Broken Button On Acer Aspire 5739g Laptop

General driver information for Acer Extensa 4220

Here is a complete set of drivers and utilities for all laptop modifications Acer Extensa 4220 with different indices at the end of the model name (Acer Extensa 4220, Acer Extensa 4220G etc). They are suitable for 32 and 64 bit editions of operating systems. Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8.

As new versions of drivers and utilities for this laptop appear, they are checked and posted here. Thanks to this, here you can find the most current versions that can be found on the Internet. How and in what order to install them is described in detail here: Installing drivers on Windows. If there are problems in the process, you can ask for help here: Search and solve problems with drivers or in another topic on drivers. It is also recommended that you read the answers to frequently asked questions about laptops, as well as other forum topics about your problem. With a high degree of probability, your problem has already been raised and solved.

If you have such a laptop and have some free time, then write down how you like it, whether you like it or not in the topic by model: Acer Extensa 4220 and 4620. Discussion of models. There you can chat with other owners of this device, as well as solve problems.

Program for laptop Acer Extensa 4220

Naturally, in addition to drivers, you may also need programs for a laptop. Archive with a set of free licensed programs, along with a description, you can download from these links:

details about them are described in this material: A set of necessary free programs for a laptop. Software versions in the archive are constantly updated.

It is also recommended to install the latest version of Microsoft DirectX: download / download

We pose all the issues related to downloading files in this forum thread: Problems with downloading files

Windows XP drivers for Acer Extensa 4220 laptop

Installing Windows XP on a laptop is well described in this guide: Installing Windows XP. You can ask all questions about installing and configuring Windows XP in this forum topic: Installing and configuring Windows XP. Before asking a question, I urge you to use the search on the topic. Most likely, a similar question has already been considered and there is already an answer to it.

The list of drivers for Windows XP:

Drivers for chipset and other system devices from Intel: download / download

How to install: in the archive there is directly a driver for the chipset (setup.exe) and Intel Rapid Storage (IRST.exe) First install the driver on the chipset. It is needed for the proper operation of many system devices. To install, run the file setup.exe and reboot the laptop. Then install Intel Rapid Storage. To do this, run the file IRST.exe. This application will be delivered only if AHCI mode is enabled in the BIOS. What this mode is described in this article: NCQ technology. Should I include AHCI?

SATA drivers: download / download (Installation instructions along with drivers are in the archive)

Driver for graphics card

Driver for a card from nVidia: download / download (32-bit) download / download (64-bit)

Previous driver version: download / download (32-bit) download / download (64-bit)

How to install: run the file that was downloaded from the links above. During installation, a message may appear stating that the driver is not certified. You should ignore it and continue the installation. After installing the driver, you need to restart the laptop.

Driver for a card from ATI: download / download (32-bit) / download / download (64-bit)

How to install: Before installing drivers for ATI cards, you need to install Microsoft NET Framework 2.0 (download / download). To install the drivers, run Setup.exe. After installing the driver on the card, you should restart the laptop.

If you have problems installing the driver, then try installing the previous version from the links above. If this does not work, then check out the first post on this forum topic: Drivers for cards. It says how to install. One more remark. If you use a non-original assembly of Windows XP like Zver, Black, Lite, Loner and others, then problems with installing drivers for ATI cards are almost guaranteed. To avoid them, use the original builds of Windows XP (Windows XP SP3 MSDN RUS, for example).

Driver for a card from Intel: download / download

How to install: download and unpack the archive, and then run Setup.exe. After installation, it is worth rebooting the laptop.

All questions about the drivers for the card, please set out in this forum topic: Drivers for cards.

Driver for Realtek sound card: download / download (latest version) download / download (earlier version)

Driver information for sound: These drivers are necessary for the full operation of sound on a laptop. Together with them, a utility is installed to configure various sound effects, a microphone, etc. If you encounter problems with the installation and operation of these drivers, then contact here: Solving problems with drivers for the sound card.

Driver for Broadcom network card: download / download

Description of the driver and how to install it: These drivers are necessary for the full functioning of the Ethernet adapter. With it, the laptop connects to a wired network. Without these drivers, you won’t be able to access the Internet through a regular network cable. To install them, first unzip the archive, and then go to the appropriate folder and run Setup.exe. If you suddenly have problems, then try to install the driver manually. The network card is often displayed in Device manager as Ethernet controller.

Driver for Wi-Fi adapter: download / download (Intel) download / download (Atheros) download / download (Broadcom)

Driver Details for Wi-Fi: These drivers are for the laptop’s wireless Wi-Fi adapter. Without them, the laptop will not be able to work with wireless networks. Depending on the configuration in this laptop, you can find wireless adapters Intel, Broadcom and Atheros. Before you install something there, you need to determine which Wi-Fi adapter you have. How to determine is described in detail in the first post of the topic: Solving problems with drivers for Wi-Fi. Problems with the operation of Wi-Fi devices are discussed separately in the topic: Solving problems with the operation of wireless equipment.

Driver for a card reader from TI: download / download

How to install: unpack the archive, run setup.exe and reboot the laptop after installation. The problems that are associated with card readers are discussed in this forum topic: Solving problems with card readers

How to determine which modem is installed: first you need to find out Ven code modem as described here: Drivers. Where and how to search. For modems on chips Conxant VEN-code (or VID) will have the following value: Ven_14f1, for modems on chips Agere. Ven_11c1.

How to install: unpack the downloaded archive and run the file Setup.exe in the appropriate folder.

Touchpad driver: download / download (current version of Synaptics) download / download (earlier version of Synaptics) download / download (current version of ALPS) download / download (earlier version of ALPS)

Driver Information: these drivers are intended for the touch panel under the keyboard or, as it is also called, the touchpad. Without the bottom, additional functions like scroll bars will not work. Along with the drivers, a utility for configuring the touch panel is also installed. Problems with the touchpad are discussed here: Touchpad. Discussion of problems with the operation of touch panels. Please note that the first message in the topic indicates how to determine the model of the touch panel.

Bluetooth driver: download / download (program) download / download (driver)

How to install: First you need to make sure that there is a Bluetooth adapter in the laptop. How to do this is described in the first post of this forum topic: Solving problems with Bluetooth adapters. If there is an adapter, then you should enable it. Then you need to install the drivers themselves. To do this, run in the appropriate folder with the drivers DPInst.exe. After installing the drivers, you can proceed to installing the program. We launch Setup.exe to start the installation. How to install drivers on Bluetooth is described in this guide: Installing a driver and setting up the Internet via Bluetooth.

Driver and program for working with a web-camera: download / download

How to determine which webcam is installed: this is indicated in the first post on this topic: WEB-cameras and everything related to them.

How to install: First you need to install the driver to work with the Web-camera, and then the program itself. They are located in the appropriate folders. For Windows XP You can limit yourself to installing only one driver. If you don’t have the time or desire to determine which camera you have installed, then you can also by typing. The right driver will work. We try the drivers in this sequence: Suyin. Chicony. Bison

Driver and software for the fingerprint scanner: download / download

How to install: First of all, you need to install the driver itself, which is located in the folder driver. If this is not done, then an error will appear during the installation of the program. After installing the driver, run setup.exe in the archive to install the program.

Launch Manager (Needed for additional buttons and volume control. Required to install): download / download

How to install: run Setup.exe and reboot the laptop. All questions on Launch manager We present in this topic of our forum: Launch Manager and everything related to it.

Acer Empowering Technology Utility Suite for Windows XP: Download / Download

How to install: first set .NET Framework and Acer Empowering Framework, and then other utilities. Detailed installation is described in this manual: Acer Empowering Technology. Acer Empowering Technology discussed in this forum topic: Acer Empowering Technology, and Acer erecovery is discussed separately in this forum topic: Acer eRecovery technology and everything related to it. As an alternative Acer eNet Management You can use NetSetMan.

Drivers for Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 for Acer Extensa 4220

Before moving on to drivers and utilities, you need to consider how to install Windows Vista, 7, or Windows 8 on a laptop. The installation procedure is shown in detail in the manuals: Installing Windows Vista and 7 on a laptop, Installing Windows 7 and Vista from a USB flash drive and How to install Windows 8. If you suddenly encounter any problems at this stage, then contact here: Windows 7 and all that Windows 8 is associated with it. Discussion of a new operating system.

Now a few words about drivers and utilities. Since the drivers for Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 quite similar, it was decided to combine them into one section. Many of them work well on Windows Vista, and on Windows 7, and on Windows 8, but some are compatible with only one or two operating systems. In such cases, separate links to driver versions for Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8 will be posted. If there is no separate version for Windows 8, then use the driver version for Windows 7. The drivers on this page are constantly updated as new versions become available.

A complete set of drivers for Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8:

Drivers for the chipset and for other system devices from Intel: download / download

How to install: In the archive at the links above, there are directly drivers for the chipset, as well as Intel Rapid Storage (formerly Intel Matrix Stroage). First you need to run the file setup.exe and restart the laptop. Then install Intel Rapid Storage. To do this, run the file IRST.exe. This application will be delivered only if AHCI mode is enabled in the BIOS. What this mode is described in this article: NCQ technology. Should I include AHCI?

Driver for graphics card

How to determine which card is installed: first you need to find out Ven code of your card for this guide: Drivers. Where and how to search. For cards Intel VEN code will be equal Ven_8086, for cards ATI. Ven_1002, and for cards nVidia. Ven_10de.

Driver for a card from nVidia: download / download (32-bit) download / download (64-bit)

Previous driver version: download / download (32-bit) download / download (64-bit)

How to install: unpack the archive using the links above and run setup.exe. During installation, a message may appear stating that the driver is not certified. You should ignore it and continue the installation. After installing the driver, you need to restart the laptop.

Driver for a card from ATI: download / download (32-bit) download / download (64-bit)

How to install: unpack the driver and run Setup.exe. At the end of installing the driver on the card, we reboot the laptop.

If you have problems installing the driver for the ATI card, try installing the previous version. It is available at the links above. If installing a previous version did not change the situation, then please read the first message on the relevant forum topic: Drivers for cards. It describes in detail what and how to do.

Driver for card from Intel for Windows Vista: download / download

Driver for card from Intel for Windows 7: download / download

How to install: download and unpack the archive, and then run Setup.exe. After installation, it is worth rebooting the laptop.

All questions about the drivers for the card, please ask in this forum topic: Drivers for cards.

Driver for Realtek sound card: download / download (latest version) download / download (earlier version)

Driver Details: These drivers are necessary for the full operation of the sound. To install, you just need to run setup.exe in the folder with the driver. Along with it, a utility is also installed to configure various sound effects, a microphone and other things. You can solve any problems with drivers for sound here: Solving problems with drivers for a sound card. Acoustic connection issues are discussed separately: Acoustic systems. Connect and configure external speakers. Microphone issues are also discussed separately: Microphone. Solving problems with the setup and operation of the microphone.

Driver for Broadcom network card: download / download

Driver Information for Ethernet Adapter: these drivers are for the laptop network card. With it, the laptop connects to a wired network. Without them, you won’t be able to connect to the Internet through a regular network cable. To install these drivers, first unzip the archive, and then go to the appropriate folder and run Setup.exe. In case of problems with the installation, try installing the driver manually through device Manager. The network card there is often displayed as Ethernet controller. If you have problems with these drivers, then contact here: Search, install and solve problems with drivers.

Driver for Wi-Fi adapter: download / download (Intel) download / download (Atheros) download / download (Broadcom)

General information about these drivers: they serve for the full functioning of the laptop’s wireless Wi-Fi adapter. Without them, the laptop will not be able to work with wireless Wi-Fi networks. In this laptop you can find wireless adapters Intel, Broadcom and Atheros. Drivers for them need different. Before proceeding with the installation, you need to determine what your Wi-Fi adapter is. This is described in detail in the first post of the topic: Solving problems with drivers for Wi-Fi. Network configuration problems are discussed separately here: Solving network configuration and operation problems.

Driver for a card reader from TI: download / download

How to install: unpack the archive and run setup.exe. After installation, it is advisable to restart the laptop. Problems with card readers, please state here in this forum topic: Solving problems with card readers

How to determine which modem is installed: first you need to find out Ven code modem as described here: Drivers. Where and how to search. For modems on chips Conxant The VEN code will have the following meaning: Ven_14f1, for modems on chips Agere. Ven_11c1.

How to install: unpack the downloaded archive and run the file Setup.exe in the appropriate folder.

Touchpad driver: download / download (latest version of Synaptics) download / download (earlier version of Synaptics) download / download (latest version of ALPS) download / download (earlier version of ALPS)

Broken Button On Acer Aspire 5739g Laptop

General driver information: These drivers are needed for the touchpad to work properly (touch panel below the keyboard) and its additional functions like scroll bars. Along with the drivers, a utility is also installed to configure various functions of the touch panel. If you have a problem with the touchpad, then please contact this forum topic: Touchpad. Discussion of problems with the operation of touch panels. In the same place, the first message says how to determine the touchpad model.

Bluetooth driver: download / download (program) download / download (driver)

How to install: First you need to make sure that there is a Bluetooth adapter in the laptop. How to do this is described in the first post of this forum topic: Solving problems with Bluetooth adapters. If there is an adapter, then you should enable it. Then you need to install the drivers themselves. To do this, run in the appropriate folder with the drivers DPInst.exe. After installing the drivers, you can proceed to installing the program. We launch Setup.exe to start the installation. How to install drivers on Bluetooth is described in this guide: Installing a driver and setting up the Internet via Bluetooth.

Driver and program for working with a web-camera: download / download

How to determine which webcam is installed: this is indicated in the first post on this topic: WEB-cameras and everything related to them.

How to install: First you need to install the driver to work with the Web-camera, and then the program itself. If you don’t have the time or desire to determine which camera you have installed, then you can also by typing. The right driver will work. We try the driver in this order: Suyin. Chicony Bison.

Driver and software for the fingerprint scanner for Windows Vista: download / download

Driver and program for fingerprint scanner for Windows 7: download / download

How to install: First of all, you need to install the driver itself, which is located in the folder driver. If this is not done, then an error will appear during the installation of the program. After installing the driver, run setup.exe in the archive to install the program.

Launch Manager (Needed for the additional buttons and volume control to work. Must be installed): download / download (Windows Vista) download / download (Windows 7)

How to install: run Setup.exe and reboot the laptop. All questions on Launch manager We express in this forum topic: Launch Manager and everything related to it.

Acer Empowering Technology Utility Suite for Windows Vista: Download / Download

Acer Empowering Technology Utility Kit for Windows 7: Download / Download

How to install: first set Acer Empowering Framework, and then other utilities. Detailed installation is described in this manual: Acer Empowering Technology. Acer Empowering Technology discussed in this forum topic: Acer Empowering Technology, and Acer erecovery is discussed separately in this forum topic: Acer eRecovery technology and everything related to it. As an alternative Acer eNet Management You can use NetSetMan.

Edited by: Fuzzyl. June 25, 2018
Reason: Updating drivers. Material Version 6.0