboard.

Again, using the keys of the physical keyboard, find the Russian language and activate the switch by pressing Enter.

Now, without swiping the language selection window, open some editor, for example Notes. Try to type text with physical keyboard. To switch languages, use the hotkey combination taprolspace.

This method works on most of Xiaomi phones and does not require installing any third-party software. However, if that doesn’t work in your case, you’ll have to use a more complicated method.

How to change the keyboard language on Android?

Typically, the keyboard of smartphones uses two basic layouts. English and Internet language, i.e. in our example, the Russian language. Let’s say you have a Russian layout and you need to write something in English. Question. how to switch the language on the phone keyboard?

It depends on the keyboard you use on your smartphone. For example, the SwiftKey keyboard uses a swipe on the space bar, which means you have to swipe from left to right or from right to left.

If everything is done correctly, the layout will change.

On some other keyboards you can find separate button for layout change. There’s one on Gboard.

To change or add languages to the layout, go to “Settings.

Click on the line with the current keyboard.

The “Add Keyboard” button allows you to add a keyboard layout.

And if you click on the pencil, you can edit the layouts.

In general, it’s not so hard if you know where to press.

Adding a layout with another language

In order to add layout for languages other than English(US), you need to make a layout of that language in kcm-file first, and then add our rules to it. Get a complete file for your language from here. Take keyboard_layout_russian.kcm, put it in app/src/main/res/raw/ and add another layout in app/src/main/res/xml/keyboard_layouts.xml :

Do not forget to add keyboard_layout_en_label in app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml. Now you can add our rules like in the example with the English layout, but with a slight modification. The Russian layout already has a rule for ‘3’, so you should only change it and not add a new one:

The state of the project after this customization can be seen in the Vendor_17ef_Product_6048 branch.