Can I Return An Iphone

Documents that you must have with you upon presentation of the request. Who can be claimed

The requirement to refuse to execute the contract and return the amount paid can be presented:

In addition, you can return an iPhone of inadequate quality and demand a refund of the amount paid from:

Who can be claimed

The requirement to refuse to execute the contract and return the amount paid can be presented:

In addition, you can return an iPhone of inadequate quality and demand a refund of the amount paid from:

Refund period

The refund period for an iPhone of inadequate quality after 2 years from the date of purchase. 10 days from the date of the request | Art. 22 ZOZPP (ask | call).

Return of defective iPhone within 15 days of transfer

In the event of deficiencies, you have the right to:

The term for returning the iPhone in this case is within the warranty period | par. 1 p. 1 of Art. 19 ZOZPP (ask | call).

Algorithm of actions in the case when the seller (authorized person) does not agree to an indisputable refund

If the seller (authorized person) does not agree to return the money, you must write and submit a claim to him. The claim must be legally correct.

  • Recommendations for writing and drafting a claim can be found here; Recommendations for filing a claim can be found here.

The seller (authorized person) has the right to check the quality of the iPhone. Quality control is carried out according to the rules outlined in this article, in which you will find more information.

  • The term for quality control is 10 days from the date of the request. Quality control is carried out at the expense of the seller (another authorized person). The consumer has the right to participate in the quality control of the iPhone.
  • The examination period is 10 days from the date of the request. The examination is carried out at the expense of the seller (another authorized person). The consumer has the right to be present during the examination.

If the consumer does not agree with the expert opinion, he has the right to challenge it in court.

Nobody was going to return the money. Then Dmitry turned to a lawyer, together they filed a claim, made their own expertise and made the correct statement of claim.

If the seller (authorized person) did not satisfy your requirements in the pre-trial procedure, you must go to court. Going to court requires legal qualifications, therefore, to conduct a case in court, we advise you to contact professionals.

  • Recommendations for writing and drafting a statement of claim can be found here. Guidelines for filing a claim can be found here.

If the seller (authorized person) does not want to voluntarily comply with the court decision, you have the right, at your choice:

  • Apply to the federal bailiff service of the Russian Federation, which is entrusted with the functions of compulsory execution of judicial acts; send a writ of execution to the bank in which the seller (authorized person) has an account.

When receiving money out of court, the following should be considered:

Moscow 7 499 350-84-27 St. Petersburg 7 812 309-16-31 Hotline within the Russian Federation 8 800 511-69-35 (toll free)

Solve the problem now. Correct and well-founded claim is the key to success!

In case of refund of the paid amount for the iphone in court:

  • The amount of the penalty is set in a court decision; the term and procedure for the return is regulated by the legislation on enforcement proceedings.

In case of refusal to fulfill the contract of sale of an iPhone, the seller (authorized person) has the right to demand from you the return of the defective iPhone, if it was not provided earlier.

The seller (authorized person) bears the cost of returning the iPhone | clause 5 of Art. 503 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (ask | call).

How can I return my iPhone within 14 days. Conditions for the return of a liquid iPhone

How to return an iPhone if there are technical problems with it? For such cases, the conditions are slightly different:

  1. The defect must be caused by the fault of the supplier or manufacturer, but not by improper use of the phone.
  2. The warranty period must be met (the first 14 days are always included in the warranty period).
  3. There must be a document confirming the payment, or several witnesses.
  4. Writing a written return claim is important.

For more information on the terms of return of Apple products, please follow the link.

How to make a claim correctly

Can I Return An Iphone

First of all, in the upper right corner of the application, the citizen indicates the full name of the head, the name and address of the company to which the claim will be addressed.

Further, the citizen indicates his contact information: last name, first name and patronymic, address of actual residence, telephone (mobile or home does not play a role) and e-mail address (optional).

The correct title of the document is Claim. You can clarify what the claim is being written for, but this is not necessary (for example, a claim for the return of the phone).

The “body” of the document begins with a statement of the factual circumstances. The citizen tells when and under what circumstances the device was purchased, indicating the exact dates and addresses. It is worth indicating the smallest details, right down to the names of the sellers, but only if they relate to the purchase directly.

Further, the buyer refers to Articles 18 and 22 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” in order to give his claim a more formal look and indicate his intention to go in solving the issue to the final point.

A copy of the document confirming payment is attached to the claim. Date and signature are indicated at the end.

First of all, you should contact the consumer protection society. This is a public organization, but over the years of work they have created a strong regulatory and practical framework for solving problems with unscrupulous sellers. There, the buyer will be helped to collect the necessary documents, draw up claims and claims.

The next step is going to court (or to the prosecutor's office). The choice of instance depends on the jurisdiction to which the buyer relates his issue. It is best to consult a lawyer before resolving this issue, since many legal nuances are hidden in it.

Legislative basis of the issue

On the territory of the Russian Federation, the return of the Iphone is carried out based on local legislation, namely:

  1. Federal Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”.
  2. Civil Code.

On what grounds can an iPhone be returned within 14 days

Conditions for a return under warranty are:


The problem of returning complex equipment, including iPhones, arises regularly. Someone bought an expensive gift that the recipient did not like, and someone just got excited with the purchase, and now wants to get their money back as soon as possible.

Under any circumstances, in resolving the issue, you should go to the end, relying on your rights as a buyer and not succumbing to fraudulent tricks of unscrupulous sellers.

Dear Readers! Our articles tell about typical ways of solving legal issues, but each case is unique.

If you want to know how to solve exactly your problem. Contact the online consultant form on the right or call
7 (499) 938-86-71
7 (812) 467-34-68
7 (800) 350-24-63

Is it possible to return an iPhone within 14 days?

Suddenly, for everyone, the Russian representative office of Apple went to unexpected measures: now any product purchased on the official Russian-language website of the company can be returned within two months with a full refund :. Refunds are available until January 20 inclusive. What will happen from January 21 is not yet clear.

Is it possible to return an iPhone

Dear Readers! Our articles tell about typical ways of solving legal issues, but each case is unique.

If you want to know how to solve exactly your problem. Contact the online consultant form on the right or call 7 (499) 653-60-72 Ext. 355 Moscow and the region or 7 (812) 426-14-07 Ext. 525 Saint Petersburg and the region.
It's fast and free !

Previously, some chains offered this kind of refund without any requirement from Apple or Russian law. Photo post: Off-White x Nike collaboration. Ilya Kichaev. Ilya Kichaev Go to materials. Suddenly, for everyone, the Russian representative office of Apple went to unexpected measures: now any product purchased on the official Russian-language website of the company can be returned within two months with a full refund: Return is available until January 20.

News Photopost: Off-White x Nike collaboration.

Few Russian citizens can afford such an expensive toy as an iPhone. But people with good income do not intend to throw money down the drain. If an expensive phone turns out to be of poor quality and this happens, they are determined to either replace the device, or return the funds paid for the device. Even more sad is the situation when poor buyers, wanting to have a status item, apply for a loan, after which it turns out that the phone does not work. Therefore, instructions on how to change a broken iPhone under warranty for a new device or get money back will be useful to readers with different income levels.

Refunds and refunds. Warranty iPhone replacement or money back. What to do and where to go

Check that the attorney has the authority, in accordance with the terms of the power of attorney. The method is ineffective, because only information about permanent registration of persons who are homeowners is entered in the telephone books. The rental period, car brand and country of the lessor are indicated. The right to judicial protection and compensation for the damage caused by a crime is guaranteed by Art.

On the apartment itself, on the Seller and his family members. Some can be settled with the company itself, while others require the intervention of supervisory agencies.

Firms engaged in the purchase and sale of precious metals. Therefore, the fine in this case will be at least 5,000 rubles. In addition, the amount that the organization pays as a commission for making transfers is withheld from it.

You can now return an iPhone you bought two months ago if you didn't like it

The replacement of years for the purpose of calculating sick leave after a decree is carried out on the basis of an employee's application. Sometimes they indicate the acceptability or inadmissibility of re-grading. Determination of the share of each participant in a box, apartment, house or other room. Note that the financial costs of conducting land surveying and registration of the site fall on the one who organized these tenders.

After all, many of them are made of gold, platinum and silver. When the grandchildren of the testator can inherit with his children. Therefore, one should not proceed from the weekly working hours, but use the summarized accounting of working hours.

The amount received using the state duty calculator must be paid through the bank in the region where the claim will be filed.

The current Regulation provides for the replacement of a passport upon reaching age twice: at 20 and 45 years. You should be alerted if a down payment is required to become a member.

How to return an iPhone within 14 days

Young family 2019 program: conditions, amount, news. For example, a person used the provided service without signing any documents. How many to serve in the Navy in 2017. Ignoring the requirements of the buyer by the seller.

The Court of Appeal itself drew attention to this circumstance and invited the plaintiff to present the documents confirming the defendant's ownership of the apartment for the next hearing. Forming firms and ensuring their work. Share the article on social media Both images are attached with explanation and scale.

over, in this case, you will have to transfer a certain amount of money to the state treasury.

So, in 2019, citizens who have been awarded the title of Labor Veteran will be provided with privileges applied at the level of other regions. How to make changes to the title page of an employee's work book. As a result, subsequent problems arise, since there is no standardized form, and hence the only standard for its design. About him a little later.

The transfer of part of the vacation due to the employee's illness. The statement must end with a request to cancel the court order. The current labor legislation of the Russian Federation does not currently contain direct instructions, however, the judicial authorities emphasize that the usual signature in the order to call an employee on a holiday or weekend is not enough to provide him with an additional day of rest.

For these organizations there is a law obliging to appoint and certify such a person. The subsidy for non-working citizens relies on the area that does not go beyond the standards for one person registered in the housing.

If the beneficiary has several residential premises, garages, land plots, vehicles, the right to the privilege can be selected in a single case for each type of property. At the meeting, communication will take place, where in words you can explain the reasons for the delay and express your preferences. They won't give you a new loan, you lost your old job, and you can see a new one.