Find out the phone number tied to your email

Find out the phone number associated with your email

We are used to sharing our phone number all the time. We put it on the customer form when we apply for a discount card. We enter it when registering in various applications and sites to verify identity. But before you tell someone your phone number, think about whether it’s worth the risk?

We can say that the phone number has become a more important identifier than your last name, first name and patronymic. I recently realized this myself when I contacted Fyde, a mobile security company, and asked them to show me, using my phone as an example, all the risks you run when you share your number.

A security specialist at that company named Emre Tezisi was happy to take on the case. We had never met or talked to him before. He quickly entered my number into a shared database. Soon he had a whole dossier on me. including my name, date of birth, address, information about the taxes I pay, and the names of my relatives.

With this data, Emre could answer secret questions and hack into my accounts. Or tricked me or my relatives with phishing attacks.

“When you share your number, you take on additional risks that you may not know about,” said Sinan Eren, CEO of Fyde There are a lot of people with similar names on the Internet, so a phone number gives you more uniqueness.

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There is no easy solution to this problem. In some situations, for example, when working with banks, specifying the phone number gives you additional protection. But in most cases, the potential dangers and troubles outweigh the pros.


Google has disabled the ability to make payments from Russia for all types of bank cards. Wanna be updated on the most important events? Subscribe to ANTIRADE in social networks.Choose what’s more convenient for you:. Telegram com/antiraid. com/antiraid S h a r e T h i s

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Now the work of Ukrainian business is the main priority for the country, strong support for our economy. Want to stay up-to-date on major events? Subscribe to ANTIRADE in social networks.Choose what’s most convenient for you:. Telegram com/antiraid. com/antiraid S h a r e T h i s

Remember! For the atrocities committed against Ukrainian civilians, all war criminals will be tried and held accountable. Want to stay up to date on major events? Subscribe to ANTIRAID on social networks.Choose what’s most convenient for you:. Telegram com/antiraid. com/antiraid S h a r e T h i s

Road to The Hague. Russian war criminals belonging to the highest levels of command, knowingly carrying out the orders of Putin’s regime to destroy the Ukrainian state. Want to stay up to date on major events? Subscribe to ANTiraid on social networks.Choose what is more convenient for you:. Telegram com/antiraid. com/antiraid S h a r e T h i s

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Email Restoration Guide

find, phone, number, tied, your

  • The easiest way is to ask your friends and acquaintances whom you wrote from your lost account. They will copy the sender details from the email you received.
  • If automatic login is saved, but the owner has forgotten exactly the address, you can go to “Sent” mails and see information about the sender there yourself.
  • If you remember your login from the e-mail you used to register with, all you have to do is add @ to it, and then the domain of the mail service, e.g. Write everything down without spaces, in one. Some services offer several domains, just check each of them if you do not remember which one you have chosen at registration. Again, provided you can log into your account, try sending an email to yourself to verify. How to know your email address if you forget the domain, read below.
  • If the box was tied to the phone or to another box, you can use the reminder functions available to the service. Unfortunately, on such a tip is not provided. In Yandex there is also no separate reminder, but in the window Restore access is a prompt, if you have previously entered from the same medium (computer). But, for example, in Google it is done fairly quickly and without unnecessary complications:
  • you go to the homepage of;
  • click the “Need Help” link;
  • then select “I don’t remember my username”;
  • restore a name through the linked phone or other mail, fill in the information about yourself. If you choose mobile notification, you are offered to choose between SMS or call;

Enter the phone number associated with the account to get the mail address

  • You enter the verify code in the special box; Google will show you your address, with the phone number or box you’ve typed in it, after you’ve verified it.

There are many ways to find out your e-mail address. If you were not able to restore it, just make a new one, tell your friends, colleagues about the mail change. We recommend recording your data so it doesn’t get lost, on paper, in the cloud, in mobile notes. If you lose your information, follow our instructions and choose a convenient way to restore it.

Search your inbox for emails with a verification message

The two previous methods concern simple variants of authentication. Now we will perform a more thorough check. For this it will be necessary to enter your e-mail and find there a letter with confirmation of registration. You will need to search for the standard words in the header, because at registration services send letters with similar templates.

You can also use search operators and keywords in Gmail to filter out specific topics. For example, typing the phrase subject: verify into the search box will display all emails with the word verify in the subject. It will detect almost all registrations and applications associated with your email address.

You can automate this task with an online tool like EmailExport. This site will analyze your emails with powerful filters and then organize the results in a spreadsheet. And while it’s not free, it can save you a lot of time. But it is also worth being vigilant. The third-party service will get permission to read your inbox, which will risk leaking personal data. EmailExport works free of charge with the first hundred messages, and if this number is exceeded, you will have to pay about 5 for each additional 250 messages processed.

How to delete a number by changing it to e. mail

If you need to delete your linked number, do the following:

  • Create an email for the page.
  • Go to “My Settings”. “Alerts” tab on this page. Select that notifications come to the mail, not to the phone. To do this, simply enter your e-mail address into the correct line, and leave the line with the phone number blank.
  • In a minute you will receive an email with a confirmation. Open it and click on the link to confirm the changes. Done. instead of a phone number, your page has an e-mail address linked to it.

What’s next?

I wrote to the owner of the e-mail and message with an offer to buy a nickname, but he did not respond anywhere, was off the grid.

After these failures, I went back to Google.

Few people know, but you also need to know how to “correctly” enter queries in a search engine. To write queries in “quotation marks”. in this way you will get the answers with the exact correspondence, swap the words in different order, etc.

In my case, I tried about a hundred options, and eventually I found a site that had an exact match for the name, last name, e-mail, which I entered. (Yes, don’t be surprised, it happens very often)

I understood that this site belongs to some public service in America (tax, insurance or something like that). Most likely this person moved from Ukraine to America for permanent residence many years ago and was listed in this registry.

In addition to this information, the site listed the state, city, street where Victor is registered. And then? How to find out the phone number of an unknown person? Probably easier to find out the owner by phone number, but this task was also doable.

I continued to manipulate with Google with new information. In the end I managed to get a cell phone number, which was posted by Victor on one of the bulletin boards in America.

Through job search sites

Nowadays the Internet is full of different sites, with the help of which you can find a job. On resources like this, everyone can find jobs based on their abilities, knowledge, and preferences. However, most such sites imply a mandatory registration stage, as for full cooperation the employer must know as much as possible about the potential employee.

As for the freelancer, he must fill in a special form, and fill in as much information as possible. name, surname, address, phone number, etc.ะด.

This is the option you can use to find the phone number you need. Often users add pages from social networks to their profiles. This is a 100% fact, as no hired worker would hide contact information from his employer. However, in order to get to this kind of information, you will often need to register on the site as a customer. What should be done to remove the phone number:

  • You need to open any search engine and enter there the name and surname of the desired person. In addition, you can add the word “Resume.”.
  • If the person was registered at one of the freelance sites, his profile will pop up in the first lines of search results.
  • If the user is sure that the person you are looking for is in one of the sites “Headhunter” or “linkedin,” then you can go there directly.

If your username or email address is associated with a suspended account

  • Usernames and email addresses associated with suspended accounts are not available for use under any circumstances.
  • An email address can only be associated with one account at If your information is unavailable, you may have another account at
  • To check if your email address is being used, try sending yourself an email reminding you of your password. If you confirm that your email address is in use and you want to delete it from another account. Use our troubleshooting tip.
  • To check if your username is being used, try pasting your username into the following URL: com/[enter username here]. If you do not see an account with this URL, it is likely that the username is associated with a disabled or suspended account.

Note. If you did not delete your phone number in Settings before disabling your account, you will not be able to use that phone number in another account for 30 days.